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The Top 100 Videos To Add To Your Queue

Written by: Steven Crane, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you're anything like me, you spend a significant amount of time on YouTube viewing videos. I've produced a list of the top 100 videos that I believe all leaders, executives, and personal development enthusiasts should watch in their spare time. They're invigorating, instructive, and just intriguing to be around. Consequently, add these items to your queue and prepare to learn something new!

1. How do lobsters grow? | Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski | Storiez

2. Mel Robbins | One of the Best Talks Ever on Self-Motivation

3. 8 traits of successful people ‒ Richard St. John

4. The Most Incredible Speech: How You Living? ‒ Rick Rigsby – MOTIVATION

5. Developing the Leader Within You ‒ John Maxwell

6. Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little

7. Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster | Jim Kwik

8. ARE YOU A LEADER? | Keynote for the K-Team 2

9. Think Like A Grand Master Entrepreneur ‒ 2019 Driven Keynote

10. How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge

11. Tony Robbins on the Psychology and Skills of Exceptional Leaders

12. You Don't Find Happiness, You Create It | Katarina Blom | TEDxGöteborg

13. Simon Sinek: If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business

14. Everyday leadership ‒ Drew Dudley

15. Outliers: Why Some People Succeed and Some Don't

16. What makes you special? | Mariana Atencio | TEDxUniversityofNevada

17. WIN The War In Your HEAD And Find PEACE | David Goggins

18. Why students should have mental health days | Hailey Hardcastle

19. The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown

20. Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): the law of 33% | Tai Lopez | TEDxUBIWiltz

21. After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver

22. HOW TO STOP SELF-SABOTAGE | Keynote for the K-Team 4

23. Jordan Peterson: How To Deal With Depression | Powerful Motivational Speech

24. Patrick Bet-David Keynote | Driven 2018

25. Dr. John Maxwell ‒ Do These 5 Things If You Want To Attract Better Into Your Life!

26. The Shift – Wayne Dyer

27. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | TED

28. TEDxAtlanta ‒ Sally Hogshead ‒ How to Fascinate

29. Spiral Dynamics: The Ultimate Theory of Human Development

30. A Crash Course on Spirituality (4 Levels of Consciousness and the Big Questions by Alan Watts)

31. If You Feel LOST, LAZY & UNMOTIVATED In Life, WATCH THIS! | Tom Bilyeu

32. Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker

33. EVERYTHING You've Been Taught About Manifesting Abundance IS WRONG! | Sadhguru & Lewis Howes

34. Consciousness: The Ultimate Intelligence – Sadhguru [Full Talk]

35. Change Your World | Dr. John Maxwell

36. The Power of Cutting Off & Letting Go | Dharma Talk by Br Phap Dung, 2018 07 29

37. What 7000 HOURS of MEDITATION Looks Like | Deepak Chopra

38. Wayne Dyer Sleep Meditation | Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

39. FREE NLP Training ‒ Live Seminar with Demonstrations

40. The Power of I AM ‒ Learn to use the most powerful words ever spoken!

41. Master Shi Heng Yi – 5 hindrances to self-mastery | Shi Heng YI | TEDxVitosha

42. The prison of your mind | Sean Stephenson | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison

43. Own your face | Robert Hoge | TEDxSouthBank

44. How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez | TEDxAustinWomen

45. The art of being yourself | Caroline McHugh | TEDxMiltonKeynesWomen

46. Overcoming hopelessness | Nick Vujicic | TEDxNoviSad

47. The skill of self-confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

48. How a 13-year-old changed 'Impossible' to 'I'm Possible' | Sparsh Shah | TEDxGateway

49. Everything is Connected ‒ Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei

50. BEST OF OPRAH WINFREY | Best Motivational Videos ‒ Speeches Compilation 1 Hour Long

51. Aloneness to Oneness ‒ Spiritual Documentary Film on Non-duality | This Will AWAKEN You

52. Discover Your True Self I Dr. Gabor Maté

53. Choose to Live a BEAUTIFUL Life! | Gaur Gopal Das | Top 50 Rules

54. 100 LIFE CHANGING QUOTES on Life, Love, Success & Adversity (Centuries of Wisdom)

55. How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu

56. Jordan Peterson ‒ The Best Way To Learn Critical Thinking

57. CRITICAL THINKING ‒ Fundamentals: Introduction to Critical Thinking [HD]

58. How to Speak

59. LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively

60. Top 10 Life Lessons (Last Lecture Series)

61. Admiral McRaven addresses the University of Texas at Austin Class of 2014

62. 5 Ways Rapport to Build Rapport with Anyone

63. How to Get People to Say Yes: A Psychology Profess

or Explains the Science of Persuasion | Inc.

64. Deepak Chopra on the Power of Meditation to Unlock Infinite Possibilities | Impact Theory

65. Jon Kabat-Zinn ‒ "The Healing Power of Mindfulness."

66. How Important Is It To Forgive? Learn about Ho'oponopono with Dr. Matt James

67. Every Person Is One Choice Away From Everything Changing

68. Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth

69. The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz

70. 20 Things Most People Learn Too Late In Life

71. 21 Tiny Habits to Improve Your Life in 2021 Effortlessly

72. Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster | Jim Kwik

73. How To Grow An Insurance Agency To $100 Million | Patrick Bet-David Keynote

74. Master the Art of MANIFESTING and ATTRACT Your Dream Life! | Wayne Dyer MOTIVATION

75. The New Science of Sleep and Dreams | Professor Matthew Walker

76. Virtual SGL with Adm. William H. McRaven, USN (ret.) ‒ June 23, 2020

77. Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds

78. FAILURE ‒ Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation for Success, Students & Entrepreneurs

79. Tony Robbins on the Psychology and Skills of Exceptional Leaders

80. The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans | Daniel Amen | TEDxOrangeCoast

81. After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver

82. The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech

83. What really matters at the end of life | BJ Miller

84. Dealing With Anger and Toxic Thoughts | Sadhguru

85. How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris

86. Let's Talk Mental Health | Meredith Ackley | TEDxMountainViewHighSchool

87. Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons

88. Unwavering Focus | Dandapani | TEDxReno

89. Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy? | Dan Gilbert

90. Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

91. Barry Schwartz: Our loss of wisdom

92. Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert

93. How to Jumpstart Your Personal Growth with High-Level Leadership | John Maxwell on Impact Theory

94. Self Realization is the Highest Healing ‒ Deepak Chopra's Best Speech

95. Neuroscientist REVEALS How To COMPLETELY Heal Your Body & Mind! | Caroline Leaf & Lewis Howes

96. How to Make Yourself Immune to Pain | David Goggins on Impact Theory

97. Change Your Life by Changing Your Thought Process | Brendon Burchard

98. Simon Sinek ‒ Understanding Empathy

99. How changing your story can change your life | Lori Gottlieb

100. Adaptability and the Future of Work: Seeing The Invisible. AQ

So there you have it, my top 100 videos for leaders and personal development enthusiasts. What's your favorite? Let me know down below! I'm always on the lookout for new content to watch and learn from, so if you have any recommendations, please share them with me. Thanks for reading!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Steven Crane, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

"Steven Crane is a dynamic USMC Veteran, Serial Entrepreneur, Speaker, Best Selling Author, and Coach known for providing high-performance coaching to support individuals in identifying their key strengths and achieving set career goals. As a veteran who experienced the stereotypical homeless military transition, Steven has a proven track record of successfully building and running various companies focused on supporting individuals in advancing their professional careers and freeing their minds from negativity while overcoming limiting beliefs and stepping into a world of possibilities!

Throughout his career, Steven has displayed deep expertise in guiding individuals in identifying and overcoming their limits and thriving in current roles by offering 1-on-1 sessions. Moreover, he is skilled in counseling clients through career changes to achieve their personal and professional goals. Steven has also been commended for devising and implementing innovative coaching programs and leading global teams to pinpoint and explore new opportunities to inspire powerful personal transformation."

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