Written by: Kristi Peck, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The seasons change. The leaves turn color. The dull becomes brighter. Everything has a cycle.
Growth is an ever-changing cycle.
Do you remember the children’s story of Charlotte’s Web? Charlotte was a spider. Wilbur was a pig. The two formed a polished friendship that allowed each to be the hero of their own story. Charlotte helped Wilbur navigate the system of fattening up to provide for another. Wilbur gave Charlotte the purpose she needed to feel what she had to offer was, in fact, a needed commodity.

The anecdote of this beautiful story of transformation is that it normalized the notion of an illusion. Each character was enthralled with the illusion of love, kindness, and loyalty. Their illusion was the vehicle for the true self to emerge.
The one facet of an ever-changing mind is the illustrious fact that perception is not an equal opportunity enhancer. Perception is an illusion.
Everything we do n our jobs, our relationships, our families, and our communities come from the mind’s capability to create thoughts, beliefs, and images. It is in this process we manufacture these mind-made perceptions and illusions as truth. Acting upon these truths causes us to be reactive to an unconscious point of view beyond perception.
In the story, Charlotte’s Web, one could argue that the web itself was a tool for weaponry as well as a tool for defense. Spider webs, in general, have a dual nature that allows them to trap thereby creating death, and shine brightly in the morning dew thereby creating beauty. Can something of evil also be something of beauty?
Growth is the spiraling process of deconstructing and constructing. What is possible when a frame is taken down? The endless possibility for a new outer exterior to be crafted in its place. Growth works in much the same way.
A shift in perception is the deconstruction of an old view and the construction of a new way of seeing. Changing anything requires a deep surrender or letting go of outdated patterns for anything that brings in a fresher experience. Transformation is about releasing the false self or identity for the true self to emerge.
Charlotte was not only the helper and best friend Wilbur perceived her to be. She was multi-faceted in her character that including understanding her own needs to be fed and materialized. Wilbur was not the helpless and weak animal on the farm. He, too, had aspects of strength and bravery that came out as he allowed an unknown existence to transpire.
In the process of transformation, the true self emerges through lived experiences that offer change as an opportunity to be meta-morphed. How do we create a foundation of self-image that is sustainable, bendable, and formidable? Read more about this process at www.kristipeck.com. You can maintain the strength of who you are in every moment.
It begins with a question and a curiosity.
Do you know the difference between a space that feels creative and a space that feels predatory?
This will lead you to uncover the layers of your own illusionary perceptions and peel back what once captivated your safety and security. This is when you will find the truth of who you are. It is in this remembering that transformation is the process of change and what has become changed is now freely allowed to grow.
It happens no other way.
If you are searching for support through any change you are experiencing, schedule a call with me at www.kristipeck.com to explore what you desire. What you want will lead you to who you are. Your world opens up to infinite possibility when you know who you are and choose from a sustainable, bendable, and formidable foundation.

Kristi Peck, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Kristi Peck is an intuitive life coach, a spiritual mentor, author of Coming Home – A Love Story, and a podcast host of Living the Liminal: Finding Joy in the Pauses of Life. Kristi is an engaging storyteller who inspires your heart and soul to take adventurous leaps thus making choices that are aligned to who you are and your deep purpose. Kristi has a wealth of transformational life experiences and 30+ years as a resource for others. She has coaching certification in Jungian Psychology, Eastern Spirituality, and Social Neuroscience with extensive training in the currency of relationships, channeling, mediumship, and energy healing. Kristi’s warmth and vulnerability have been described as a “soft-toughness” as she leads by example and creates a safe haven for you to open your heart to courageous choice-making and a conscious lifestyle. Kristi has compassion for change and a deep understanding of the human dynamic which makes her a sustainable source for learning."