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The Threat Of The BUT-Factor™ And How To Survive

Written by: Renate Prandl, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You might not even have heard of it, yet it has probably entered your life, posing a constant threat already. The dreaded BUT-Factor sneaks in and often takes over life before it kills potentially.

It is deadly, it may create chaos, and it may kill. It may kill your dreams, your vision, your ASPIRATIONS. Your dreams of being healthier, having more meaningful relationships, more free time and flexibility, more impact, more courage, and a more fulfilled life. Not a life in default, but a vibrant Life by Design.

As you may have guessed by now, it’s not a real virus or bacteria, yet it impacts people’s life big time. The threat is real.

Let me share with you what I found doing research, working on my own personal growth, and working with thousands of clients and students over the last 40+ years.

I identified 3 main “strains. Want to know what they are so that you can protect yourself better to not only survive but thrive?

Strain No. 1

It’s too expensive. I don’t have the money.

What’s the cost of not investing in yourself, in your growth, in learning new skills, getting a coach or mentor to fast track?

What’s the cost of not having clarity, energy, courage, influence, to name but a few?

Have you noticed saying this to yourself – “It’s too expensive”? I want you to know, I don’t criticize or judge you in any way as I don’t know your circumstances, but have you been saying this to yourself more often than not? Answer truthfully for yourself.

Eating healthier doesn’t have to be more expensive than eating junk food. It comes down to making choices that will support you on your journey to managing your weight, generating enough energy to show up fully every day without burnout.

Maybe you tell yourself you need to invest all the money in your kids, and your life has to be on the back burner. How can you give and support your loved ones if you yourself are not in good shape, physically, mentally, emotionally, and yes, financially?

If you love to use this “excuse” of “I don’t have the money,” then probably this dream is not really important.

“If it’s important, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.”

I know that this may sound harsh to many of you, but as a coach and mentor, it’s my obligation to tell you the truth, and I do it with integrity and full respect. A friend may tell you to want you to and want to hear. A great mentor will tell you what you need to hear. My mission is to empower, not only to inspire, and to share doable action steps.

I had been struggling with this like many of you before I worked with a mentor. As a result, I chose to shift my mindset from closed to open. I got clearer on my mission and implemented the moves. If I can do it, you can do it.

Strain No. 2

It’s not the right time.

Really? When is the “right time”?

Was it the right time for the prince to die prematurely and not to share his gift of music with more people for many more years?

Was it the right time for Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, or maybe someone you know, a friend, acquaintance, a family member who passed way too early?

When is the right time? It’s not after your kids have graduated, after you have lost weight after you have made a massive profit, because this time may never come.

I don’t want to sound pessimistic; I want to give you a reality check, though. Here’s something to think about (learned this “exercise” from one of my mentors, Joel Bauer):

Write down the current average life expectancy based on insurance feedback etc.

  • If you are a man = 78, if you are a woman = 82

  • Distract your AGE

  • Distract sleep say 4 years

  • Tally= the years you may potentially have left on this planet.

So, how much longer do you want to wait until it is “the right time”?

Mind you, there may be potential hazards waiting, from inflammation, cancer, stroke, to name but a few, so the number of years left may be decreased even more. Vow, this may be an eye-opener to not postpone what’s important in your life.

  • How much longer are you willing to use excuses?

  • What would need to happen to start today to go for your big vision?

  • What would you need to commit to?

Strain No. 3

I have to consult with someone.

This one is huge, isn’t it? Why would you need to consult with someone who doesn’t understand your vision, who doesn’t understand your innate drive and longing to be extraordinary and live like it every single day? I am not saying you can’t be extraordinary in some areas, but wouldn’t you agree that living an extraordinary life means leveling up in any area of your life in a

  • doable

  • holistic

  • sustainable way

This is a very important distinction I focus on in my High-Performance Coaching™ program.

Question for you:

  • Why would you listen to someone who dreams small?

  • Why would you listen to someone who hasn’t done what you are about to do?

  • What would you need to stop doing right now, today?

  • What would need to happen for you to trust yourself?

I want you to take the time, well, actually to make time and go through these questions. If you are not completely fulfilled, if you know there is more out there, more for you to step into your power, overcome those excuses and obstacles, turn them into steppingstones.

It’s your life.

It’s your responsibility.

It’s your time to shine.

It’s your time.

Would it be useful, would you consider me helping you, holding your hand, on your journey to deal with the BUT-Factor™? You can try to figure it out yourself, or you can potentially save yourself a 15, 20, or even 30-year learning curve working with me as your coach and mentor.

You can read inspiring articles all day long. What really moves the needle is you taking action. If you would like to be considered for my bespoke coaching to take your life to a whole new level, apply for your FREE 15 minute private VIP Clarity call via

If I feel we are a good fit, I may be inviting you to dive deeper. If I decide we are not a good fit, please don’t take this personally. You will still get lots of value from the consult as I take you very seriously. It doesn’t have to be me. It’s okay, but find someone, a coach or mentor, a sensei who cares as much as I do and who has done what you are about to do.

“Excuses will always be there for you, opportunity won’t.”

For more info, follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and visit my website.


Renate Prandl, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Renate Prandl is Asia's Premier Sustainable Life Mastery Strategist, Certified Feldenkrais® Expert, sports coach, mentor, and Certified High Performance(™) coach. With over 40 years of combined experience as a Professor in a business school and entrepreneur, Renate uses a variety of proven techniques and applications to help you reach your highest potential, get to the Next Level, and potentially live your Life by Design - in a holistic, doable and sustainable way. Her "Power of 3" systems help you turn obstacles into stepping stones and build Physical, Emotional, Financial Resilience. Renate is the CEO of Body & Brain, Founder of Body And Brain Mastery, International Bestselling Author of 3 books, and has lived on 3 continents. Her mission: Anything is possible.



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