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Thoughtful Business Security – A Green Light For Investment And Development

Irina Proskurina is a proud CEO and founder of E-PR Online Agency – a New York-based digital platform that leverages online publications in the world’s most renowned media outlets to help people and businesses grow their brands. With years of experience in PR under her belt, she witnessed amazing client success stories: explosive audience reach boost, growth in SERP rankings and traffic, excellent brand reputation – you name it.

Executive Contributor Irina Proskurina

What do you associate with modern Ukraine? Insecurity, devastation, risks, or profitable and promising investment present times? In these challenging times, ordinary Ukrainian citizens and small, medium, and large businesses are working especially hard to restore what was lost and develop what currently exists. They are also fighting prejudices, attracting like-minded people and partners, and building a happier and more prosperous future.

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Large multinational businesses continue to operate in Ukraine and invest in the development and strengthening of their market positions. For instance, the Swiss corporation Nestlé S.A. is investing over $45 million in its business in Ukraine. Notably, a significant portion of these investments is directed toward the physical and financial security of employees and the organization. Another international giant, Bayer, is investing €60 million in production development in Ukraine and allocating a large share of funds to create a safe environment.

However, as is well known, the backbone of the economy is the actively developing sector of small and medium-sized businesses. An example is the Ukrainian company PRUS Security, which specializes in security and protection. The company's extensive experience allows it to offer reliable and adequate security measures tailored to the client's specific needs.

Victoria Prus, the company's international communications manager, shares the company's approach:

"At PRUS Security, we understand that building a successful business is inseparably linked with creating a reliable risk management strategy.”

Many business projects in Ukraine are currently in the development stage, where the risk map is being worked out, which is raising concerns about the increasing risk of the project. At the same time, business ideas are sometimes not implemented due to general fear of military actions, clichés regarding the Ukrainian business landscape during wartime, and misunderstandings about the situation in Ukraine's regions. Our company is here to help and debunk these myths.

Considering the above, we operate in several directions

1. Business intelligence service

Collecting, verifying, monitoring, and analyzing information; conducting due diligence of various depths and specialized information-gathering tasks, allowing clients to make informed decisions based on facts. Thus, based on fresh and accurate information gathered by local experts, clients can more fully familiarize themselves with the issues of interest.

2. Armored escort services

When the client has gathered all the necessary information and is ready to visit Ukraine on a business trip, we offer our escort services in armored or regular vehicles. Each person makes their own decision regarding movement, but an armored car is always an undeniable comfort advantage in any territory, dangerous or not.

3. Risk management at the purchase/investment site

This includes audits of general security, technical and information security, and personnel security on the site or its plans. Our specialists identify all weak points and prepare a straightforward report with recommendations for improving security on the site.

One recent example of our activities includes providing escort services in armored vehicles for the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, the Danish company Nordic Consulting Group, and several other European companies. During the provision of this service, various urgent concerns arise, requiring a prompt resolution. With great pride, we serve organizations engaged in vital international aid efforts, assisting in the planning and reconstruction of war-ravaged regions. Our unwavering commitment is to deliver services that prioritize client comfort, ensuring a seamless and supportive experience throughout their endeavors.

Another one of our initiatives includes offering security services to a Ukrainian business that is actively pursuing an investment project to construct housing for war veterans and internally displaced individuals. We lead the planning and implementation of a comprehensive set of security measures for the housing development area, including:

  • Physical security of the area of the housing developments 

  • Technical security — video surveillance and cybersecurity.

At PRUS Security, we firmly believe that establishing a robust security infrastructure is our primary global objective. This conviction extends to both our individual clients and our nation as a whole. We are dedicated to building a secure environment for everyone.

We pride ourselves on finding the necessary information upon request, plan our client's visit to Ukraine from “A to Z”. When they are physically present at their destination,, we plan and implement a comprehensive set of security measures down to the smallest detail to protect property, assets, and the successful implementation of investments.

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Thus, we contribute to improving the investment climate and further development our country. “We firmly believe that thoughtful business security is the foundation for development and prosperity," says Victoria Prus, international communications manager.

PRUS Security strives to meet international security standards. Our employees have international certifications from Highfield, UK, and our armored vehicles are certified according to EU standards. Therefore, we meet all the requirements of international insurance companies and are open to cooperation with investors and other foreign legal entities and individuals!” – Igor Prus, Co-Founder & CEO of PRUS Security Security

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Irina Proskurina, Entrepreneur

Irina Proskurina is a proud CEO and founder of E-PR Online Agency – a New York-based digital platform that leverages online publications in the world’s most renowned media outlets to help people and businesses grow their brands. With years of experience in PR under her belt, she witnessed amazing client success stories: explosive audience reach boost, growth in SERP rankings and traffic, excellent brand reputation – you name it. She’d like to share these stories to inspire readers to pursue PR strategies for their business endeavors. Her services allow companies to grow their brand essence, increase engagement with their target audience, capitalize on SEO and carve a unique space in their mark.

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