Written by: Samantha Curbelo & Austin Nichols, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Let’s be real. It’s a saturated market — the health and fitness industry.

“Everybody” knows best.
Susan from across the street tells you “just drink water” to “flush out the fat.”
Bob from Instagram says, “just eat less and move more.”
Karen swears up and down that keto will solve the world’s problems.
But why is none of that working for you?
I’ll give you the secret before jumping into it:
The reason that you’re failing at diets over and over again and never seeing results is simple, so bear with me and hear me out before jumping to conclusions.
When we look back at everything that we’ve tried in the past, putting in all of our effort and energy into these “programs” and “plans,” what does it all have in common?
Well, restriction and unrealistic exercises for one, but something a little less obvious...
The biggest common factor is that all of these programs don't teach sustainability.
And you fall into this crazy vicious cycle time after time.
Start a program
Get some results
The program is making you miserable
Gain the weight back
Search for a new program
Same with fad diets.
The point is this:
No same car works the same. So why would it hold for our bodies?
You need something that works for you.
Something that works for your body. So I’m going to show you a couple of things that I teach in my AS Fitness Acceleration Academy, where I educate my clients with 1:1 support to get the results they want and keep them for life.
These tactics work if you apply them:
First, you want to gauge an idea of what your goal is. This is a given.
Do you want to tone up? Lose weight? Add muscle definition? Gain strength? Gain muscle mass? Add more weight? Grow a booty?
What is your goal?
From there, you can begin to work towards those goals.
Second, once you have your goal down, you need to calculate your caloric intake.
To calculate your calories, you’re going to apply your age, gender, height, weight, current activity level, and goal.
From there, you will be given what is called your “macronutrients.”
Your macronutrients are crucial to your success. In short, macronutrients or “macros” are defined to be the chemical compounds that humans consume in large quantities that provide energy. Specifically, they refer to carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, since they are needed in large amounts in the human body. We’ll go over this more in-depth another time.
The tricky part is, these are rough numbers. It is really important to learn about YOUR specific body, so you understand what works for you, why, and how. This way, it will be a forever result, not just a short-term fix.
Third, you want to keep track of your macros each day for the best results. This sometimes seems tedious and annoying, but I promise you, it will make a difference.
Is it 100% necessary? Well, no. Nothing is.
However, you will notice a big difference when doing this.
I like to use the app MyFitnessPal to track my food and water intake. It makes my life 10 times easier, plugging everything into an app to do the work and calculations for me.
You can still enjoy the foods you want, but applying your macronutrients specific to your body and goals will create a much more sustainable and realistic approach for you to reach your goals.
Again, these are just some tactics we use in our academy to help you get the body and confidence you’ve always wanted and keep those results.
Now add in adjusted exercise, body-specific cardio regimens, and other necessities, and you are GOLDEN.
While, of course, I’d love to give you every ounce of information on weight loss there is, that’d be impossible for me to do. When I work with clients, I guide them through the process of teaching them how to unlearn the limiting beliefs they were taught revolving around their health and fitness. We unravel the reasoning behind horrible fad diets and the culture they absorbed in their past while re-teaching them how the body works, their specific nutrition plans, customized workouts, and mindset around the body and getting the results they want. I help them dive into their goals, what they desire, and discuss the real fears they’ve experienced, so they never have to deal with these circumstances again.
The point is, when I teach you how to make this “fitness stuff” fit around your lifestyle, you won’t need another self-help program again. I want to teach you how my clients are getting mesmerizing results while still enjoying their lifestyle and eating the foods they love!
Weight loss, fitness, and health are very specific to each person. We are all genetically different, so no one thing will work the same for another.
I hope this was helpful. If you apply these tactics correctly, they will absolutely make a difference.

Samantha Curbelo & Austin Nichole, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Samantha Curbelo and Austin Nichols are leaders in the fitness and health industry. They are certified Fitness and Mindset Coaches who show motivated individuals how to build a physique they love while becoming their most confident self, all without restrictions. After both of them had overcome childhood bullying, being overweight, and severely insecure starting from a young age, Curbelo and Nichols quickly fell in love with fitness and health as a strategy to develop a physique they are proud of, better their mindsets, and perform at their most optimal versions of themselves. They believe that fitness is more than "looks." It is a way to express emotion, create better habits, and live a long and healthy life with those you love. Their expertise allows them to have various clients looking to achieve results from losing weight, gaining muscle mass, overcoming eating disorders, and much more. Their passion for the industry makes it easy for Curbelo and Nichols to help their clients and others around them to create a massive impact in each and every individual.