Written by: Kel Green, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

TIME is one of the most valuable assets we have. Why? Because it is limited, there is a finite amount of TIME we have here on the planet. TIME is by default, a part of the reality in which we live.
Regardless of how we use our TIME, we need to accept it as a constant. We are all here, making our choices in this TIME-based reality. A reality created by us, for us.
In each moment we exercise an infinite number of choices in how we use up these precious seconds, minutes, hours, and days.

Some of us prioritise and systematise TIME thinking we are in control of it; whilst others move aimlessly through it without a care.
Either way, we use TIME to shape our life stories from a mindset of ‘to do’. We ‘do’ life rather than be present to it.
From the mindset of ‘doing’, we are constantly using our mind to ‘get it done’ in order to ‘get something’ or ‘somewhere’ else in the future.
Our days and nights are filled with an endless stream of thoughts and doing to achieve our goals. Alternatively, we may be lost in a quagmire of attachment to memories of pain and pleasure, preferring instead to do activities that fill our days with distraction.
It seems we have lost touch with who we are, and the value of what truly matters. We are not paying attention to the sand falling through the hourglass as we move through the days of our lives.
Our life in this moment is the evidence of who we have been. It’s our story of creation from birth to now sourced from how we have lived, who we are, and the material reality in which we reside. This is the pointy end of where we are at right HERE.
What can we do to make the most of the TIME that’s left for us?
Well, let’s explore some of the beliefs of the mind.
TIME as a dollar value
TIME as a to-do list
TIME is something you have plenty of
TIME is something you never have enough of
TIME as a waste of
These beliefs and any more you may be thinking about right now are potential attachments held in the mind that define your personal meaning of TIME.
The meaning you have about TIME is shaped by your belief. The meaning of the word belief here, is that of an absolute or unchanging thought, held in the mind about the word TIME.
When we hold onto a thought in the mind as a belief, it limits our understanding of anything that lies beyond it. The mind has become identified or attached to those thoughts and remains in the reality created.
Without realising it, YOUR meaning of TIME shapes your reality and experience of life.
Just think about this for 30 seconds!
For example, If I continued to hold the belief in my mind that my TIME has a dollar value, what type of reality is that creating?
I would guess a life measured by the accumulation of material things and possibly people based on their dollar value. I would likely fill my diary with a lot of tasks aligned with their potential to generate dollars.
This belief may produce the attainment and enjoyment of material things, but if I continued to adhere to it as my predominant meaning, then what of the rest of my life experience?
It is important to point out here that this is not a case of right or wrong thinking. It simply is. It is an exercise in demonstrating how holding onto thoughts as unchanging beliefs limit our way of seeing and experiencing our reality in TIME.
In this example, the experience and meaning of TIME is about material wealth.
It is you who is using your intention, and way of feeling with your mind with your instrument of thought to create your reality of experience.
Let’s now step outside the circle of your beliefs and explore three possible new meanings of TIME.
Possibility One – TIME as a series of experiences
Instead of tracking the hours and minutes of life, reframe the mind’s point of view so that your TIME becomes a series of experiences.
When we associate our experience with the meaning of TIME, the hours, minutes, and seconds fade into the background. We are brought into the present moment and become more aware of the feeling sensations in our body. In other words, we are using TIME to process how we feel in the experience we are having.
This way of thinking about TIME invites a juicy richness into everyday life. It slows down the thoughts in the mind and brings our awareness more into the physical body. In turn, it encourages a sharpness and vibrancy of experience. The mind is more focused on the present moment and the transition into that next moment.
TIME as a meaning of experience invites a greater sensory awareness that expands the consciousness of our whole be-ing not only rational intellect or head-based thought.
Our most poignant moments in life are defined by the beauty, richness, and depth of the experience in the present moment.
Possibility Two – TIME as a Value of Self
When we value our Self, we love our Self. Easy to say, but how do we do this?
The understanding of the Self speaks more deeply to the purpose of human life. It is best addressed as a separate subject for discussion. Suffice to say that we are all learning about who our true Self is by being here.
To adopt a meaning of TIME as a value the Self, we need to have the intention to do so. It is a choice to exercise our personal will. To access our personal will is something we desire and access from a part of ourselves beyond the mind. When we couple this with our intention of Self value with TIME, we move towards knowing more about who we are.
To value the Self does not mean using the ego-mind. This is where we have attached our personal identity of value in the roles we play such as teacher, manager, parent or otherwise. This does not mean identifying the value of your Self based upon the accumulation of material possession, the body’s appearance, or the measure of intellect.
The true Self means valuing the authentic you, the part that is always there beneath the layers of the mind’s illusion. This is the part of you that is whole and complete, waiting for you to discover that you are already that which you seek.
This is utilising TIME for the purpose of exploring your personal relationship between the world and your Self. It is to ‘sit with’ what has been, is, and will be with your current way of operating in the world.
This way of thought invites a TIME investment that moves beyond the limitations of ego. One which moves towards you experiencing an expanded more powerful and peaceful version of you.
We can be inspired and touched by a spark of remembrance from whence we came and where we will return. It’s up to us to wake up from the matrix of the mind.
Possibility Three – TIME as a life well lived
How do we think about this?
How do we feel about that?
Can we face the fact of our guaranteed exit?
Well, first accept it and become more aware.
Take a moment to consider, ‘yes, this body has a use-by date’, it can’t go on forever. Sooner or later, something is going to happen, and that will be it.
The reaction for most of us when presented with these question is, ‘sh!t scared’.
After all it’s likely the biggest fear that most of us have. Breathe a few TIMEs, think about it some more, breathe a few more TIMEs. Ok. Now consider where you are right now, you are likely very much alive!
What you do right now with your thoughts, words, and actions matters. It matters because you have a choice about what’s next for you. It matters because you have dreams, desires, and a world of possibilities before you.
All of this begins with accepting a greater responsibility for how you use your body/brain and mind. To be open your mind to the possibility that you are more than this.
It begins with changing the way you see your Self, the thoughts you pay attention to, the way you treat your body, and how you are in the world.
If you were going to walk away from your life tomorrow, what would matter most to you?
Having given this question much thought myself, the answer came to me as relationships.
I would want to have brought love to all the people I touched with my life. For me to do this, requires me to live in a particular way, to have a certain level of integrity in how I communicate and conduct my life.
Knowing what really matters defines our way of being, our choices and makes the moments and people in them more poignant and meaningful.
We create TIME through our intention, values, and choice of thought, words, and action. These aspects of our humanity we exercise by default with our state of mind and point of view.
You have a choice to become more aware of YOUR thoughts, meanings, and values about TIME. To exercise the privilege of being here in your human suit, in a more meaningful way.
The clarity of your mind’s point of view is in direct relationship with your awareness of who you are.
The attachments of your mind are all that sits between you and broadening your experience in this TIME-based reality.
It begins with taking the journey inward to know your Self.
Kel Green M.A
Power of Love "Self Awareness – Everything is Within"
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Kel Green, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
The Art of Being You
For individuals who aspire to ‘be’ their best self, to live an extraordinary authentic life.
Kel Green M.A is a leader in ways to know your Self. An Educator, Speaker, Meditation Teacher & Self-Help Author who lives and breathes Self-Awareness.
Kel provides you with uniquely crafted personal development tools, wisdom, and techniques incorporated into your daily routine to allow you to access authenticity and your personal power.
Kel brings over 35 years of experience in IT businesses, eastern and western self-development tools along with transformative healing modalities. She has a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, a business degree, has authored several Self-awareness books and is a long-time meditator and yoga practitioner.
Kel is a Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor, a regular on the podcast for The Most Intelligent Selection.
Kel uses her personal stories and challenges in breaking dysfunctional patterns to take the journey from head to heart. She draws on this as inspiration to provide programs, tools, and techniques to open your mind to a greater understanding of who you are.