Written by: Dr. Clinton Bullock, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In order to grow a successful online business, you have to…

No. 1: Invest in Yourself
Providing yourself with the skills and the credentials to assist other people in their own development is key. You can invest in yourself in many ways. For example, you could get a master’s degree or a doctorate. You could also become certified in the area in question or acquire a coach yourself. Acquiring a coach in your field makes a lot of sense, regardless of what else you do, because you always need to surround yourself with people who are where you want to be. If someone else is already accomplished in the field in question, then you need to align yourself with them, so that you can also achieve similar or greater results.
No. 2: Get Results
In order to get people to buy anything from you, you need to have one or both of the following things:
Testimonials: Testimonials represent social media credit, and it shows others that you are reliable, dependable, and that you get results…because, at the end of the day, that's what people want—RESULTS. So, testimonials serve as a visual representation of the great things that people say about you and the results that you can deliver.
BE the Proof: If you don't have results because your business is new, then you have to be able to show people that you acquired results for yourself. For instance, you may not have any clients or testimonials as of yet, but if you are a personal trainer and you have a six-pack, then your body will serve as your resume. People will look at you and say, “Hey, I want that.” If you are in the life coaching space, people like to know the steps that you utilized to overcome adversity and pain in your life. Channeling your pain and suffering to accomplish great things creates character and also represents the platform upon which many life coaches function. In that, if others see that you have experienced adversity in your life, yet you became successful regardless, then others will believe that the coaching program that you have created could serve as a blueprint for them to succeed as well.
No. 3: Build a Team AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
When you are first starting an online business, it is important to build a team quickly. Most people who start an online business do not have the money to build a team. So, they have to do everything themselves. However, one of the best things that can be done is to visit to sites, such as Fiverr, where you can find low to reasonable rates, where contractors will assist you in growing your business. You will be very surprised how far $100 will go on a site like FIVERR. So, building a team out, even if they are just contractors, is tremendously important; so that you as the owner don't have to serve as the CEO, the secretary, the operations manager, the marketing manager, and the PR manager. You can’t do everything, as doing everything will leave you broken and burned out.

Dr. Clinton Bullock, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dr. Clinton Bullock is the author of the best-selling book, “The 18 Rules of Engagement to Interpersonal Communication.” He is also the founder of Clinton Bullock Worldwide—a high-performance coaching practice that specializes in assisting professionals, entrepreneurs, and aspiring high achievers in overcoming self-sabotaging and other dysfunctional behaviors, so that they may function at extraordinary levels by living efficiently and creating a life that is professionally successful and personally fulfilled.