Beth Rohani leads the No. 1 moving company serving the Houston Multi-Family Industry and her company is considered one of Top 3 Best Rated Moving Companies in Houston. As a first-generation Iranian-American, former TV news assignments editor and CEO of a transportation and logistics-based business in a male-dominated industry.
Growing up in an Iranian household, the question of whether we celebrated Christmas was a common one. The truth is, we did, not necessarily for its religious connotations, but for the invaluable opportunity it provided for our family to come together and cherish the moments we shared. As a child arriving in the United States, the cultural amalgamation during the holiday season was both fascinating and heartwarming.
Santa Claus presents, and the festive atmosphere captured my imagination, transcending the boundaries of race and religion. Childhood friends, representing diverse backgrounds, shared in the joy of the season. Our differences in beliefs became inconsequential during Christmas; what mattered most was the spirit of celebration, the exchange of gifts, and the camaraderie that defined those moments.
Reflecting on those early years, it's clear that holidays, including Christmas, hold a universal significance. Regardless of our diverse backgrounds, it was a time for people, friends, and family alike to come together, creating lasting memories and shared experiences. The holiday season is, at its core, an opportunity to embrace the positive aspects of life and reflect on the good that surrounds us.
One of the most profound aspects of the holidays is the emphasis on family. It goes beyond religious affiliations, cultural differences, and societal norms. Christmas, or any other festive occasion, becomes a platform to strengthen the bonds that tie families together. The act of gathering around a festive table, exchanging stories, laughter, and, of course, gifts creates a sense of togetherness that transcends any religious or cultural nuances.
In a world often divided by differences, holidays serve as a reminder of our shared humanity. Regardless of the specific celebration, the essence lies in the connections we forge with one another. The significance of family becomes paramount during these times, acting as a unifying force that bridges gaps and fosters understanding.
As the years passed, my understanding of the holidays evolved. It became less about the commercialized aspects and more about the essence of togetherness. The memories created during these celebrations form a tapestry that weaves the story of our lives. Whether it's the joyous laughter of children, the warmth of shared meals, or the simple act of being present with loved ones, these moments become the true treasures of our existence.
Ultimately, the significance of family during the holidays extends far beyond religious or cultural affiliations. It is a celebration of the human connection, a time to come together, appreciate each other, and create lasting memories. Regardless of where we come from or the traditions we follow, the essence of family and togetherness remains a universal theme that unites us all during the festive season.
Beth Rohani, Entrepreneur
Beth Rohani leads the No. 1 moving company serving the Houston Multi-Family Industry and her company is considered one of Top 3 Best Rated Moving Companies in Houston. As a first generation Iranian-American, former TV news assignments editor and CEO of a transportation and logistics based business in a male-dominated industry, Beth embraces the stereotypes while inspiring and mentoring others to build a successful business with a balance to live their best life.