Written by: Meta Groselj, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Like many ambitious professionals, I strived hard to "make it" in the external world. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be successful. To be respected. When success started finding me these past few years, I found it funny, if not more than a tad ironic, that my hopes and dreams began appearing right before me as soon as I finally "made it" in the world within. We need to realize how interconnected these two worlds are and how the world within is essential to direct if you want anything or everything to happen on the outside. That promotion. That paycheck. That holiday.

The secret is you!
There were a couple of times when I manifested a specific desire, and every single time, I self- sabotaged it the minute it came to fruition. Once upon a time, after listening to an ancient recording of Earl Shaeff, the millionaire maker, I set my intention on doubling my paycheck. I was a freelancer then, at the fresh start of my entrepreneurial journey. My whole face was glowing when it came to fruition. I played around with this notion and set my intentions on doubling down. It worked! I couldn't believe it. And this is precisely why the energy stopped flowing towards me. I could not believe it. My bank account was as dry as a year-old prune in month three. If only I could believe it.
What is the energy of belief? How could I hold on to belief? And how did I lose it? Did I even have it in the first place? The point I'm making in this article about manifesting is that all the force going into manifesting money on my bank account was pointless – the energy needed to go towards manifesting the belief that backed this up. My inner life's radio station was now playing the song called "This Can't Last Forever."
Nikola Tesla said that everything is energy, vibration, and frequency. When speaking or thinking, the words you use daily are your frequency, the beliefs are your vibration, and the stories are your energy
If you look at life as a radio station, you can set the frequency with your day-to-day language. Your thoughts and imagery manifest our emotions, which are the vibrations we put into the ether, and the stories are the program, the continuous life script that runs and runs and runs, always in circles, always connecting our endings to our beginnings. In many ways, we are powerless to fix anything. People try to change the script – to get different results. But you can only change the energy if you change the vibration and frequency.
The secret to manifesting is in the words you pick and choose to keep as part of your day-to-day vocabulary. Love and fear – when we speak these words out loud, we can immediately tell they resonate with us differently. Your mind will communicate with you in two ways – language and imagery. Neuroscience links this to left-right side brain activity, the emotional part of the brain being more imagery-driven, and the logical is verbally mathematical. But also, Sigmund Freud stated that ID, the instinctual part of our ego, communicates through imagery.
How do we direct imagery and language to manifest?
The more you adopt playfulness with your inner elements, the better you get at directing yourself to enhance what you like and minimize what you don't. You make what feels good more significant by adding time to think about it, adding color to imagery, and enhancing the emotion as you feel it in your body. Then, you also remove what feels like it's not your authentic self. Just allow it to disintegrate into thin air. Just let go.
Too often, we do the opposite. We feed worry, guilt, and shame with our daily inner monologues. We play out problems over and over and over. Our brain does this to avoid making wrong or bad choices; however, when we continuously play out scenarios in our minds, even with our best intentions at heart, we still feed the energy of disbelief. We don’t trust. Trust is essential.
Trust, Love, Safety – the emotional vibrations that have your back when you are up to something. Whatever you want to achieve, you need these three by your side
The main reason manifesting doesn't work for some people is that we cut the flow by readjusting frequency with thoughts or imagery that change state — going from feeling secure to feeling insecure. It's a bit like life is a river, and you swim with the river's flow, but then, out of nowhere, a tremendous giant Hoover Dam appears. Are the obstacles causing the insecurities, or are the insecurities causing the obstacles? What a tremendous and unnecessary question. It's unimportant – the object is there, you can see it with any frequency you choose. You are causing your frequency and picking thoughts and imagery, directing that inner state. Your job is to keep an unshakable sense of security always there, full-on, dam or no dam, ready to support you and willing to take you across any challenge.
How to unblock the flow? How do we manifest the conditions of trust, love, and an unbreakable sense of security at all times? Let's look to science:
1. Keep an open, upbeat, future-oriented attribution style
To what do you attribute your success to? Luck? Hard work? Both? If a supercomputer did the math, it could be something utterly unthinkable, a serendipitous chain of events. Our brains are perfectly aware that there are too many data points around us at all times to do the complete math of everything, so we pick and choose a couple of data points and do the math with them.
Consequently, we jump to conclusions, assume, judge, and conjure stories based on subjective attributions.
If you have a prevailing negative – untrustworthy attribution style, you will jump on data points that indicate negative outcomes. It’s a bit like that saying, you get what you see. But you don’t “see” with your eyes; your mind's eye does the seeing. Training our mind’s eye to see the good, the possible, and the optimistic is the key to happiness, fulfillment, and success.
If you want to read more about attribution styles, there is a great article here.
2. Empower yourself by keeping a close eye on your explanatory style
Attribution is about collecting the data points, and explanatory style is about creating statements and stories out of them. Explanatory style is what we want to be mindful of when speaking or thinking (or imagining) because it will affect our behavior. Positive psychology research by Martin Seligman suggests that we are way more likely to jump over obstacles – faster, quicker, less bruised – when our stories are less critical of ourselves and more motivational when we find ways to attribute failure to the weather conditions and success to your bubbling personality and not vice versa. Before I knew about attribution and explanatory styles, I believed manifesting was magical. It’s not. It’s very practical when you consider the powerful effect of language.
Manifesting frequency, vibration, energy – that is not about Being. It is about Doing. The fact is your Sadness, Anger, Guilt, Shame, all of the residents of your inner world will come out to play with you at one point or another. They are the ones who need to adopt a specific attribution style and explanatory style. It's my Sadness that needs to cool down as fast as she can when something happens in the world outside that triggers this girl within. It’s my Sadness that I need to start collecting the optimal data points and pick and choose the right words to describe events to keep her and me in the energy, vibration, and frequency of love and trust. I need my Sadness to feel safe.
Forcing Happiness is not the point. If you’re sad, you’re sad. It is how it is. However, you can teach your emotion the best possible version of expression that supports abundance.
You can read more about explanatory styles here.
3. The work you put in minding your vocabulary and imagery will change your life due to neuroplasticity
Our brains reconsolidate memory based on new information every two hours. It's a bit like taking another snapshot of the world where the new one counts the most. Every two hours, you adjust the frequency of your manifestations. So what matters is the data points you gathered in these two hours of your life and the stories you conjured in these two hours, the dialogues you ran (with yourself and others), the imagery, etc. Every word counts.
You can read more about memory reconsolidation here.
As a coach, when working with my clients, my special awareness goes to words like Do or Be. The small but significant attributes of success are if success is something you are or you have. It’s about you as a person or outside of you due to your efforts. If you think this is not about manifesting but self-esteem, you focus on the results rather than the starting points. The words are the starting points, and when you change your words, beliefs, and stories, you end up with a different result. If you don’t, no extra effort will take you anywhere different. You will end up in the same spot. Same frequency. Same song.
In conclusion, manifesting is about a solid bond between external work and inner work. When I opted to earn more, and I did, my frequency was aligned, as I was expecting. When my inner universe shifted back to my standard reality, so did my bank account. There is not much magic about it. It's work; it's about choices, simple but powerful choices over everything we speak or think, that, when applied, can reshape your whole identity, with this, your life script and your life.
I invite you not to run in circles; stop that ride on the Ferris wheel and start making better choices when it comes to your language (and imagery), as it is your voice that will change the coding of your brain and it is your brain that will change your life!

Meta Groselj, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Meta Groselj is an expert Public Speaking & Inner Influence coach helping people profit by using their voice. Her clients are leaders & experts who want to overcome imposter syndrome anxiety to develop that inner power and confident presence to master any spotlight of business and life. She is also a master Storyteller & Art of Persuasion specialist, helping entrepreneurs and founders create impactfull decision-making presentations that "sell" from the stage and generate measurable business results. She calls her clients Future Voices as she is on a mission to shape up the voices of leaders changing the world.