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The Struggle To Lose Unhealthy Weight – Causes And Factual Solutions

Written by: Belinda Kiriakou, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Belinda Kiriakou

Losing unhealthy weight is a challenging endeavor faced by individuals across the globe. This struggle can be attributed to various factors, including dietary habits, lack of physical activity, underlying health conditions, and psychological aspects. Understanding these barriers is essential in devising effective strategies to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Image photo of person hand on weight scale

One significant cause of weight loss difficulty is poor dietary habits. Modern diets often consist of high-calorie, low-nutrient processed foods, contributing to weight gain. The overconsumption of sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed carbohydrates disrupts metabolic processes and leads to excess weight. This issue is exacerbated by factors like food accessibility, cultural preferences, and marketing strategies that promote unhealthy choices.

Another critical factor is the sedentary lifestyle prevalent in many societies. Technological advancements have significantly reduced physical activity, with more people spending extended periods sitting at desks or engaging in screen-based activities. The lack of regular exercise slows down metabolism, reduces muscle mass, and hampers weight loss efforts.

Furthermore, underlying health conditions can impede weight loss progress. Hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and insulin resistance can make losing weight a formidable challenge. Addressing these health issues with appropriate medical intervention and lifestyle adjustments is essential for successful weight management.

Psychological aspects also play a crucial role in weight loss struggles. Emotional eating, stress, anxiety, depression, and a negative body image can lead to overeating and hinder weight loss efforts. It’s imperative to adopt holistic approaches that encompass both physical and mental well-being to address these challenges effectively.

To combat these barriers and promote healthy weight loss, evidence-based solutions are available

1. Balanced Diet and Nutrition Education: Encourage individuals to adopt a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Providing education on proper nutrition empowers individuals to make informed dietary choices.

2. Regular Physical Activity: Encourage regular physical exercise through various means like gym memberships, group classes, or at-home workouts. Promote a culture of movement and activity in daily routines.

3. Medical Support and Supervision: Ensure individuals with underlying health conditions receive appropriate medical support and supervision. Collaborative efforts involving healthcare professionals are essential to manage these conditions effectively.

4. Behavioral Therapy and Counseling: Integrate behavioral therapy and counseling to address emotional aspects of weight loss. Support individuals in developing healthy coping mechanisms and enhancing body image perception.

In conclusion, the struggle to lose unhealthy weight is a multifaceted issue influenced by dietary habits, sedentary lifestyles, health conditions, and psychological factors. Implementing evidence-based solutions that encompass dietary improvements, increased physical activity, medical support, and mental health strategies is vital to overcoming these barriers and achieving sustainable weight loss.

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Belinda Kiriakou Brainz Magazine

Belinda Kiriakou, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Belinda Kiriakou, an IFBB Pro and International cover model and Miss Universe Canada’s “Best Body” & “Audience Favorite” – is a well-known fitness professional and marketing consultant in Canada with 20 years of experience in health and fitness and most recently within hospitality and the entertainment sector. From competing as a professional fitness model to co-owning a personal training business, Belinda penetrated the hospitality industry working as a corporate fitness executive for leading companies in hospitality in Mexico & the Caribbean. While overcoming her own health challenges as a new mom, she was inspired to create her coaching business and “Hii5 Fit” – a fitness app for women, especially moms.





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