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Thinking Of Trying A Detox? 7 Questions Answered On How To Boost Your Health Successfully

Manon Roem, a renowned lymphatic iridologist, detox coach, and mindset mentor. She founded NutritionVision, Europe's top webshop for detox supplements, including Dr. Morse herbal formulas. She co-authored the book "10 Steps to Cell Regeneration," published in 2023, solidifying her expertise in holistic health and wellness.

Executive Contributor Manon Roem

"Are you carrying hidden toxins that are silently sabotaging your health?" This unsettling question sparks curiosity and a desire for answers. Detoxification isn’t just a trend—it's a profound journey towards revitalizing your body and mind. A total deep body cleanse can unlock energy, clarity, and vitality you never knew you had. Dive into the transformative power of detox and discover how a holistic cleanse can lead to extraordinary health breakthroughs. Read on to unveil the secrets to a rejuvenated, vibrant life.

Bottle's of herbal detox capsules

1. What happens on a detox?

During a detox, you cleanse your body of acids, wastes, mucus, and harmful parasites while alkalizing it. This process removes obstructions that block energy flow and strengthens cells through the consumption of fruits and healing herbs. These impurities are primarily caused by dietary habits and lifestyle choices.

Detoxification is the pathway to true healing, involving changes in diet and lifestyle that reduce toxin and acid intake while improving waste elimination.

Detoxification impacts our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies in addition to our physical body. When you eat raw foods, obstructions are removed, allowing more energy to reach your cells and filling your body with photonic light energy. This cleansing process clears emotions, belief systems, and our state of being, supporting emotional and mental stability.


2. How long does a detox take?

Detoxification is a lifestyle change. Duration varies by individual and condition, ranging from 3 to 12 months or longer, depending on the depth of the issue and genetic factors. You simply can’t detox an entire decade in a day. Being healthy is a daily practice and not a simple 7 or 14-day diet. You have to be patient with yourself, and once you see and feel results, this positive feeling becomes a sort of ‘’addiction”. You want more of it. This positive change is so magical and healing that you feel renewed in body and spirit! Being healthy is definitely the new sexy!


3. What are the benefits of a detox?

Many of my clients experience a significant improvement in their energy levels sustained throughout the day. Detoxification supports consistent digestive processes and regular elimination, helping to reduce gastrointestinal discomforts such as bloating and indigestion. It also enhances mental clarity, providing an elevated sense of well-being and an overall feeling of lightness and health.

Detox brings both inner and outer visible victories, including:

  • Increased energy

  • More regular sleeping patterns

  • Fewer unhealthy cravings

  • A stronger desire to exercise

  • Improved gut health

  • Better-fitting clothes

  • Increased determination

  • Enhanced focus and mental clarity

  • Less negative self-talk

  • Improved self-esteem

  • A greater sense of balance and control

  • Fewer mood swings

  • Clearer skin

  • Stabilized blood sugar levels

  • Improved lymphatic health

Overall, detoxification leads to a more energized, balanced, and healthier you.


4. What does my detox diet look like?

Embarking on a detox requires a serious change in diet, as what you eat is the cornerstone of your success. You simply cannot heal on the same diet that made you unwell. A drastic change is essential for you and your body on this journey. Eating well is a form of self-respect. Fall in love with taking care of your body, and your body will take care of you!

Transition to a raw food diet step by step, incorporating as much fruit as possible into your daily routine. Cut out complex sugars, oils, salts, fats, processed foods, and even cooked foods, including vegetables, as they lack the healing and cleansing power needed. Instead, gravitate towards the colorful, lively fruits that cleanse, rebuild, and energize you. Opt for "one ingredient foods" like a simple apple, banana, or grapes. There is no limit to eating fruits—they are the simple sugars we need for energy, so enjoy them as often and as much as you desire.

During your detox, eliminate all refined sugars. But sugars are not the only culprits; oils, fats, processed foods, canned foods, beans, grains, animal products, nuts, and dairy also lack essential nutrients, clog up the lymphatic system, and fail to provide life energy. The best choice is raw, living foods like fruits, in any desired quantity. Fruits have the highest magnetic and electrical energy of all foods, making them superior for brain and nerve health. They will bring energy to your body, whereas most other foods deplete it. Never fear the use of fruits!

A deep detoxification can only occur with fruits and water fasting. Vegetables, due to their lower energetic, antioxidant, and astringent properties, will only detoxify you to a certain extent before you hit a plateau. By adding fruits and botanicals, you have the superior means to overcome any conditions you experience in your body.

5. How long do I need to be on a detox?

The duration of a detox varies by individual and condition, typically ranging from 3 to 12 months or longer, depending on the depth of the issue and genetic factors. A solid 6-month period is a good starting point to develop the habit of practicing radical self-care and self-love.

During this time, focus on positive changes: delete distracting apps, wake up earlier, dress up, talk positively, eat fruits, journal, and enjoy spa days. This is your life—love and enjoy every aspect of it. No more waiting; be the person you've always wanted to be.

Dream, visualize your goals, feel them, and talk about them. Believe in your heart that this time will be different, that you will stick to new habits and see amazing results.

Attitude is key! Enjoy what you’re doing and always remember why you are striving for a healthy body. It's your mobility in this physical world, and without it, life isn't much fun. Don't let anyone stop you, and don't take no for an answer. Make your body do what you want it to do. Vibrant health doesn’t happen overnight—sometimes it’s hard work, but it’s well worth it. It connects you with life, love, and a higher power.

6. How do I find the right herbal formulas for me during a detox?

Starting a detox with herbal formulas can be overwhelming, but fortunately, you have the option to request a personal herbal protocol. This ensures herbs are selected according to your specific needs for an effective, deep, and thorough detox. At NutritionVision we offer personalized detox programs based on a filled-out health questionnaire.

This customized approach means you don’t have to worry about which herbal formulas to use, what to pair together, or which formula to follow next. Any necessary adjustments during your detox are easily managed. If you’re ready to embark on your detox journey, contact us for a personalized herbal protocol and start your path to a healthier, revitalized you.


7. Where can I find the ultimate guide to a successful detox?

At NutritionVision, we offer Dr. Morse's powerful Ultimate Detox Kits, designed to guide your body's natural detoxification process, unclog elimination channels, flush toxins, and revitalize your organ systems.The Ultimate Detox Kit is a 16-week program featuring 9 rotating detoxification formulas, combined with fasting and lifestyle recommendations. Each kit covers a 2-week detox, allowing you to decide how long and how deep you want to dive into your detox journey.

Formulated for easy daily use with consciously-cultivated herbs, you take the herbs twice daily—in the morning and evening—and pair them with a raw food diet to maximize detox effects.

Thousands of clients report feeling healthier and more energized while on this detox journey!

In addition to the Ultimate Detox Kit, we offer The Daily Detox Kit. This kit simplifies wellness, ensuring optimal bodily function and making detoxification straightforward and worry-free. When combined with a healthy lifestyle, it promotes a feeling of well-being every day.

Interested in transforming your health? You can find more information here.


Let's work together

Are you ready to commit to your detox journey? At NutritionVision, I’ve guided hundreds of clients through successful detoxes with personalized protocols and coaching. Whether you need guidance, accountability, extra motivation, or help choosing the right herbs, don’t hesitate to reach out! I’d love to help you get started.

Get in touch with us for your personal detox protocol and take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you. Your future self will thank you for it!


Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more or visit NutritionVision for more info!

Read more from Manon Roem


Manon Roem, Detox Coach & Mindset Mentor

Manon is specialized in combining the detoxification methods and mindset science into a unique and succesful outcome for clients who want drastic change and desire big, positive, results in their lives. She understands the powerful connection of the body with the mind and how they constantly influence each other. The combination of a structured personal detox program with specially selected herbs, the right mindset and the guidance of a passionate coach is indispensable for a vital, energetic and succesful life. She made this into her primal mission to help as many people as possible who are seeking in regaining a high quality of life. She is the CEO of Europes leading webshop in detox supplements, NutritionVision.


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