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Time to Find Your Voice

Written by: Sarah-Jayne Juniper, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


To find your voice is daunting, confusing, and forever changing with your perception of the world around you.


I write this from a concept of embracing and loving yourself to the maximum. It is tough to be loud and proud about all that you admire in life until you do so. As individuals, we are under endless pressure to believe and feel appropriate for society yet, who made the rules? Who has the right to say something is right or wrong?

On my personal journey of becoming loud and proud, I’ve realized that I am the one who has and is still stopping me from becoming me confused yet? This strange journey called life has been created and adapted according to the beliefs I have chosen to listen to and respond to. As my awareness around this grows, the weirder it all gets. Suddenly the books, famous sayings, and concepts of life make sense; we are what we choose to be, and only we (you & I) have the power to change our realities. We have to trust the process!

Once again, I question what exactly this process is. Is there a script, guidelines, or structure I need to be following to speed things up? If so, someone, please hand it to me. The answer is no. We have to trust, learn and believe that if we want to change (in whichever form we desire), it takes time and many lessons that we need to fall forward into. Even then, we may never reach what we truly want. Life is all about the journey.

I believe that to be loud and proud is to go inward, silence the never-ending outside noise, and embrace every day as it comes. Share your unique experiences and stories with others through the amazing mediums we have to hand today, realizing she is not for them but you. Everything we do is for ourselves. Once we accept this, we can then begin to serve and provide for others. Our voice is ours to use, express, and share, to understand that our message will change as we learn.

My advice to anyone reading this is to choose your story and share it. Today, we face the idea of ‘let’s talk’ yet controlled and guided with a specific topic in mind. Share your story and the journey which led you to those thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Know that someone somewhere is reading it. You have taught them something, and that’s powerful!

When we learn that transparency in life is where change lies, we will recognize that to be unique is the meaning of life, the journey, the process. Sharing and expressing ignites realities and disburses nonsense. So, go and find your voice, be the teacher you never had and embrace every second of your beautiful journey of life.

How? Sit, and free-write/speak from your heart, and keep typing/writing. Remember, there is no right or wrong.

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Sarah-Jayne Juniper, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sarah-Jayne Juniper is a leader in Transformational Life Coaching. After struggling to understand her position in the world and the boundaries placed in front of her regarding academic success, she set out to challenge barriers and the concept of societal norms. Since she accomplished an MSc in Psychology, she has traveled the world and launched Sarah-Jayne Life Coach, a company fuelled with determination- reconnecting individuals with themselves, finding balance, and encouraging personal growth and fulfillment. Her clients are those who are ready to take life to the next level, face mental health with a forward-thinking attitude and focus on their full potential.

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