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The Speed Of Happiness

Dr. Dain Heer is an avid explorer of possibilities and an internationally recognized author and speaker. As the founder of the annual International Being You Day and Co-creator of Access Consciousness—one of the largest personal development movements practiced in 176 countries—Dain serves as a catalyst for empowering individuals to realize they can change anything in their lives. For over 30 years, he has encouraged people to view their differences as strengths, amplify their uniqueness, and fully embrace their greatness!

Executive Contributor Dr. Dain Heer

Let’s take a moment to explore something that seems absolutely vital in our world today—speed. But not just any speed. I’m talking about the unique, individual rhythm that each of us has, the pace we operate from when we’re truly being ourselves.

A young draw stars and moon on hid bedroom wall

I want to share a story about my friend Liam, who embodies this idea in such a “perfect” way.

Picture Liam: a young man with curly red hair, a radiant smile, and a mind that never stops dancing. He possesses this incredible ability to come up with awe-inspiring solutions to the complex challenges that arise as we develop an earth-friendly resort here in Costa Rica. Conversations with him are like having a front-row seat to the unfolding magic of the universe. Each time we talk, I feel lighter, filled with hope and possibilities.

However, Liam's journey to this point has not always been easy. When we first crossed paths, he was just thirteen and in a very tough spot. His mom reached out to us in desperation; Liam was battling depression and approaching a dark place. The school had boxed him in, labeling him as ‘slow’ for not grasping information in the same way as his peers. This led to him being put in the “assisted learners” class, reinforcing the belief that he simply didn’t fit in.

But here’s what happened: over the course of the next month, we had the chance to show him something profound. Instead of trying to mold him or force him into any version of “normal,” we invited him to be himself.

We encouraged him to think at his own speed, whatever that looked like for him. And let me tell you, his thoughts flowed like a wild river, often racing off in multiple directions all at once. But rather than trying to reel him in or label his brilliance as excessive, we simply marveled at the remarkable mind before us!

It became clear that his rapid thoughts and unique perspective weren’t weaknesses; they were strengths! In that space of no judgment, Liam began to see the beauty within himself through our eyes. He started trusting in his differences and embarked on the journey to becoming the phenomenal and incredibly happy young man he is today.

What shifted Liam’s trajectory wasn't rocket science; it was the gift of a space of total allowance. A space we can all create for each other if we choose to.

Liam’s experience sheds light on a broader pattern I see in so many people: the tendency to hold back, dial down, and soften their edges to fit societal norms. The urge to dim one’s light to conform to an arbitrary standard, trying to move at a “suitable” pace dictated by others.

But what if happiness doesn’t come from adhering to someone else’s speed limit?

What if true joy flourishes when we honor our own rhythm?

Imagine the possibilities if you spent the next 30 days in a space of no judgment. How wild would your ideas go?

How fast would you change direction?

How happy would you discover that you actually are?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more information!

Read more from Dr. Dain Heer


Dr. Dain Heer, Speaker and Author

Having grown up in a challenging environment in Los Angeles, Dain faced constant adversity but chose resilience over victimhood. His determination to create positive change has fueled every aspect of his work, from facilitating global classes to authoring books and developing business ventures embodying benevolent capitalism principles.

Dain draws from his personal experience to inspire individuals from all walks of life to create the money, happiness, and life they truly desire. In his talks and workshops, he offers a set of tools and step-by-step energetic processes that help people break free from limiting conclusions and judgments, guiding them toward a place of choice and transformative change.

As a conscious and innovative business leader, Dain’s passion for possibilities and creating a better planet fuels all of his projects, including Castello di Casalborgone, a luxurious castle in Italy restored to its former glory; a thriving ranch in Houston; and EL Lugar, a fully sustainable eco-retreat in Costa Rica, designed in harmony with the earth.



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