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There Were 3 Of Us

Written by: Carole Sanek, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Carole L. Sanek

There were 3 of us.

2 Catholic girls, one Protestant.

One went to a Catholic high school. 2 went to public school.

2 were short, one was tall.

Blonde, brown and black-headed girls who partied every weekend we could after graduation, borrowing our parent's cars, dancing, and drinking 3.2% beer at the famous dance club in Olmsted Falls, Ohio.

We fell in love all at the same time, and we were at each other's weddings, lime green, bright red, and turquoise dresses and big hair.

One married a soldier, one married a banker, one married a machinist.

The soldier got shot down flying a helicopter in Nam, his wife miscarried. This was the first time any of us realized life could get shitty really fast.

Eventually, babies came. One had 2, 2 had 3 each and then 2 moved away.

One divorced the banker, and the machinist committed suicide in later years, and the soldier spent his life hearing how ugly he was from the burns he suffered. Perfect strangers told him this and his family fell apart with mental diseases. He died young.

Yes, life got shitty for all 3.

One got breast cancer 27 years ago and survived, one got breast cancer 6 years ago and died in 2020. One was stabbed to death by her own daughter who was found to be not guilty by reasons of insanity.

Once upon a time there was a blonde headed girl, a brown headed girl and a black headed girl who thought they had life by the proverbial balls.

For a short period of time, WE did.

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Carole L. Sanek Brainz Magazine

Carole Sanek, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Carole L. Sanek is a certified life coach specializing in personal coaching, with her specialty being working in grief. Carole is also an author, and her first book, “Fractured – Living with Grief,” launched 1/19/2021 and is available on Carole is especially excited that even though she was diagnosed 27 years ago with breast cancer, she wiped that slate clean and thrived on in her life. Reaching Carole is easy as she believes in transparency and authenticity and welcomes people to reach out to her. She has a new daily micro-podcast called ThriveLive Zone Daily that can be found wherever you get your podcasts or on your Alexa device under flash briefings.

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