Written by: Heidi Jennings, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

“I have a dodgy knee.” "I have a weak heart.” “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t have the money.” “I’m no good at that.”
Ah, excuse-itis. That mysterious ailment that appears from nowhere, teasing our ambitions, pushing and prodding our insecurities. She’s the oddest thing, because she only likes to visit when an important decision is pending, or when action and momentum are required.

Some of us recognise instantly when she makes her presence known and understand exactly how to scare her off. Others remain frozen while she laughs and scoffs at our goals, nastily whispering all the reasons we won’t succeed. A few will breathe a sigh of relief and revel in her presence.
Which one are you?
Do you recognise when excuses pop up, see them for what they are, brush them off and move forward? Or do you let them stifle you? Perhaps you live your life with excuses, because they let you off the hook and absolve you from taking action.
You can spot someone with excuse-itis a mile away. He or she is that person who will tell you all the reasons they can’t do something, or why nothing ever works. They tend to be the ones who live life on the sidelines as a spectator, standing on the dock as their hopes and dreams sail away before their eyes.
The age excuse-itis variant is the worst, and likes to associate with its close cousin, health excuse-itis. Together they are like ruthless wrecking balls, smashing through your deepest desires. Initially, they appear as allies, ready to shield you from risk and harm, protecting you from mistakes you might live to regret. They remind you that age and health are not on your side, and question who you think you are, for daring to dream your dreams.
Yes, you think. They’re right. I shouldn’t. I won’t. I can’t. That thing I really want to do isn’t that important anyway. I’m not cut out for it. I don’t deserve it. It’s not possible for me. You glance at age and health excuse-itis, hiding in the wings; hear them sniggering at your defeat. “Ha! Gotcha! Again!” They say, and against your better judgement, you strike that heartfelt wish off your list.
They’ll do this. Block your every move. Stop you from progressing forward, overcoming challenges, crashing through your glass ceiling. And interestingly, they get nastier as time goes on! “Ooh, you’re too old now, forget it” and “get real lady, that’s a ridiculous goal for your state of health.”
But here’s the thing.
Excuse-itis is imaginary. It’s a thought process manufactured, marketed and sold to you…..by you!
Yes, age excuse-itis, health excuse-itis, whatever excuse-itis are simply protective mechanisms you have created to prevent you from reaching your potential. Reaching one’s potential means stepping outside comfort zones and perceived limitations and society’s well-honed Strive to Be Average Box. It can be scary and confronting, and it’s so much easier to be cosy and comfortable inside the box, don’t you think?
Well, it sounds easy, but I’m not so sure. Putting up with that nagging voice reminding you of all the things you want to do but haven’t, doesn’t sound easy. Allowing the excuse-itis cousins to rule the roost as life passes in a flash doesn’t sound easy. Lying on your deathbed with a pile of regrets and ‘what ifs’ sounds outright painful.
Think about what your life could be, if only excuse-itis could vanish for good. What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you become? What would you do about your knee, heart, time and money?
The world could be your oyster! But you must stand strong, tell excuse-itis she’s no longer welcome and banish her for good.
Only then can you be free.
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Heidi Jennings, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Heidi Jennings is a Holistic Health Coach specializing in Plant-Based Nutrition. After a health crisis left her bedridden and disillusioned with conventional medicine, she embraced a holistic approach to help her heal. She now runs her business alongside her husband Steve, and together they deliver holistic coaching programs to their clients. They specialize in chronic pain, anxiety and depression, stubborn body fat, menopause symptoms, autoimmune dysfunction, and sleep issues by focusing on the five pillars of health; nutrition, exercise, gut health, sleep, and managing stress. Heidi is also a guest speaker and the Amazon 1 Best selling author of ‘From Living Hell to Living Well’. Her mission is to change the lives of 500,000 people around the world by empowering them to take control of their health and happiness.