Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr. is a Master in Core Energy Dynamics being one of a few in the world. He provides the understanding of how our mind-body-energy connection operates delivering solutions for optimized outcome. Founder of Continuum Core Coaching and a Internationally acclaimed best selling author of "Ready Connect Grow" Anthology published 2023.

Imagine that you influence your own energy each day and that’s the energy you send into the world. You influence your thinking through what you do and how you feel. The biggest change you can make is to build the level of your core energy with anabolic growth.

Let's get going
When I was a young boy, my influencers were my father, mother, grandparents and uncle. They taught me the understanding of the value in nature and its energy. This helped me with learning the interactions of the natural world and human nature. We always had pets in our lives and music playing in the background. I became aware of how important it is to be tuned in with whatever I was doing.
One of the more impactful childhood memories I have as a five year old is when my father would walk me through the woods to our neighbors house. When we would leave to walk home in the dark through the woods, I would always reach for my father’s hand and feel safe.
One dark night my father said to me, it was time to let go of his hand and to walk in the dark alone ahead of him. I said no Dad I’m afraid of the dark. He said Son, there is nothing to be afraid of. No matter how dark it would be, there is always light in darkness. That nature would show the way by the guiding light of the stars, moon and sun that would shine soon. Dad would say that fear is just temporary and that we would keep walking forward not to look back because time is always moving forward and so will we.
My father and grandfather were active sportsmen. Each was an accomplished athlete in their own right. They got me involved in the sports world to develop me in the understanding of what it was to compete, to win and lose graciously. One of their messages was that growth starts within each one of us. To become aware of how to express myself in all that I was doing with 100% of my energy. My mother would go on to teach me that we are all different as I am the middle child of five. For me it was like being the monkey in the middle finding my own pathway in life.
Experiencing life's realities
When I was eight years old, my grandfather passed on. This left a deep void in my life. I spent many weekends at my grandparent's house. My grandfather insisted that I learn the value of money and its energy. He taught me that by working hard and never giving up I would become successful in who I am. He taught me how to play cards.
Simple games at first and then gin rummy. His message here was to understand numbers and how to make them fit in order to win the game. Always giving my best win or lose. To compete with pride and courage.
Upon my grandfather’s passing, my father and I became that much closer. Dad and I continued to go on our nightly walks after dinner, often bringing one of our dogs. We did this, walking through wooded areas, fields and on dirt roads. Our conversations were focused on that I would never be alone calling upon his lessons that nature and its energy would always be available to guide me through troubled times. They were precious moments which I cherish to this day. Soon after I turned thirteen Dad passed on unexpectedly.
I was fortunate to have a loving caring mother and uncle who continued on with the teachings of my grandfather and father. Both my mother and uncle made it a point to keep supporting me on my different pathways as I found solace playing all sports. Ice Hockey became my specialty. They continued in the teachings that time is our friend. No matter how difficult moments in life could be, they were only temporary, like the energy of time I would always be moving forward and that time provided safety.
Time to giddy up
My uncle owned a farm which I started working on when I was 11 years old. He had me working in apple orchards, vegetable gardens, berry patches, horse stalls, dog runs, sheep pens, bailing hay, getting my hands in the soil connecting with the natural world. He taught me the value of working with nature in helping in its growth while maintaining a healthy environment.
As I continued to mature through my teenage years I learned that performance equals potential minus interference. Self-awareness and increased emotional management would help me deal with stressful situations.
In my college years at the University Of Delaware, I studied English and Economics. I read deep thinking philosophical authors including Mann, Dostoevsky, Plato, Solzhenitsyn, Conrad, Vonnegut, Tolstoy and others. I turned to studying behaviorism, reading John Watson, Thorndike and B.F.Skinner to expand my understanding of people’s interaction with the environment. The understanding of energy in every way kept calling me.
Choices determine destiny
After my educational experiences and studies, I took a job on the trading floor of the New York Commodity Exchange located in the World Trade Center. I gravitated to the business seeing that the energy on the trading floor was exhilarating. The trading was executed by open outcry, standing in the pits yelling and screaming the active prices of the International Precious Metal Markets.
Working in an environment with thousands of people under extremely stressful conditions was fascinating. It was a mixed culture of people from all walks of life. Intriguing to say the least, never a dull moment. I started as a clerk and worked my way up the ladder before deciding to start my own company, Bruckmann Trading Group, destined to make an impact on the world futures market in gold, silver and copper.
The vast array of personalities was extensive. I was well prepped in my upbringing from my athletic and educational experiences to work with the energy of the personalities and fluctuations of the markets as I drew upon my leadership abilities.
The personality is a fantastic vehicle in expressing who you are in all relationships, including business life. Being aware of your own personality and how it is expressed, as well as the expressive energy of other personalities are essential strategies for business success.
The trading floor allowed me to execute my business development on all fronts. By embracing time and its continued changes while using self-awareness and understanding of energy, I was able to engage accordingly with a continuum flow creating desired outcomes.
Success happens when preparation meets opportunity
With the understanding of core energy, I was able to build my company from just three employees to over 40 becoming one of the world’s leading independent floor traders and brokers. My client base included one of the first billion-dollar funds, the Mint Fund, as well as many central banks throughout the world. I traveled extensively through Europe, the U.S., Canada and parts of South America marketing, branding and presenting Bruckmann Trading Group. Invaluable experiences.
As an entrepreneur, taking responsibility for the successful outcome desired by the clients and my team was forefront for me as we moved from “The Me to The We to The Us.” Leaders have a common understanding to prepare for the future by making conscious choices, not just choices. To achieve your destiny is to be focused with anabolic energy and actions. A team working as one is an invaluable means for scalable and sustainable growth.
When a major shift occurs
In 2012 the Internet World came to the trading floor permanently. Commodities being one of the largest businesses in the world it became the first trading business to go online. The trading floor was to become extinct. Bruckmann Trading Group was forced to close. My thirty years on the trading floor was over. The transition was in full swing.
Fortunately, in 2006, I established KDB Consulting, which I continued working with as I kept with my purpose of helping others help themselves. Including coaching high school hockey.
I decided I wanted to continue my understanding of energy and its core values. I discovered the Institute for Professional Excellence In Coaching, iPEC. There were a few things that attracted me to iPEC. The principal program is 8 to 9 months of intense studying and learning the nuances of the Certified Coaching Industry. As I was well prepared to take that on, I saw a tremendous opportunity in not just the principal program but most importantly, for their Mastery Program of four concentrations, Leadership, Well-being, Performance, and Transition.
I decided to be certified in all four following the principal program to become one of less than 40 people in the world to achieve the Mastery of the Core Energy Dynamics Program from iPEC. The iPEC Mastery Program aligned perfectly with all my life experiences and studies. Core energy and its understanding had already been built within my authentic self which my mentors saw in me as a young boy. All the knowledge that I had attained prior to being awarded the Mastery from iPEC and its teachings allowed me to deliver to the public with whole heart.
In the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, ELI which is rated by Forbes Magazine as one of the best in the world. The ELI has given me profound insight into individuals on how they manage core values and energy while with stress and without. This unique tool is extremely valuable.
The power of engaging core energy shines like a trophy
In March 2022, the New Jersey Titans North American Hockey League Team called upon me. The players are between 17 and 21 years old hoping to move up to Professional status or in Division I college hockey. Applying the Core Energy Dynamics Model, I taught the coaches and players this framework. They quickly engaged and made it a part of their success.
I issued the ELI Assessment to the coaching staff. They embraced the results and applied them to their personal life immediately then into the role of their coaching positions. Working with the new knowledge of self-awareness and acceptance, the team became resilient and created new opportunities as they trusted each other through their continuum of change on and off the ice.
The Titans went on to win in epic and historic form. They had two game-tying goals in the final one second of playoff games and a tie in the final one minute forty-seven seconds of their semifinal. They won all three of those games in overtime to enter the national championship game. All of the NAHL League and followers were on the edge of their seats in disbelief. Still being cast as the underdogs. Without fear, they went on to defeat Alaska 3-1 to win their first National Title and the coveted Robinson Cup.
The Titans were living and breathing their core energy dynamics.
As with the success in the business world delivering the model here in the athletic world with the Titans, they learned to understand what the energy of moving from, “The Me, to The We, to The Us”. It is in this energy that the individuals find their understanding with awareness accepting the availability of time and its constant change empowering them to move into the present moment while executing all their energy in trusting the process to find their complete flow together into the Us with sustainable success.
It's all right within you
6 core energy influencers:
Physical: about your vitality.
Environmental: what surrounds you
Mental: full brain power.
Spiritual: sense of purpose.
Social: who you work with.
Emotional: a barometer.
7 core energy disciplines:
Awareness: being of knowledge.
Acceptance: what is and what is past.
Validation: recognition and affirmation.
Opportunity: a good position.
Conscious choice: guiding actions by thought.
Trusting the process: faith in yourself.
Transition: nothing stays the same.
A common denominator, the need for sustainable growth
Having had the fortune of working with clients throughout regions of the world there is a common theme for all people to achieve desired outcomes through the execution of trusting their process while in transition.
It is within your purpose and understanding of goals, which create sustainable confidence enabling resilience with trust to bounce back from any perceived setback. Like a light switch, from darkness to light transitioning from issues in the moment to outcomes to be determined. Having faith in your current plan and to work that plan to excellence while embracing the ability to give 100% of your energy in any given moment.
Trusting personal growth with acceptance in always doing the best you can. Understanding your potential for self-mastery, applying your conscious choice with presence of mind, using all your tools in your toolbox of experience. You choose how you think and react. This comes from having faith in yourself. Being the best you can.
You feel synthesis, joy, intuition, creative genius, vision and innovation, fostering power. The connector feeling connected to everyone and everything else with no judgment. Living in a state of awe and wonder without trying to figure things out. Life is an opportunity, allowing the experience of time changing and shifting constantly in continual motion. A continuum. This energy is anabolic. Here, you feel fearlessness and oneness with the ability to access intuition to focus on the whole. Developing a sense of oneness. See everyone and everything as themselves while moving your process through transition.
It is here in the moment of transition that we find the ability to be open for empowering opportunities for growth. Opening new possibilities for action. When in mind everything is happening in the now. In the transition, opportunities are present all around you. By identifying and stepping into them you create your advantage for desired outcomes.
There is nothing in the universe that says you cannot fulfill your own dreams and create a life you want to live. On the contrary, the universe actually invites you to step into who you were created to be, offering your unique skills to others only in ways you can. Whether you’re an established business mind, entrepreneur embarking on your next business idea, visionary or simply wanting to start a new quest in your personal life, you don’t need to wait around for an opportunity to present itself. The transition offers all you need to excel and work your truth.
Time is your friend for it is constantly changing moving forward. When people embrace this understanding and shift with the continuum of time without force you find your zone with flow. It is in this zone that you are able to execute all your understanding and experiences, knowing that you are never stuck in any particular issue and that, with time, you will step into your expanding growth without fear. This is the anabolic energy to thrive which all people strive to attain.
Inspiring growth, fulfilling achievement
One of my greatest career achievements has been working with people battling addiction. One client in particular, struggling with severe alcoholism, was lost, feeling totally empty and no longer feeling a desire to live. I helped him tap into his experiences and understanding of core energy dynamics.
It was during the winter months when I was called upon to help him through his extremely trying times. I would take him to the beach as we bundled up from the fierce cold doing walks and talks. I would mix that up by taking him up into the hills of the local wooded park Hartshorne Woods, one of the highest peaks on the east coast directly off the ocean.
We would start walking on a path and then I would take him deep into the woods as we created our own pathway eventually reaching an opening that directed us to a clear view of the river, bay and ocean below us. What I was taught as a young boy to work with nature has come full circle.
It is here that he found the confidence to believe in himself by trusting the process to delve into the light of transition. He was able to maintain sobriety starting then and is sober to this day. After less than a year's time working with him he is now working as an Assistant Director at a rehab center, applying all that he learned with our time spent together. He is delivering the knowledge of a core energy dynamics with profound success, helping others help themselves. Helping to shift the energy of people's lives are my proudest moments.
Inspiration from life's energy and experiences
I have been very fortunate in my life as a young boy and man to have been supported by certain family members and close friends who saw something special in me that I had not yet fully understood. It took the untimely deaths of my close family mentors pushing me to work with myself and trust what I had learned.
I knew that I would not succeed in isolation which became a very pivotal moment for the execution of my authentic self. I embraced the energy of those around me who work with their truth, allowing me to feel comfort in collaboration. With this awareness and the process which I have discussed, I trust the process through my transitions into finding peace in the moment to be fully present in my actions, bringing me into my empowerment to deliver anabolic energy in all I do.
Read more from Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr.
Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr., Core Energy Dynamics Master
Kurt D.Bruckmann Sr. is a leader in the understanding of Core Energy Dynamics. As a child he experienced several untimely tragedies in the loss of his father and other family mentor figures. He turned to his teachings from them to embrace nature and its ever guiding lessons of continual growth while in a continuum of change. As his life evolved Kurt went on to build and establish his own company while becoming one of the world's top precious metals traders on the floor of the commodities exchange in World Trade Center. He is a two time survivor of WTC attacks. He delivers his expertise of energy as founder of ContInuum Core Coaching. Kurt teaches and guides people in understanding their core energy. "From Impossible To I'm Possible"