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The Soul Care Movement – Integrating Our Whole Being Into The Planet’s Growth

Written by: Erlinda Vo, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We are a soul. We are angels inside a carefully designed body waiting to set ourselves free. That doesn’t mean the body is a prison for the soul – the body is a fundamental part of our being that will flourish proportionally to our soul’s growth. Prioritizing our inner well-being brings many benefits to our overall health and creates a high frequency so contagious that it changes other people’s lives.

Silhouette prayer hand blessing God on blurred candle light with bird flying background.

Western culture pushes us into this workaholic race where everybody finds their identity in what they do or plan to become in the future. Having ambition is good, of course, but neglecting other parts of your life such as relationships, family, or health to achieve material goals, does not necessarily increase your well-being.

First, you might be working toward achieving fame or fortune without being aligned with your highest soul’s purpose. That’s a tremendous waste of potential, not only for yourself but for the planet. We need to allow ourselves the freedom to practice meaningful work.

The burnout crisis, long working hours, and isolation caused by the pandemic are awakening people to new ways of thinking about success and what it means to be happy and fulfilled. The soul-care movement invites us to stop resisting these changes by switching our mindset to a more holistic path that is aligned with our soul’s purpose.

The soul: more than the ‘rider’ of the body

Western theology has taught us for many years that the soul is our inner substance, the ‘rider’ of the body, our ‘true self. In our culture, we often hear that we are mind, body, and soul; or a soul within a body. This compartmentalized notion of our humanity has made us believe that if we separate our lives ‒ and ourselves ‒ into different categories, everything would be easier to handle.

The fact is that living a life so fragmented leads us to prioritize one aspect of ourselves over the others. For instance, some people believe that the soul is the most important part of our being. In reality, if we neglect our bodies by not taking care of our health, it could have negative consequences. In Hebrew, ‘soul’ translates as nephesh which can also translate as ‘life,’ ‘me,’ ‘heart,’ or ‘people.’

In the Ancient Hebraic mentality, there was no separation between mind, body, and soul. People used to live lives in congruence with their whole being. So nephesh was the word they used to describe this mindset in which they strived to live in wholeness. That’s the reason why we don’t have a soul, we are a soul.

Soul and body integration is key to the soul-care movement

We must think of ourselves as an entire and complete entity. Integrating and embracing all aspects and dimensions of our being is essential if we want to make soul-care a daily habit. We don’t need to neglect our bodies to achieve spiritual enlightenment or vice versa.

We are not compartmentalized fragmented beings. Every aspect of ourselves, inner or external like the mind, the body, the soul, family, relationships, hobbies, and work, are related to one another. We are much more like ecosystems than a group of separate independent departments. That’s why we need to integrate and care for our whole being.

Honoring our wholeness is key to the soul-care movement because we are embracing and celebrating ourselves as fully complete beings. Raising our frequency will lead us to live a life in congruence with ourselves and our soul’s purpose.

The soul-care movement in the awakening for a high-vibe future

These days, we have more opportunities than ever before to cultivate a spiritual life. Many choices are available to us: yoga, meditation, astrology, and so on… Taking care of our souls has never been so accessible as it is today. However, some of us still resist and get distracted by things we feel are more important, so we neglect our inner life and forget to nurture that part of ourselves.

Culturally, we are all going through an awakening process. Even though some people are flowing and embracing these transformations, others don't know how to deal with them. This can lead to people feeling anxious, depressed, or sad. We need to channel our spiritual guides to help us navigate these energetic shifts so we can get in alignment with our soul purpose.

This is about integrating all parts of ourselves and about integrating ourselves as vital parts of the planet. Vibing up and cultivating an inner spiritual life is key to this process.

If you want to learn more about how you can achieve your spiritual goals and up-level your soul’s frequency join the soul-care movement with us and start a new transformational journey!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Erlinda Vo, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Erlinda Vo, the Energy Alchemist, is a visionary leader. A leading expert in personal motivation and breakthrough technology. As an experienced business and success coach, aka an Energy Vibe coach, she has developed a new modality called "Energy Alchemy" — a tool to empower others to produce life-changing results and to live a life that lights them up. Her mission is to Vibe Up the Planet. Join her community today to actualize career, romantic, financial, and self-expression goals using business and spiritual techniques.

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