Written by: Tanya Carr, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

An expert business owner once gave me the best advice I had ever heard. Don’t start a business unless you have 200 reasons for starting it. Not just 200 reasons for the sake of things. But 200 reasons as to how your business can serve and over-deliver to others. So when I started my Life coaching business. I sat down and wrote in a book 200 reasons as to how my business can serve others on an exponentially high level.

It wasn’t about me...it was all about the clients permanent highly developed transformation. When I got to 100 I was literally crying. I thought this was going to be easy. Think again!
No way was it easy. I was very determined to get to 200. So, when I got to 200 reasons, after painstakingly 7 days of thought and writing. I had a secret transformation. Read on.
I believed more than ever in my business. I felt I had given birth after extreme birth pangs. And so Champagne life coaching was born. My baby. Mine. I owned it. I conceived the idea and gave birth to my gorgeous bouncing bubbly life coaching business.
The journey has been tough. Anyone out there who is starting a business or has recently begun one will agree. Nevertheless, keep going, in due season ye shall reap.
And keep extremely close at hand your 200 reasons. Brand it deep into your beautiful business heart. And I know that these 200 reasons will steadfastly sustain your businesses to thrive and it will serve you endlessly and deliver endless returns to you and your life.
Just like we need food and water to exist. Our business needs food and water too. Hence the 200 reasons. Feed it into your business ethics.
I then use these 200 reasons as the foundation of my advertising. As a start up business not all of us can afford to have a marketing director. So on the days that I felt to exhausted to create an advert. Or social media post. I fell back on one of my 200 reasons and posted around its core.
The written 200 reasons for your business then can be used as a checklist, for progress as well as keeping high standards in your business.
You can send these to your team. So the team knows the culture of the business from day 1.
The 200 reasons is an expansion of your mission statement. You can even formulate the mission statement from the essence of these 200 reasons.
This is your foundation!
You can build on it. You can maintain the build. These reasons give stability, clarity and focus. To you, your team and to everything you and your business stands for.
So if you haven’t got 200 reasons as to how your business serves your client, customer, community and the world.
Shut your business Now...
Or...get writing ....Now.
The 200 reasons to serve, serve you and give return on investment. 200 Percent mark up.
Your business will have strong foundations forever for you to keep building on it.
Celebrate 🍾 www.champagnelifecoaching.com
More fundamental principles to come.....in future articles.
You don’t have to wait though.
Sign up to my blog at my website...

Tanya Carr, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tanya Carr, a survivor of the tragedy, apartheid segregation in South Africa. Not to mention the injustices of a murdered close relative. And traumatically widowed at 44. And investigated as to the death of her husband. She was thrown out of her home, which was connected with loving memories of her husband of 24 years and blissful marriage. She courageously used fundamental laws and principles along with her faith to survive. She uses this survival guide to inspire her coaching Called C.E.L.E.B.R.A.T.E. Celebrate wins and grow in innovating and creating a compassionate business. She has unwavingly devoted 28 years to Health and wellness coaching. Her extensive knowledge of Aesthetics, and Physiatrics gave her the strength to self-care. She owned a beauty school and salon in South Africa. Lecturing in prestigious beauty schools and working with celebrities in beauty salons. She is fully aware of what it is like to reach the mid-40s, keep a career going in a man's world. AND no children to take her legacy to future generations to come. She knows what it is like to Feel fear, have trust eroded, negotiate, liase, advocate and have her confidence shaken.
However, with her power business life strategies using fundamentals to empower, maintain, balance, harmonise and synergise your professional life and your personal life. Your confidence becomes your liquid gold. Your trust is trusted by trustees, your emotional intelligence becomes sophisticated. And She teaches you how to make fear F.E.A.R you.
Let's begin your life celebrations.