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The Sweet Temptation – Understanding And Conquering My Sugar Cravings

Written by: Jasmine Kelly-Stephens, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jasmine Kelly-Stephens

Cravings! They are a universal experience, transcending geographical, cultural, and generational boundaries. The irresistible desire for a slice of chocolate cake or a bag of salty chips can catch us off guard, making us feel powerless and burdened by guilt.

Woman eating cake

Many of us can trace these cravings back to our childhood, where our taste preferences take root. In this article, I will share my personal journey of grappling with cravings, the challenges I faced, and the techniques that ultimately freed me from their grasp. My journey into the world of cravings began during my childhood in the Caribbean with a beloved delight known as "sugar cake." This exquisite treat, made from grated coconut, sugar, and an array of spices, holds a cherished place in Caribbean history, evoking warmth and an irresistible allure. My love for sugar cake knew no bounds. The yearning was so intense that I often indulged when no one was around. With each encounter of its sweet,melt-in-the-mouth perfection, my affinity for all things sugary deepened. It was no longer just about sugar cake; it marked the beginning of a lifelong journey as someone who truly loved sweet treats. Sugar became a comforting, nostalgic, and irresistible temptation in my life. Over time, my fondness for sugar cake evolved into an insatiable appetite for a wide range of sweet indulgences. Candies, chocolates, pastries – they all possessed a mesmerizing allure that proved impossible to resist. It didn't take long for me to realize that my sweet tooth had transformed into a craving that I found increasingly challenging to manage. As I grew older, I began to recognize that my cravings for sweets and comfort foods were intrinsically linked to emotional discomfort, a connection that persisted into my adult years. It took me several years to grasp the concept of emotional eating. Emotional eating is the act of utilizing food as a coping mechanism for one's emotions, often in response to trauma or stress. In my case, I turned to sweets as a means of self-soothing, endeavoring to fill a void created by unresolved stressors. To better appreciate the journey of cravings, it's essential to grasp the science behind them. Cravings, those persistent desires for specific foods, are influenced by a combination of psychological, physiological, and environmental factors. This science involves the following key elements: Neurotransmitters and Brain Chemistry: Our brains release chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with pleasure and mood. Craving certain foods, particularly those high in sugar and fat, can trigger the release of these chemicals, creating pleasurable feelings. Over time, we may associate these foods with comfort and happiness, leading to cravings.

Conditioning and Memory: Our brains are wired to remember pleasurable experiences and reinforce those behaviors. If you've had positive associations with specific foods in the past, your brain may drive you to seek out those foods again when you're in a similar emotional state. Genetics: Your genetic makeup can also play a role in your susceptibility to cravings. Some people may be genetically predisposed to have a stronger preference for certain tastes, like sweetness or saltiness. Food Additives and Flavor Enhancement: The food industry uses a variety of additives to make processed foods more palatable. These additives can create a "bliss point," a term used to describe the perfect combination of sugar, salt, and fat that makes a food highly desirable. Overconsumption of these foods can lead to cravings. Emotional and Psychological Factors: Stress, anxiety, boredom, and other emotions can lead to food cravings. Comfort foods are often sought during emotional distress because they offer temporary relief and distraction. Social and Environmental Influences: The environment and culture you're in can significantly affect your food cravings. Exposure to advertisements, the availability of certain foods, and social norms can all contribute to specific food desires. Cultural and Childhood Influences: Early exposure to specific foods and cultural influences can shape your preferences and cravings throughout your life. Navigating the path to overcoming cravings, particularly for sweets, can be a demanding journey. Fortunately, I've discovered several effective strategies that empowered me to regain control, and I'm eager to share these valuable tips with you: 1. Mindfulness and Emotional Awareness: Identifying Your Triggers: The first and most critical involved recognizing the triggers behind my cravings. This process required me to cultivate a deep understanding of my own emotions. I had to not only acknowledge my feelings but also learn to accept them without judgment. It was crucial for me to embrace the fact that emotions are a natural part of the human experience and that they do not indicate weakness or flaws. Through this self-awareness, I could pinpoint what prompted my cravings for sweets and effectively address their root causes. 2. Opting for Healthier Alternatives: I made a conscious effort to swap sugary snacks for more nutritious options, such as enjoying fresh fruit with nuts or a smoothie. These alternatives not only satisfied my desire for sweetness but also came with positive health benefits, mitigating the negative consequences associated with consuming excessive sugar. 3. Embracing Moderation: Rather than completely abstaining from sweets, I adopted a mindful approach of consuming them in moderation. Occasionally indulging in a piece of chocolate or savoring a single cookie became a delightful treat that I could relish without the burden of guilt.

4. Maintaining Proper Hydration and Nutrition: It's important to note that dehydration and hunger can frequently mimic cravings for sweets. By consistently drinking an adequate amount of water and maintaining a balanced diet, I found that I could effectively alleviate unnecessary sweet cravings. This approach helped ensure that my body's true needs were met, reducing the false signals of sweet cravings.

As I implemented these strategies, I discovered that I could enjoy sweets without feeling overwhelmed by my cravings. It wasn't about giving up sugar entirely, but finding a balanced approach that allowed me to savor sweet treats in moderation.

My journey from craving sugar cake to achieving a balanced relationship with sweets taught me that cravings can be managed with patience, self-awareness, and discipline. While the appeal of sweets endures, they no longer control my life. Remember, you have the power to regulate your cravings and enjoy the sweetness of life on your terms.

Follow Jasmine on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website for more information!

Jasmine Kelly-Stephens Brainz Magazine

Jasmine Kelly-Stephens, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jasmine Kelly-Stephens is a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach. She is a wife, mom, encourager, church ministries leader, just to name a few. Her latest accomplishment is becoming an Amazon 1 Best-Selling Author.

As one whose own struggles with stress eating, binge eating, overeating, and cravings date back to over thirty years, Jasmine is passionate about putting a stop to the emotional eating epidemic and helping women get back to a place of healing, restoration, and liberation.

Jasmine does not believe in the one-size-fits-all approach. She also believes that this epidemic can only be overcome with the truth of God’s word. Her mission is to help women break free from the stronghold of emotional eating through self-awareness and sound biblical truths so that they can heal their relationship with food and their bodies, once and for all.

She mainly works with Christian women entrepreneurs one-on-one but is also passionate about spreading this transformation with anyone who’s willing to listen.

Jasmine believes that when women are healed, it creates healthier environments for their families and communities, and they can show up with more confidence and energy in their God-given assignment.



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