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The Untapped Power Of The Subconscious Mind In Business

Holding a unique frequency to facilitate your healing & expansion journey.

Executive Contributor Fey Wong

In the high-stakes world of entrepreneurship and management, success often hinges on decisions made in the blink of an eye, gut feelings, and intuitive insights. These seemingly spontaneous moments are, in fact, deeply rooted in the workings of our subconscious mind, a powerful force that, when harnessed correctly, can transform the way we approach business challenges and opportunities.

man with case standing in front of big keyhole, many keys drawn around it

Understanding the subconscious mind

The subconscious mind operates beneath our conscious awareness, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and reactions. It stores our memories, beliefs, and experiences, shaping our perceptions and decision-making processes. While the conscious mind is analytical and logical, the subconscious is intuitive and automatic, often guiding us without our explicit awareness.


For entrepreneurs and managers, tapping into the subconscious can mean unlocking a reservoir of creativity, problem-solving skills, and resilience. However, accessing and harnessing this part of the mind requires more than just understanding its existence, it demands specific techniques and approaches that can bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious realms.


Harnessing the subconscious for business success

1. Visualization and goal setting

Visualization is a powerful tool that allows individuals to picture their goals and aspirations vividly. By repeatedly visualizing success, the subconscious mind begins to align with these images, fostering confidence and a proactive attitude. Entrepreneurs can use this technique to mentally rehearse pitches, negotiations, and other critical business activities, ensuring they are mentally prepared for real-world challenges.


2. Positive affirmations

Repeatedly affirming positive statements about oneself can reprogram the subconscious mind to adopt a success-oriented mindset. For instance, affirmations like "I am a confident leader" or "I make smart business decisions" can help build self-belief and resilience, crucial traits for navigating the ups and downs of business.


3. Mindfulness and meditation

Practices like mindfulness and meditation help quiet the conscious mind, creating a direct pathway to the subconscious. These practices reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve emotional regulation, allowing entrepreneurs to stay calm and make better decisions under pressure.


4. Journaling

Writing down thoughts, experiences, and reflections can help uncover subconscious patterns and beliefs that may be influencing business decisions. By identifying and addressing these patterns, entrepreneurs can overcome limiting beliefs and foster a growth-oriented mindset.


The role of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), developed by renowned therapist Marisa Peer, is a groundbreaking approach that combines the most effective principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). RTT is designed to access and reprogram the subconscious mind quickly and effectively, making it a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and managers.

How RTT works

RTT sessions typically involve deep relaxation techniques to bypass the critical, conscious mind and directly access the subconscious. During this state, the therapist guides the individual to uncover the root causes of their beliefs and behaviors, often rooted in childhood experiences or past traumas. Once these root causes are identified, the therapist helps reframe negative beliefs and install positive, empowering ones.


Benefits of RTT for business leaders


1. Overcoming limiting beliefs

Many entrepreneurs struggle with self-doubt, fear of failure, or imposter syndrome. RTT can help identify and reprogram these limiting beliefs, replacing them with a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.


2. Enhancing creativity and innovation

By clearing mental blocks and fostering a positive mindset, RTT can unleash creativity and innovative thinking, essential for business growth and adaptation in a competitive market.


3. Improving decision-making

RTT enhances emotional intelligence and self-awareness, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Business leaders can approach challenges with a clear, focused mind, free from the influence of past negative experiences.


4. Boosting resilience and stress management

Entrepreneurship is fraught with stress and setbacks. RTT equips individuals with the mental resilience to bounce back from failures and maintain a positive outlook, crucial for long-term success.



The subconscious mind is a formidable ally in the world of business, offering insights and strengths that the conscious mind may not readily access. By leveraging techniques like visualization, affirmations, mindfulness, and journaling, and incorporating advanced methods like Rapid Transformational Therapy, entrepreneurs and managers can unlock their full potential. As we continue to explore and understand the depths of the subconscious, we open the door to unprecedented personal and professional growth, transforming the landscape of business success.


Ready to unlock the full potential of your subconscious mind and elevate your business to new heights? Book a discovery call today to learn how Rapid Transformational Therapy can help you access and harness the power within. Your journey to transformative success starts now.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Fey Wong


Fey Wong, KAP Facilitator, Clinical Hypnotherapist (RTT)

Hello, I’m Fey Wong. Childhood experiences sparked a quest for answers. Early spirituality led to healing modalities. Now, I specialize in swift, effective methods for mind, body, and spirit. My mission: facilitate healing and expansion of humanity through personalized modalities.



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