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The Top 3 Words to Remove from Your Vocabulary

Written by: Diane Forster, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Allow me to share a story that happened to me one day, about 8 years ago. It completely changed my life forever. You know those moments the ones that make you realize, “I’ll never be the same again! I now know too much!”

It was a cold winter day in Chicago. I boarded the express train from my hometown to head into the city for work. Once I sat down, a girlfriend of mine that I had not seen in a very long time walked up, said hello, and sat down next to me. It was good to see her. We started talking, and I noticed very quickly that she said the word “worry” a lot! She said it about five times in the first two minutes of us chatting.

I decided to play a little game with myself (I love to do that, by the way.). I decided I would count in my head how many times she said the word “worry” on the trip downtown.

The express train ride was 40 minutes. She said “worry” 45 times! I was blown away, and I also felt so heartbroken for her. I realized this poor woman is feeling worried every minute of the day!

That same day, I decided to grab a salad and work through lunch. I like to listen to motivational books and audios while I’m working. I put on something by Zig Ziglar. He started sharing a story and asked a question, “Did you know that there are no records in the history of any American Indians who stutter? And do you know why? Because, in their language, they do not have a word for ‘stutter.’ So, it simply doesn’t exist.”

Ding, ding, ding! The lightbulb went off in my head! I thought about my girlfriend earlier that day saying “worry” 45 times, and I thought about the word “stutter” not existing for American Indians. I said to myself, “Hmmm, what if I decide to remove words from my vocabulary that I don’t want to “experience” any longer? How much better could my life get?” So, that’s what I did. And, magic started to happen!

There are many, many words that I never utter. Different negative emotions, adjectives, nouns, you name it. I’ll share with you the Top 3 Words you’d be advised to remove. I’ll also share the words to replace them with. You see, it’s easier to replace than it is to remove. These new words will empower and inspire you. They will also have you manifesting so many wonderful things into your life like I magically did.

Here we go.

Replace Worry with Wonder

Worry is a wasted emotion. Almost everything we worry about never happens! What if... you “Wonder” instead. Wonder all the positive things that can happen instead of worrying about all the negative things that can happen. I never worry about my children. I always wonder that they are happy, healthy, thriving, having fun, enjoying life. That is the energy I’m projecting out to them. When you worry, you’re pushing your negative energy and emotions towards that other person. You’re not helping them by worrying. You’re actually hurting them. So, wonder for good things instead.

Replace Fear with Faith

The same principle applies here. There are very few things you need to feel fear about. The more you fear, the more things to be fearful will be attracted to you. If you’re reading this right now, chances are you have breath in your lungs, you slept in a bed last night, you’ve taken a bath or a shower, and you’ve had something to eat today. You have everything you need. What are you so fearful of that you won’t have it tomorrow? Please switch this to “Faith” instead, and say, “I am so grateful, and I have faith that I will always have more than enough and more than I need.” Set that intention, and the universe will deliver.

Replace Doubt with Determination

There’s nothing you can’t do, literally. Don’t doubt, especially yourself. You already have all the knowledge “inside” you. You have to catch up to the knowing. Will it be work? Yes. Will it be hard? Definitely, at times. Will it be worth it? Absolutely! Be determined in your life for the goals and dreams you want. Nobody can be that for you. And once you want something, you can’t not want it. So, use your determination and desire to get it, and don’t let doubt anywhere in the vicinity. Move in determined action because that’s what it takes. The only way your goals and dreams won’t happen is if you continue to doubt your worthiness and your ability.

There’s a 6-part series on my YouTube Channel at I Have Today with Diane Forster called “Change Your Lange, Change Your Life,” where I share 3 more words, and I teach you the vocabulary replacement process. Subscribe there, or you can also find them on my podcast by the same name.

Write to me and let me know how it’s working for you. Happy Manifesting!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Podcast, and visit my website for more info!


Diane Forster, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Diane Forster is an award-winning life coach and intentional living expert. After several life events that led to attempted suicide, Diane reinvented her life and found her true calling. Now, she helps others transform their lives to live with passion and purpose. As a mindset and manifestation master, she has helped thousands clear away limiting beliefs and feelings of low self-worth to bring their ideas to actualization instead and create the life of their dreams. Diane's TV Show and podcast, "I HAVE TODAY with Diane Forster," offers practical, actionable steps that you can do today. She is also an award-winning inventor, author of 6 books. She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, QVC, ESPN Radio, KHTS Radio, and several other TV, radio, podcasts, and magazines. Her mission: Transform 1 billion lives.

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