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Top 12 Mistakes That Sabotage Female Entrepreneurs' Sales And How To Fix Them In 2025

Dr. Murielle THEZENAS is a Mindset Business Mentor and Trainer for Female Entrepreneurs, Certified Closer, Creator of ©LoveClosing. She helps solo female entrepreneurs (coaches, trainers, consultants, freelancers) overcome their struggles with sales and build financial freedom. She is one of the Top 15 Coaches in Paris by Influence Digest Media.

Executive Contributor Dr. Murielle Thezenas

"Being passionate is great. Selling is better!"Too often, female entrepreneurs face a frustrating reality: they create, they inspire, but they do not sell enough.

a group of four women in a professional setting, standing and sitting around a table with a laptop and coffee cups. They appear confident and engaged, with each person displaying a unique expression.

The result?Insufficient revenue, a fragile business, and growing frustration.

Why is that? The answer is simple:Selling is not innate. It is a skill that needs to be developed. I call it a "Vital Skill," a must-have ability for anyone who wants to succeed.

The good news? By identifying the blocks that prevent you from selling with ease and confidence, you can transform your relationship with sales and make 2025 your most successful year yet.

Here are the top 12 mistakes that might be sabotaging your sales, along with how to fix them to make selling smooth, aligned, and even fun!

1. You lack love for sales (and money)

For many female entrepreneurs, sales can feel "pushy" or overly aggressive, and talking about money might feel awkward or even inappropriate. The result? You avoid selling, which means your business doesn’t grow, and your prospects miss out on solutions they truly need.

But here’s the truth: selling is giving. It’s giving your clients a transformation, giving your business the resources to thrive, and giving yourself the chance to achieve your dreams. Money is simply the energy that fuels your mission.

Stop saying, "I don’t do this for the money," and start aligning with your sales process. Ask yourself, "How many people can I truly help if I keep avoiding sales?"

2. You don’t prioritize sales

Sales often take a backseat to other activities like branding or content creation. While these tasks are gratifying, they are ultimately ineffective without conversions.

The result? Your audience grows, but your revenue doesn’t. Sales don’t happen by chance; they require intention. Set clear conversion goals for every stage of your marketing strategy and block specific times for prospecting and sales calls.

3. Your pricing lacks consistency (and conviction)

Aligning your prices with "the market" without believing in the value of your offer is a common mistake. For example, imagine a coach who undercharges out of fear of losing clients, even though she knows her results are life-changing.

If you’re unsure about your pricing, your prospects will feel it too. Without confidence, you can’t confidently state or defend your prices. Build a pricing policy based on the results and transformations you deliver. Ask yourself, "Are my prices too high for my audience, or are they too high for me?"

4. You don’t qualify your prospects enough

You want to help everyone, especially those who have the exact problem your solution addresses. This "heart-centered audience" resonates with you emotionally, but they may lack the budget, urgency, or commitment to act.

The result? You exhaust yourself chasing prospects who aren’t ready to buy. Instead, focus on your business audience: those who recognize their pain, are ready to act, and are able to invest. Your heart-centered audience can inspire your mission, but your business audience is what makes your company thrive.

5. You rush the discovery phase

You’re eager to present your offer, convinced it’s the perfect solution. But without a proper discovery phase, prospects can feel misunderstood, and you may miss key insights into their needs.

Consider a consultant who dives into her services without asking enough about her client’s goals. The result? Rejection—and she might not even understand why. Closing isn’t a sprint; it’s the result of a strategic, aligned conversation where every need is addressed.

6. You treat objections as rejection

Hearing "It’s too expensive" or "I need to think about it" can feel like a dead end. But objections aren’t barriers; they’re openings. They often reflect doubt, fear, or confusion.

For example, a prospect saying, "I need to think about it," likely needs reassurance about the value and benefits of your offer. Welcome objections with curiosity and see them as opportunities to clarify and build trust. Remember, if your prospect wasn’t interested, they wouldn’t ask questions.

7. You don’t have a sales method

Many entrepreneurs treat sales as a one-off event rather than the backbone of their business. Without a clear process, sales often depend on luck – good or bad.

Meanwhile, successful entrepreneurs generate consistent, predictable results because they rely on a structured sales process. This method validates every step, from attraction to closing, and ensures steady results. A strong process creates strong outcomes.

8. You wing your sales calls

Thinking, "I’ll just be myself," during sales calls might feel natural, but without structure, it’s easy to lose focus or control.

Imagine a warm, engaging conversation that ends with no clear decision because there was no framework to guide it. A structured script acts as your compass, helping you navigate each stage, from objections to negotiation to closing. Sales, like any skill, require practice. The more you train, the better you’ll perform.

9. You ignore key performance indicators (KPIs)

Likes and followers are nice, but they don’t pay the bills. Too many entrepreneurs overlook critical metrics like conversion rates or customer acquisition costs (CAC).

These KPIs are your secret weapon for optimizing your sales process. For example, knowing your conversion rate lets you predict exactly how many prospects you need to meet your revenue goals. Don’t move forward blindly. Track the numbers that matter.

10. You only sell when you need to

After a few successful closings, you focus on delivery and neglect prospecting. Then, when your projects are complete, you find yourself with no new clients lined up.

This feast-or-famine cycle is exhausting and unsustainable. Sales must become a regular routine, not an emergency measure. Keep your pipeline full by treating sales as a daily habit, not a last-minute scramble.

11. You rely too much on delegation

Dreaming of handing over all sales responsibilities to a closer or salesperson? While tempting, delegating without understanding the basics is risky.

If you don’t know what to expect, how can you guide them? If you don’t understand sales, how can you evaluate their performance? Delegation isn’t abdication. A strong grasp of sales fundamentals helps you collaborate effectively and measure success.

12. You think sales isn’t for you

"I’m a coach, not a salesperson." Sound familiar? This mindset creates a false dichotomy: it frames sales as something at odds with your values.

But no one is born a salesperson. Sales is a skill that anyone can learn, and better yet, you can learn to sell in a way that feels authentic to you. By embracing this skill, you open the door to transforming lives and fulfilling your mission.

You now have the 12 keys to identify and overcome your sales blocks. By shifting your approach, you can multiply your revenue, grow your business, and achieve your goals with confidence.

Ready to take this "Vital Skill" to the next level in 2025?

Join my free masterclass on January 7: "Master Your Sales Calls to Multiply Your Revenue."

Together, we’ll explore how to close with alignment and integrity using my ©LoveClosing Method.

Sign up for free here and discover how to fall in love with sales and achieve your goals in 2025.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and website for more info!


Dr. Murielle Thezenas, PhD Mindset Business Mentor Coach

For many female entrepreneurs, sales and closing are synonymous with pressure and manipulation, that slows down their expansion.

Dr. Murielle created the ©Love Closing to teach these professionals to appropriate the keys of an ethical closing, aligned with their energies and sacred feminine, enabling them to master their sales, grow their revenue, and achieve financial freedom.

©LoveClosing places the female entrepreneur and her values at the heart of a simplified sales process, driven by love—the most powerful energy for ethical negotiations and sales.

Dr. Murielle THEZENAS is renowned for having trained over 800 female entrepreneurs in her proprietary ©LoveClosing method: she is one of the Top 15 Coaches in Paris by Influence Digest Media.

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