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Three Ways To Feel Good At Work

Written by: Katina Smith, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Katina Smith

Recently, I had the pleasure of connecting with an old colleague of mine who I also consider a friend. We hadn’t spoken in awhile, so it took a moment to catch up. What was so enlightening about the conversation was our journey in the workplace and how certain encounters made us feel. The discussion continued with the ongoing struggles of the workplace from how we feel at work and different generations in the workplace that have various views, expectations, and desires. She shared some initiatives her agency has implemented to address workplace challenges such as training programs and one-on-one support. In addition to these types of initiatives, there are other actions we can take to change how we feel at work.

Woman in gray shirt speaking in front of colleagues

Daily intention

Feeling good at work requires daily intention on the part of all employees, but leaders must be in the driver's seat. A big struggle that we have in the workplace today is limited vision. Our peripheral vision has been distorted to the point where we only see what and who is in front of us versus our colleague in need who sits right next to us. We can easily get so focused on ourselves and our needs. To come out of self is often a battle, but definitely possible. Sometimes a simple word of encouragement or asking a colleague how they are doing can change their day and even the atmosphere at work.


Secondly, understanding that we all have a purpose in life and the ability to positively impact others around us will change how we feel and show up to work every day. We are called to do great things in life, but our situations and circumstances can influence us to the point where we become stuck in our minds and believe that there is nothing more for us to achieve or do. We become average in our thinking and actions because that’s been accepted in our circle. Who is influencing you and how you think about yourself and the world around you? We must take action and become advocates of change in our workplace and life in general driven by our purpose.

Evaluate needs

Finally, it’s important that we commit to evaluating our personal needs such as spending time alone for self-reflection, getting adequate exercise, eating healthier meals to nourish our body, using tools to overcome stress and worry, working on our sleep habits, and cultivating healthy relationships.

Final thoughts

This is a new workplace era because people seek purpose, flexibility, and creativity in their jobs, and they want to be productive and engaged. I am a strong proponent of working with others to resolve difficult problems. I love the saying, “It Takes a Village”. This is a task for all individuals. It’s time we get back to the human side of things. Everyone is important, we all matter, and we should feel good at work.

Call to action

I make people feel good at work! I can be reached here.

Also, you can read my book Sick Workplaces: What Employers Are Missing When It Comes To Workplace Wellness to learn more about the challenges that employees and employers face in the workplace and solutions.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!

Katina Smith Brainz Magazine

Katina Smith, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Katina Smith is a Workplace Wellness Trainer, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, and Certified Mental Wellness coach. She has over 20 years of experience evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and operations and over 10 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. Katina drives outcomes through active listening and utilizing scientifically proven methods that yield results when applied. She is the founder of Happiness In You, a health and wellness company that helps clients feel confident and live a healthy and happy life.

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