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This Is One Of The Ultimate Time Savers In Your Business

Written by: Karen Cappello, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As an executive coach and consultant, it always seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to do all that is required, doesn’t it?

businessman holding a alarm clock

That’s why one of the most important things for coaches outside of client attraction is time management. Today, I want to talk about an important time saver in your business. This is intended for executive coaches, both new and seasoned, who want to develop their coaching business with ease and joy.

The Truth? Saving Time Isn’t About Managing Time!

Let me illustrate with an example. I remember years ago, we had a service for cars which was called front-end alignment. When your car was not aligned, it was wobbly and you got low gas mileage and a very bumpy ride. Once it was aligned, the ride was smooth with very little drag. What is the equivalent for an executive coaching business? I believe it's aligning your core values with your business. When your values aren't present in your business, it can be a bumpy ride.

Procrastination and overwhelm can set in. Everything takes longer to do. But when you bring your values into your business, everything aligns. This is going to catapult your business forward and save you tons of time!

Use This Method To Find Your Top 3 Values

Let’s do a little exercise. I want you to think about a person you admire. This could be someone living or dead, or even a character in a novel or a movie. It could be someone you know personally or not. The idea is to pick someone that you admire. Now, come up with three qualities to describe that person. Don't think about it too much. Just write down those three qualities.

For example, a person I admire is Oprah Winfrey. And what I see in her that I admire is a sense of love for everyone in her audience. She also has the freedom to be herself and enjoy her life to the fullest. So for her, I would write down love, freedom, and joy. Do you have your three values written down? Read them back for a moment. See how they feel as you say them. As I read the list of my top values, I feel happy and fulfilled.

The Outcome Of Building A Business On Your Top 3 Values

When I bring my values into my business, procrastination goes away. Something you may not know about me: I don't like the process of writing. In fact, it's tedious to me and it's something I want to procrastinate. But when I factor in my values, I can see that when I write an article, it can be repurposed many times over. That gives me freedom as I only have to write it once. That brings me joy as I can use the time I've saved for some of my favorite self-care activities.

So you can see how bringing my values into my business creates more time for me.

Your Values Are the Ultimate Time Saver – Rely on Them!

Values align everything in your business. They make it run smoothly and give you the success that you envision. Clients come in effortlessly, even the parts of your business that you don’t enjoy as much come easy to you, and you can grow your coaching and consulting business with ease!

Thank you for joining me today. What are your top three values that give you an instant sense of happiness and fulfillment?

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Karen Cappello, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Karen Cappello, MCC, BCC, is a business and executive coach, communication specialist, motivational speaker and coach trainer. She collaborates with leaders and executive coaches to promote highly beneficial business outcomes. With over 30 years of experience and expertise in business management, financial planning, and higher education, Karen has brought a broad-based background to her coaching clientele.

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