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Tips To Enhance Emotional Understanding

Written by: Jessi Risley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Emotional understanding begins at birth and is taught throughout childhood, during a time of immense personal and emotional development. Thriving in an environment of emotional stability and safety, we learn to understand who we are, how we feel and how to interact with others. This is the formative time of relationships and emotional regulation.

Communication plays a large role in our emotional development as children growing into adulthood. If the environment is unstable, leaving little to no room for emotional communication and security, it is likely that these children are raised disconnected from themselves and lack emotional stability of their own understanding. As we grow, our processing capabilities are limited to our experiences and ability to stabilize our internal emotional understanding of our environment.

In order to become fluent in our emotional language and self-regulation, we must learn how to see outside of our own perspective of emotional attachment or disconnection.

Here’s how to enhance your emotional understanding:

1. Differentiate between ego and intuitive thinking.

Growing up in an unstable enviornment leads to insufficient emotional security, allows for extensive exposure to fight or flight stimulation, becoming more adherent to the characteristics of one’s personality, rather than an extension of their circumstances. This is a byproduct of fear-based thinking and rationalization.

Intuitive processing is a natural flow of emotional growth from childhood into adulthood, allowing for a slower momentum of understanding and regulation. In this state, you are more apt to communicate and ask questions regarding how you feel, as opposed to suppression and regression.

2. Allow yourself to feel without guilt.

properly grow in an emotional aspect, you must allow yourself to feel what’s happening within your mind-body connection ‒ to understand what the emotions are telling your physical body about the experience of emotional attachment to yourself, situations, circumstances, etc. To feel without guilt creates a new environment of peace and acceptance that may not have been apparent previously. As you begin to understand your emotional states and the messages of your mind-body connection, you will begin to acknowledge that regulation is an important aspect of personal connections and relationships.

3. Build a connection between who you were to who you are now.

Personal expansion is best experienced by understanding the past. Once you harness the story of who you were and where you came from, you can cultivate a healthy present in order to build your desired future. Learning from the past is vital to ensure that your present is not a repeating pattern of unhealthy behavior and stunted emotional growth. Emotional healing is your responsibility; to change the narrative of your life experience and enhance your personal connections. It becomes easier to expand personally and in relationships after you have acknowledged where growth and healing were most needed and allowed the implementation of change.

4. Become aware of your internal dialogue.

Your choice of internal conversation can become the epitome of external expression. Being aware of the impact you have on yourself, your healing and your understanding change the direction to which you transform. Your best attributes to your life and that of others is to better understand how your thoughts, actions/reactions, beliefs and self-reflection become the outward expression to the world. If it’s true that we teach the world how to treat us, we must learn to love who we are by embracing our story with compassion and a breath of transformational belief.

If you’d like more information about emotional healing and how it will positively impact your professional and personal life, please visit

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Jessi Risley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jessi Risley is a relationship specialist and psychic medium to high-profile individuals, In 2018, she completed her life coaching and NLP practitioner education that empowered her to help others overcome emotional distress surrounding relationships. Shortly after, Jessi began building a career teaching meditation, how to harness their innate personal power and heal their emotional trauma to better relationships, both platonic and romantic. She uses her natural-born gift to spiritually connect with her clients to offer deep healing transformation. Jessi has been featured in several publications, is a published author and offers customized mentoring for her clients based on their needs.

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