Written by: Stacey Henry-Carr, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Only when you are truly conscious and aware do you begin to wake up from the dream.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza
There are many challenges that we face on the journey we call life. Some of these challenges stay with us for a long time. I have seen the effects of people who carry their situations for a lifetime. It erodes their mind and body and causes unsettling perceptions of other people and life. I have also experienced people with a will to fight. They fight for change! They fight for love! They fight for themselves! I surmised that deep within, there is a warrior in all of us ready to help us fight for our happier lives.

During our journey through life, we experience people who share similar circumstances. However, how they walked their path is different from ours. And so, I learned not to assume that it is easy for people to move past challenges. Each of us is uniquely designed and must handle our challenges in our way and in time. Although there are times when I believe I see the resolution to people's challenges, I listen with a compassionate mind and an open heart. I know that each person has what it takes to pull through whatever they are going through.
So, who is this warrior, and what can she do for you? That warrior is you! The person who refuses to allow circumstances to keep them as a victim. The person who understands that thier mind is powerful. You know you can be the gatekeeper of your thoughts. When you bring out that warrior, she will help you move from the victim mentality to living your desired life. There is no magic potion to get to this liberating place. The equation starts with your mind.
To strengthen your mind, you must learn to be aware of your thoughts. Take consistent actions to replace old negative imprints and feed your subconscious mind with desirable habits. Some things in our past are forgotten easily than others. We tend to recall traumatic incidents repeatedly. Often, we allow those old scenes to lead us. This behavior keeps us in a stressful state of survival. These past challenges can hold us from being our best selves. When we replace those unconscious thoughts that have become our hardwired beliefs with happier ones, we get to a place of metacognitive thinking. Metacognition is when we think about what we are thinking. We can control our thoughts and replace them with more productive and pleasant things.
It would be awesome if we could switch on the pleasant thoughts. You can shift your thinking with ease. However, it takes practice just as you would if training for a marathon. Since your old beliefs have led you for a long time, the change will not happen overnight. It is worth the time and the practice to change your thoughts. The replacement thoughts will also change your life. Just as you condition your body, you must retrain your mind.
Because rewiring your mind takes practice, this is when your warrior steps in and declare an attack on toxic thinking and allows a healthy mind to form. Step in as soon as you have a negative thought and say, CANCEL and REPLACE. While you are retraining your mind, you will run into situations that remind you of the scenes you want to replace. Your warrior must be ready with affirming thoughts that will remind you of who you are today.
Do not succumb to your old memories and thoughts. As long as you have breath, you have an infinite amount of possibilities, power, and freedom to create a different ending. Tap into the warrior within!
Try these steps to rewire your mind:
Practice mindful meditation during which you acknowledge your thoughts.
Learn mantras to replace negative thoughts during meditation.
Do reflective journaling consistently for at least 30 days and record your thoughts.
Work with a Hypnotherapist to help with reframing old beliefs.
Listen to the attached Rewire for Positive Change recording for 21 days.

Stacey Henry-Carr, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Stacey Henry-Carr is an ex-corporate leader who now helps people identify, interrupt, and replace blockers to live more meaningful and intentional lives. She is a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach, Marisa Peer Certified Hypnotherapist, and an author of "Live Your Truth and Break the Cycle." She practices authentic leadership and servitude in everything she does. She has always had a passion for helping others to become their best selves.
She has a passion for reading, writing, traveling, dancing, singing off-key, and the beach. She spends her days coaching clients, writing, and creating meditation recordings. Stacey has overcome her life challenges which have strengthened her will to serve others. She believes that her true legacy to her children will be the lives she has touched by motivating and inspiring others to change. She writes inspiring quotes such as "Visualize what you desire and laugh out loud as if it is already accomplished."