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Tips For Abundant Confidence

Written by: Jesi Carroll, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Who Freaking Cares?!”

Three words that shifted the way I showed up for myself recently.

I was about to go on stage for a professional speaking opportunity and five minutes before was hit with a wave of anxiety and fear I haven’t felt in years.

I’m talking full body shakes, red in the face, and armpits SWEATING (super sexy, I know).

It was out of body and brought me back to a place I haven’t been in a while but so many of my clients are in when we first connect.

So many women I work with start out fearful, feel lost, confused, spread thin, and so overwhelmed with life that it has taken over their ability to enjoy it.

They don’t even know how to process their moment because they are so clouded by their stress.

That feeling recently came over me too.

Instead of walking towards the stage (I had prayed for) I actually had to step outside and get some air. I was freaked out.

That’s when a friend/mentor of mine took me aside and said those three powerful words to me:


What he meant by it was:

Let go of your expectations

Let go of the story of how you THINK it should go

Let go of the fear around how others may see you

Stop being unappreciative of this moment by spending it stressing

Let go of your logic, limits, and low energy

What it instantly snapped me into:

Remembering why I was stepping onto that stage

Focusing on what mattered most (which was serving others through my message)

Having fun and feeling grateful for the experience

Showing myself that anxiety and fear are just your body telling you it’s important to you and that it’s okay to feel fear sometimes

Getting into my heart and expanding from there

Which allowed me to show up powerfully on stage and hear from others how my words “impacted and helped them” and how they really “needed that today.”

So just know that with whatever your “stage” (whether an actual stage or that next job you’re trying to land, or that business you want to start, or the skill you’re trying to learn, or the goal you’re going for in any capacity)…

WHO FREAKING CARES about the stuff that doesn’t matter.

What matters is you pushing through & FACING the fear despite feeling it.

THAT is true confidence. THAT is what changes your life and gets you REALLY living it. And THAT is what will show you how little a grip fear actually has on your life.

In the words of the late Wayne Dyer, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

With so much love,


Your Career Confidence Coach

Follow Jesi on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.


Jesi Carroll, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jesi Carroll, Career and Confidence Mastery Coach, is the founder of the Re-Design Your Life Academy and The Goddess Collective; an empowerment community for women. Her purpose is to help women step into their next level self so they can become the woman they aspire to be. To show them what's possible for their life so they can leave the overwhelm behind and walk fiercely into their purpose and true calling. Jesi has been featured in dozens of podcasts, published in major magazines, has helped hundreds of women change their lives through her more than 10 years of combined mentoring and coaching experience, and is in the midst of writing two books that will be published in 2022 and a podcast on the way. She decided that when she finally broke free from the hamster wheel 9-5 life, she was going to show others how to do the same and how to go from "just surviving" to living a life by design.

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