Written by: Victoria Hart, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In recent years, spirituality has become a bit of a buzzword, yet there is a profound difference between being self-obsessed in a materialistic culture of instant gratification and being self-inquiring, the true meaning of spirituality.

I've been exploring spirituality and the metaphysical realms for as long as I can remember though it wasn't until I started to embody the teachings rather than simply consume them that I started to understand the true meaning of spirituality.
Growing up, I was conditioned “not to upset anyone.” This created many disempowering beliefs about myself and the way I showed up in the world. Self-sacrificing and people-pleasing caused me great inner turmoil and low self-esteem.
It was the tragic passing of my 22-month-old puppy, Olive, that triggered a profound awakening and the realisation that the mental games I'd been playing were simply spiritual bypassing.
It can be difficult to get to a lot of things yourself because you have all kinds of bypasses set up in your consciousness that will route you around. After all, it doesn't want to face the emotional pain of a difficult experience that needs resolving, often from childhood, and which you may not even remember. So, it's important to seek out the right support.
Learning the lessons
With a willingness to face my demons and become more aware of my inner life, I became less reactive and more authentic as I travelled the path to inward transformation, transcending early childhood programming to attain a level of self-mastery.
Being spiritual does not mean being a doormat and continuing to place yourself in situations that feel unsafe, disturb your peace and cause pain. You may be required to stand up for yourself and to push back. “No, I will not be spoken to that way.” Truly understanding from a soul level – that person's wounded, but that doesn't excuse their behaviour and treatment of me.
If you deny your worth and your self-respect that will not serve your ascension to 5D consciousness. We have to embrace, respect and love all parts of ourselves. That person over there, that's their journey. They have to claim it for themselves. You can't fix them, but with understanding, you can walk away from that situation. Sometimes, we love people but we can't keep them in our life. Honour them and yourself, let them go and love from a distance if that's what you have to do.
Here are some tips for your freedom:
Let go of attachment to belief systems; that outer things have to be a certain way for you to feel safe
Own what's inside of you and evolve it to higher consciousness.
Breathe yourself back to centre, back to neutrality, and surrender to the bigger picture, even when you don't know what that is.
When you finally make a bold choice to put yourself and your needs first, you are honouring your spiritual essence and allowing others the opportunity to rise out of their dysfunctional patterns if they choose to. You are serving yourself and others. And if they don't, that's the path they have chosen to walk, and it is not for you to awaken them. What is for you is to recognise when an energy pattern no longer serves you and to move on.
Keep shining your light, even when you don't feel very joyful. It can be hard when the world around you is in chaos and you're being bombarded with one crisis after another, yet when you trust that the only true responsibility you have is to yourself, you free yourself by raising your consciousness as well as the collective consciousness.
Finding true freedom is an inside job. It may not be easy, but the more you clear the layers of programming, the more you can invite lighter and more joyful experiences into your life.
It's time to be free!
If you're looking for a platform where you can access support on your journey to personal freedom, join me as I host the Freedom Summit: Awaken Your Authentic Self, with powerful conversations and special gifts designed to offer guidance and support, tools and techniques.
You can learn more and sign up here!
Visit my website for more info!

Victoria Hart, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Victoria Hart, is a Visionary Soul Coach, Energy Healer and New Earth Leader. She has been exploring the metaphysical and mystical world for as long as she can remember and has studied with some great Masters in cutting edge and revolutionary therapies, inviting exponential breakthrough results. Victoria has an innate ability to get to the heart of the matter and brings wisdom, inspiration and humility to empower people to break the looping cycles of programmed reality and consciously create a new life story. Her mission is to create balance and harmony between humanity and nature by realising her true potential and power and teaching others to do the same.