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Top 3 Mistakes Parents Make When Attempting To Reduce Child’s Screen Time & How You Can Avoid Them

Written by: Jessie Liew, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Today I am going to share with you how to reduce your child’s screen time so that they don’t get addicted to the screen.

This is for you if you are parents who are concerned about your child’s screen time and the interaction they have with tech and the Internet.

You are worried that your child will get addicted to the screen or even be exposed to inappropriate content and Internet dangers.

Before I start, I wanted to share some case studies with you so that you know whatever I said is useful.

In the past, Hanna has to snatch the iPad from her son, yelled and even beg his son to take away his iPad from him.

The son would cry, kick away his mom, and try to snatch back his iPad.

Before this, he uses his iPad for 8 hours long.

After attending the session, her son’s iPad use is about 2 hours a day. He doesn’t whine or yell for his iPad and can indulge in other activities.

In the past, Simona’s son keeps chasing for the smartphone and they usually hunt for the best time for the smartphone especially when Simona was extremely busy.

Usually, Simona would give in the smartphone, and after she settled she need to take away the smartphone from her son in which her son will be unhappy with, and give her back reluctantly.

Therefore there was a lot of tension between Simona and his son due to the smartphone.

After attending the session, the tension has been reduced and her child also shows less behavior of chasing the smartphone.

In the past, Diana has to find out where is the smartphone as her son would be using it at night or in the early morning.

Both of them have to chase on the smartphone. The tension is high.

Now after attending the session, the screen time setting has been set and negotiated with her son therefore the screen time has been reduced to 2 hours a day.

Now, pay attention to whatever I share so that you can gain the most valuable insight into reducing your child’s screen time.

Here are the 3 common mistakes I see in parents when comes to reducing their child’s screen time.

Mistake 1: Parents do not set the agreement on tech use in family

Parents do not set the agreement on tech use. Most parents have no clarity in digital parenting their children.

Before the session with me, Roopa has no idea about digital parenting and agreement on-screen use.

She just based on her mood or intuitions which send different messages to her daughter, which resulted in tension and unhappiness between her daughter and herself.

After the session, she had gain clarity and work with her daughter to co-create the agreement on tech use in the family.

Now, both parents and children understand and agree on expectations of tech use in the family. Children are more accountable as they co-create the agreement.

Mistake 2: Parents did not secure the apps/devices that the child uses.

Before the session with me, Diana has no idea to secure the apps/device environment.

The child can install anything they want and can use the tech in their bedroom, resulting in some content or app that her child watches which is not appropriate for him, and lack of sleep.

After she has gone through the session, the apps/device has been set to a child-friendly environment, eliminating inappropriate content/apps.

The downtime has been set therefore the child cannot use the device during his sleep time.

Mistake 3: Parents forget that the screen is addictive and shape their child’s screen habits

Before the session, Hanna didn’t think that the apps/content are shaping their children’s attention, mindset, and habits.

After some time, she realized that his son was always hooked on the screen and the way they talk sounds like someone else. After the session, her son’s screens habits have been shaped therefore she knows what they are doing on day to day basis.

Parents need to know to shape their children’s screen habits and know what they are doing on day to day basis. With this, their children will be able to have a balanced life between their online world and offline world and use the Internet / electronic devices responsibly.

If you are curious about how we have helped our clients achieve the result with our digital parenting coaching, let’s have a conversation and I’ll share with you how it could work for you too.

On our call, you will get to

  1. Know the exact framework I use in reducing my children’s screen time so that they use the electronic devices responsibly and stay safe online.

  2. Find out the mistakes you have in reducing your child’s screen time so that you won’t repeat the same mistakes.

  3. Discover about what are your challenges in reducing your child’s screen time so that you can take the right action.

  4. Share your goals and what you inspire to achieve so that you have clarity in digital parenting your children.

  5. Your questions are answered so that you have cleared all your doubts and false parenting beliefs that are working against you.

I am so excited to announce that I am going to have a live webinar next Thursday 2 Dec 2021 8 AM Eastern time.

In this webinar, I am going to present to you “How to reduce screen time for your child without the constant nagging, arguing, taking away the devices while creating a deeper connection and increasing family time”

Here's the register for the free webinar:

This webinar is limited in spots, due to limited space in a zoom room. Due to the nature of this webinar and the number of quality lessons I put in place, you may not want to miss this.

There is no "send me the recordings" with this.

If you can see that this is a once-in-a-lifetime golden precious sharing session, register below and show up for real.

If you would like help with reducing your children’s screen addiction and improving your relationship with them, join my free Facebook group to get immediate access to all of my free training:

If you would like 1:1 coaching with me to help you reduce your children’s screen addiction and improve your relationship with them, book a free strategy call with me here:

Follow Jessie on Facebook for more information.


Jessie Liew, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jessie Liew is a Digital Parenting Coach. As a cybersecurity expert, a mother of 4, she also has to face the same task as all parents, which is rearing safe & responsible digital citizens. We are living in a digital era, and hence we need new skills to parent our children. She’s been working in the cybersecurity field for more than 14 years. She also holds professional certifications in Cyber Security (CISSP, CRISC, and CISA). She has been able to shape the companies’ employees' internet habits as well as in her own children. Her Mission: Empower Parents to nurture their children to use the Internet and technologies in a positive way while staying safe on the Internet. This builds the foundation of our future Digital Citizens. She is looking for parents or educators who want to nurture their children to be responsible digital citizens and build a great relationship with their children



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