Written by: Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Wisdom is found before the formation of form. -Syd Banks
The other day I cracked open a fortune cookie that read, you need to live authentically, and you can’t ignore that. A warm feeling passed through my body as I got the message loud and clear.

As I began to reflect, living an authentic life isn’t easy at times. Do you know you know your living out of alignment because of that certain feeling? That feeling is like an alarm that is going off to wake you up that something in your life must change.
I’ve come to see that alarm as a gift. A gift to alert you it’s time for a course correction. A course correction that will steer you in a new direction instead of how you thought your life, relationship, or career would turn out.
Often times this new direction is for your highest and best. Though you have to work through being uncomfortable and stepping up in new ways you never thought possible.
It could be time to wake up and say goodbye to relationships, careers, old patterns of thinking, and old ways of being and doing.
Shedding the old to make room to step into the unknown, where something new is born.
As you know, it’s challenging, but it is necessary to continue to evolve and grow, which is why you are here, to live your best life.
Living an authentic life seems so cliché. People tend to look to “how to” be authentic by looking outside of them as if it can be learned by the following:
Putting the latest social media influencers on a pedestal. After all, they have “followers.” They must know “how to.”
Self-help books, blogs, free Facebook groups, workshops, podcasts, webinars, and support groups.
The problem, your true self, known as your true spiritual essence, can’t be found by anyone or anything outside of you.
Your true essence is always within. It never goes away. There is nothing to find. Within is often mistaken for residing in the physical body.
Your true essence is part of the spiritual energy you are made up of. It’s always present but may not be in your awareness.
You’ve just innocently lost sight of your true essence.
Living life from your true essence is not something you do. It’s a way of being. It’s a way of life.
A better question to ask, what takes you away from living in your true essence?
I’m sure at times you know when something doesn’t feel right, something is off. You have that feeling. It’s a message from your soul that you are out of alignment, and it’s time to get back in.
I used to ignore those messages, and I took many turns that were not in my best interest.
Are you open to exploring? Let’s get curious.
What takes you away from your true nature?
People pleasing.
Trying to make people happy.
Taking things personally as if someone can make you feel a certain way.
Talking to someone with noise on your mind thinking they are judging you.
Trying to prove yourself to others.
Walking on eggshells for protection because you are afraid someone will offer you their unsolicited opinions.
Staying in an unhealthy toxic relationship because it’s the “right thing to do,” and you are afraid of what people will think.
Label living identification as if you are a fixed personality because that is “who you are” and your family “is that way.”
Saying you want to change or learn something new but fail to commit.
Attempting to live life as if you had to cope, manage and struggle with anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, etc.
Having a big dream and never being committed to taking action.
Ruminating over the past and poking through in an attempt to make peace on why something happened to you.
Ignoring your deepest desires.
Living life with a closed mindset.
Staying in a non-filling job and dreaming about making a living doing what you really love to do but never taking action.
I could go on and on. I am sure you get the picture. My hope is something resonated with you.
Let’s look into a new direction that will guide you back to your true self. Your true essence of who you are is made from the spiritual energy of love, understanding, happiness, peace of mind, and joy.
Wisdom is not found in the world of form, nor in remote corners of the globe. Wisdom lies within our own consciousness. -Syd Banks
We all get lost from time to time but being aware that you can reconnect to your inner wisdom at any time is comforting.
Wisdom is known as common sense and intuition. Wisdom isn’t found in the world of form.
No one can give you wisdom, and you certainly don’t need “magic powers.”
You’ve already experienced wisdom many times throughout your lifetime.
Do you know that soft, gentle voice that comes with a nudge or new thought you didn’t have before? Something new occurs to you as a solution to a problem, insight from your past or a situation, a new idea for your business, a new idea for your blog, etc.
You know those light bulb chandelier moments you get in the shower or while driving? That is your wisdom speaking. Wisdom speaks when you listen. When you listen, you can hear the soft whispers that are gently guiding you to your unlimited potential.
Wisdom comes from that quiet space within.
We all have spiritual knowledge which can only be awaken from wisdom.
Wisdom is your trusted navigational system that will guide you to a life you were meant to live!
Syd Banks said it the best, “only you have the golden key to your soul and the wisdom that lies within”.
Wisdom frees you from the struggle of coping and managing life to living with ease in your true essence, a way of being. No tools or strategies are required. After all, you are not a robot.
Is your wake-up call guiding you to take a course correction that will lead you to a new unseen path, living life better than you could imagine?
Follow me on Facebook for more information!

Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine
I’ve been a corporate trainer for a Fortune 500 company. I’ve been a yoga teacher with consistently sold-out classes and a professional hypnotherapist, successfully curing some of the biggest fears and phobias people have. All of this, plus studying with some of the highest level teachers on the planet, has led me to understand human nature to help strengthen professional women, shed their old beliefs, and become the potent, prosperous leaders they’re here to be.