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The Top 3 Power Laws To Liberate Your Life- The Only Resolution You Need

Written by: Guest Writer Camille Davis


This is that magical time of year where we feel anything is possible. We look forward to a new start and a clean slate at the beginning of the year with great anticipation and we make all sorts of plans to do things differently, but inevitably somewhere between the middle of January and the end of February those plans take a back seat…well I want you to know you can create that kind of magic , the kind that lights you up and liberates your soul any time you want.

Reading articles like this and learning these power laws are a good investment of your time. However, unless you make a real effort to apply these to your life- little is likely to change. There's a big difference between knowing how to do a push-up and doing 100 push-ups each day just like simply knowing what it takes to become self-confident won't get the job done. Application is critical.

There are things that happen to us in life that can leave us feeling depleted and defeated. It's these kinds of moments in life that will either build your character or break your spirit. It can create a virtual elevator for us to rise and become more or leave us wallowing in the river of rejection. While writing this article I lost a six-figure contract effective immediately (did you just think- wow, during the holidays? Yep, during the holidays) and I'm okay with that, because when you know the top three power laws to liberate your life, nothing can ever leave you chained to your circumstance again! This is what I want you to know

Implement these laws to take control of your life in the New Year and beyond:

  • The Law of Clarity. Get clear about the person you are and want to be in the moment, every moment of every day even though it may feel uncomfortable.

So I’m going to be honest right here. Many can't move the needle because of this first step…We’ve all heard it said that the first step is the hardest and while that may be true there is something to be said about being transparent, honest and truthful with others but especially with yourself.

Change is uncomfortable, and there’s a good reason for this. Scientists believe that humans are slow to change because whatever we’re currently doing is perceived as successful.

  • Realize that the discomfort you feel when you try something new is simply old instinct rising to the surface. Being uncomfortable usually isn’t a good reason not to do something. You can still move forward in spite of your discomfort.

  • Be happy that you’re uncomfortable. It means you’re doing something that might actually change your life. Continuing with your comfortable behaviors won’t make anything different.

  • The Law of Courage To me courage is a mindset that helps us do something despite the fear or trepidation we may feel.. strength in the middle of your circumstance.

I love this quote: The secret to happiness is freedom… And the secret to freedom is courage. Thucydides

Figure out where you’re feeling a lack of confidence. It might be your ability to learn a new skill or a setting that requires public speaking. It might be in social situations. Once you target your weaker areas, you can start making the necessary adjustments.

  • Engage in self-exploration by asking yourself some probing questions. How did you develop this belief? Do you really know that it’s true? Have you tested it?

  • Seek out a mentor. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to find a “guru” to hold your hand. But, there are plenty of people who have confidence in the area where you’re experiencing challenges. Ask for help from someone who’s comfortable in an area where you lack confidence, such as in dating situations or public speaking. Start small, but get started.

  • The Law of Commitment. It’s important that you become dedicated and loyal. Be more dedicated to your self-development and loyal to your cause.

  • Track your progress. It’s important to see the progress you’re making. Without progress, you won’t stick with your plan. Measure your progress on a subjective 1 to 100 scale in different situations, then celebrate when you see progress!

  • Evolve your plan over time. Just as the same workout routine leads to stagnation, working on your self-confidence in the same fashion over a long period of time will lead to less than optimal results. Constantly evaluate and tweak your action plan.

At times when you’re seeking change for yourself, it’s hard to try new things or grow as a person. It will help if you create an action plan to implement these 3 laws, so you strive to achieve the long-lasting level of change and success you deserve.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Camille Davis, Guest Writer Brainz Magazine

Camille Davis is a master trainer and life coach. She is dedicated to helping women build courage, and become highly self-assured so they can create the life they desire.

Her mission is to show women how to rise into their power and purpose by shattering self-sabotage and increasing confidence in their innate abilities. Her motto is “courage is your currency.”

For over 11 years she’s assisted in transforming women’s lives. Her advice, insights and articles have been featured in various magazines , the book The Power of Letting Go– How to Heal Yourself and the World and The Amazing People Podcast with Chip Dizárd. Her clients have called her “life-saving and “inspirational” and when she’s not working with motivated, ambitious women, you’ll find her enjoying swanky suites and yearly sistergirl travel.

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