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“The Sophia Wisdom” The Sacred Feminine Energy – Exclusive Interview With Ikram Atitar

Ikram Atitar, is a speaker & naturally gifted healer & coach, she has committed her life to be a healer of the heart, mind, body & soul, by following the path of the Divine Feminine Energy of compassion and unity. Her passion for human behavior, spirituality, metaphysics & psychology was reflected in her diverse curriculum, with a degree in psychology and certifications in many alternative modalities such as Theta Healing, Sound Healing, ISUI Reiki, Pranic Healing, Ikram's vast knowledge allowed her to craft a unique method of healing & coaching she is able to heal on all levels of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

Ikram Atitar, Speaker / Intuitive Healer & Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

My name is Ikram Atitar, I am Moroccan living in the United Arab Emirates! My journey of self-healing and self-inquiry started quite early.

As a child, I was intuitive, very curious, fascinated with knowledge, and smitten by words” A funny fact about me was my obsession with words when I was a child, I still remember sitting in the back seat in my parent’s car and spelling every single sign we drove by! Which explains my undeniable love of words, spoken and written!”

I had the urge to search for meanings and explanations of what I was experiencing as a child, the feeling of not belonging, the anxiety, and other emotions, so I was looking into psychology & neuroscience.

Being scientifically oriented, I graduated in International Economics, and pursued the typical path of finding a corporate job, so moved to the UAE and worked in many capacities, ending it at the Tourism Board of Abu Dhabi as the lead of the destination communication & PR team.

Moving to another country, and the pain of the separation from my family, accentuated the feeling of separation and non-belonging, and triggered my spiritual awakening!

It started by realizing that the pain I was feeling, was the longing for the inner union, there was a call within me asking me to bring my attention within and seek the wisdom of the heart! At this stage, my focus was directed into mindfulness, alternative methods…etc.

So, I studied many modalities and alternative healing methods, including a 200hrs Hatha yoga teacher, a 200hrs kundalini yoga teacher, a 100hr meditation teacher! ISUI Reiki, Theta, Energy, and Shamanic healing certifications… and I finally had another degree from the University of Essex in psychology!

My passion for human behavior, for spirituality and for teaching overruled every fear I had of leaving a well-paid, structured, orthodox job, So I followed my heart and quit my job a year ago.

I am a Music lover I play Guitar, harp, flute and piano, and I love singing I also love painting, poetry and writing.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

My company is called Earthed Being, the name is inspired by Earth Energy, which is the energy I work with in my healings & teachings, it is called “the Sophia wisdom”, the expression of the sacred feminine energy, which is intuitive, present and grounded, Heart driven, compassionate, inclusive, sees the totality in everything…etc., it is a state of “Being” in the flow, contrarily to how we have been raised,, where meaning & fulfillment comes only from “doing” and taking actions, a way of living that keeps us distracted from being in stillness, from observing and witnessing life, and from our own self-inquiry.

The concept of Sophia is found in all Eastern religious traditions. In Hinduism, it is shakti (sanskrit: personification of female wisdom), in Buddhism, it is the compassionate bodhisattva, in Christianity, it is Mother Mary while in Jungian psychology, Sophia is defined as the unifying power of masculine and feminine archetypes (animus and anima), as well as of the lower self with the higher spiritual self.

Being an empath, Intuition is the foundation of how I work individually with my clients, in addition to that, I use a combination of the modalities I have studied and experienced in my healing journey.

My mentoring packages and healing sessions are aimed to get to the root of the challenges that my clients are facing, and shading light on all the limiting beliefs, old paradigms, backdated mindsets and social programming, that are blocking them from their true potential, true identity and from reaching their utmost fulfillment, joy and purpose in this lifetime. I do that using Shadow and parts work, to accept our shadows and integrate them, meditation, sound technology (mantras), and energy work (Theta healing, Pranic healing, and ISUI Reiki) and shamanic healing), I also introduce my trauma clients to somatic practices to shake trauma memories from their physical bodies.

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

I focus in my area of work on Trauma survivors, who had been left with higher rates of anxiety, depression, suicide and self-harm, PTSD, drug and alcohol misuse and relationship difficulties, and other disorders…

What are your current goals for your business?

My goal is to be able to inspire people to shift old mindsets and snap out of the victimhood mentality, old beliefs and paradigms and perceive the role they can play in changing their environment, and their outer world, by playing an active role in their healing and mental wellness, this could be done through the embodiment of the feminine energy, the path of the heart & compassion, where I am able to see that the other person is Me, what triggers me in someone, is a total projection of what I am running from and willing to look at, and the beauty I see in another, is also me! And this is a space, no separation there is no black and white, right and wrong, good or bad…there is just a being witnessing the experience of life with no judgement.

although I do offer healing and coaching sessions, my goal for now is more speaking opportunities at events and workshops internationally, teaching and reminding people of their superpowers.

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

The spoken and written words are my passion, and looking into the future, I would say definitely a talk show where I can share the knowledge and wisdom, I have accumulated with those who find resonance,

Another objective of mine is creating programmes for parents, and children to educate them about the difference between parenting and abuse and educating them on the impact Inner child trauma has on their lives. My dream is having this as part of the school curriculum, to spread awareness about conscious parenting, and how parents unhealed wound, can destroy both their lives, and the live of their children.

My last goal is writing a book about my personal experience and publishing my poetry.

What is your work inspired by?

My work is inspired by nature, by Mother Earth, it involves witnessing & understanding life cycles & its most dramatic concepts such as: Death, life and rebirth. Nature teaches us harmony & coherence, and how to navigate our feminine and masculine energies, by knowing when to plant seeds, take action, and when to rest, reflect and wait for harvesting time.

Every Minute the earth gives us a lesson in co-existing, and co-creating with each other, on how to be part of an eco-system, and how connected we are!

There is a lot of wisdom in nature, so one of the best things one can do is to follow the path of the keepers of the earth, our ancestry, the original indigenous people.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

I would change the wave of toxic positivity, the pattern of shaming people for feeling and expressing their negative emotions! The perception of separation within the self, and the need to be fixed, while in fact they should be holding a space of non-judgement and guide them to see their perfection and wholeness! Because healing starts with self-acceptance & compassion!

This is something I see on social media platforms, since most of what my work is done online!

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