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The Three Superpowers That Will Empower You To Take Your Life In Your Own Hands

Written by: Anton Broers, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Yes, life is uncertain. Yes, life can bring us the unexpected. Yes, life will challenge us. Still, it is very possible to take control over your life. As the master explains to her student in the story in this article, there are three superpowers that we can all grow and develop and that, when applied, will give us our life in our own hands. You want to learn about your in-born (but not frequently used) superpowers? Read the clarity that the master gives to her student and receive practical guidance on how to unlock your inner power.

woman in eye glasses opening her shirt like a superhero

The Master On Our SUPERPOWERS!

One evening, a master gathers with one of her students. He has asked her for a meeting because he feels overwhelmed by life. He feels he has no control. And he is searching for guidance that can help him.

As they meet, he says: ‘’Master, I feel so small in this big world I am living in. I feel like life is just happening to me. I have no control. How could I have control? I am nothing more than a tiny man in a huge Universe. Things always change. My expectations are hardly ever met. I am confused, overwhelmed. You talk about writing your own life story but I have no idea how. Please can you guide me?’’

The master looks at her student and answers: ‘’This is a good question. One that I have struggled with myself in my life. And one that almost everybody one day or another will ask. Life is uncertain. Life brings you the unknown, the unexpected. Life will challenge you. So yes, it may very well be that you feel overwhelmed. Out of control. Led by everything and everybody around you.”

The student listens and gets a bit impatient: ‘’Yes, master, I know all of that. But is this it? Is this what my life is all about? Am I just a balloon that is being kicked around by the unpredictable and ever-changing wind?”

‘’Yes, you are!’’ the master responds, and she is silent for a while. Then she continues: ‘’Until you become aware of and start to use your in-born THREE SUPERPOWERS! Life is not meant to be a struggle. Life is not meant to be lived like the balloon you talk about. No! Life is to be created and life is to be celebrated. Your three superpowers will help you to take life in your own hands.”

The student is intrigued and wants to learn: ‘’Please master, can you explain?”

“Of course,” the master responds. And this is what she tells her student.

SUPERPOWER I: Change Yourself, Change Your Life

“Most people want to change the world. They look around and observe things that they do not like. Things that make them feel stressed. Things that make them feel without control. Things that make them feel overwhelmed. And somehow they think: ‘’If I change these things, my life will be better. If I change these things, I will be happier and calmer.” So they set out to change the people around them. They set out to change the circumstances. They set out to change events. And although they might see some result from their efforts, they will soon realise that they cannot change the external world. The world around us will always be outside our control. You are following?” the master asks.

The student nods. Yes, he is.

Then the master speaks again: “So wanting to change the outside world is not a recipe for success in life. You will never succeed and you will always be surprised, anxious and challenged. So stop changing the world,” the master says, ‘’instead, start changing yourself! When you change yourself, your life will change. Guaranteed. That is why working on yourself is your first SUPERPOWER.”

“How?” asks the student, and the master answers: “Train your mind!”

SUPERPOWER II: Choose Your Focus, Create Your Reality

“Let’s move on to SUPERPOWER II, alright?” The student nods enthusiastically. “All people have been given a huge gift at birth: the gift of choice.”

“What do you mean?” the student asks the master.

“The gift of choice means that, whatever happens, you ALWAYS have the power to choose your focus. You are always free to choose your perspective on whoever or whatever,” the master explains.

“How does that help me?’’ the student enquires.

“Realise,” says the master, ‘’that we live in a dual world. Everybody and everything always has two sides. There is darkness, there is light. There is good, there is bad. There is beauty, there is ugliness. Whatever happens, YOU can choose what you focus on. Choosing your focus is your second SUPERPOWER because your focus decides your reality and your focus decides how you feel.”

“Wow,” says the student, “But how?” and the master answers: “Train your mind!”

SUPERPOWER III: Claim Your Responsibility, Respond To Life

“Time for SUPERPOWER III,” the master continues. “Life can feel easy and not deliver what you aspire and dream of from your life. Do you know how?”

The student does not know.

“When things don’t go their way, life can feel easy for people through thinking ‘It’s not my fault’. It is easy to find excuses, it is easy to blame others, it is easy to live like a victim. Easy yes, but it does not give people the results they want. It does not bring joy into their lives. The easy way out does not help you to create the life of your dreams. It is better to sometimes feel that life is difficult. Do you know why?”

The student does not know.

“Life can feel difficult and challenging for people through thinking ‘whatever happens, it’s my responsibility’. Can feel difficult yes, but claiming your responsibility for your life truly is the third SUPERPOWER because it is the only way to get the results you want for your life. When people become responsible, they look at themselves, they look at their own role, and they learn to respond effectively to whatever life might bring. This way you become the creator and celebrator of your own life.”

“How?” asks the student and the master answers: “Train your mind!”

Train Your Mind, Unleash Your Three Superpowers!

We all possess the THREE SUPERPOWERS for life:

  1. Change Yourself to Change Your Life

  2. Choose Your Focus to Create Your Reality

  3. Claim your Responsibility to Respond To Life

Learning to train your mind will help you to unlock your SUPERPOWERS.

When you train your mind, you will get to know yourself and change whatever is not working for you.

When you train your mind, you will get to know the power of focus and learn to choose your focus deliberately.

When you train your mind, you will experience the benefits from responses as you happily claim your responsibility.

The student has truly enjoyed the guidance from the master. “Can I ask you one more question for tonight,” he asks her. “Of course!” the master responds.

“How do I train my mind?” and the master answers: “Find a coach or guide who understands the power of the mind from his or her own training and experience. Such a coach can introduce you in the power of YOUR mind and teach you simple mind training tools that will help you to unlock the three SUPERPOWERS. Then, you can start to use them for the benefit of your daily life!”

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Anton Broers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anton Broers is a leading mindset coach and trainer based in Europe. He is a former senior business leader at a global brand who spent time in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Anton is a keen student of ancient spiritual wisdom made simple for modern-day application. As the CEO of Mind ur Life in the Netherlands, he helps children, adults, and businesses toward happiness, success, fulfilment, and freedom. Anton’s mission is to introduce the world to the power of the mind to create the life and results we desire.

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