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The Seven Chakras And The True Nature Of Creativity

Written by: Marja West, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Marja West

Hello, my beloved Waking Gods and Goddesses! I’m happy to report that I’ve signed on to Brainz for another year—this time as a Senior Executive Contributor. In the spirit of celebrating creative expression, in this article, I discuss the Seven Chakras as they pertain to what I call the True Nature of Creativity.

Photo of seven chakras.

Divine creative energies

The True Nature of Creativity has been defined in many different ways, from fleeting to easily blocked or only accessible to an elite group of extremely talented and special super-humans, aka the “real artists” with real live muses with beautiful bodies and mesmerising tresses that beguile, driving these artists to the edge of madness, revealing their noteworthy artistic expressions. Yet, in Truth, we are all here to create and move Formless into Form uniquely.

I define The True Nature of Creativity as the flow of Divine Creative Energies, also known as Life Force Energy, Chi ~ Qi, and Vril, to name a few, that begins with the download of these energies as Divine Inspiration showing up as an amazing thought on the design of a vehicle capable of moving through space beyond the speed of light, or a lightening bolt idea to paint a picture, design a building, start a home-based business, write a book, compose a piece of music, or even start a family.

The download of divine inspiration moves through each chakra

We are Infinite Loving Awareness and Consciousness, having a human experience. We Are The-Divine-In-The-Flesh hardwired to create. The Nature of Creativity is that Divine Inspiration received and downloaded from the All-That-Is, utilising gravity down through each Chakra, activating the Chakra’s specific gifts, distributing these energies into our bodies and cells and anchoring the birthing process of energy becoming physical.

The moment we get an idea to create something, that idea gets downloaded from the Divine and enters our Seventh Chakra. Located at the top of the head, the Seventh Chakra receives this information and sparks fly. A creative synergy begins to expand. We receive insights and more ideas, and then these ideas morph into pictures of what these ideas look like—colours-textures, sights and sounds as the Divine Inspiration moves from the Seventh Chakra and enters into the Sixth Chakra, downloading these visions and pictures into the Sixth Chakra—our Third Eye—Intuitive-Imagination Centre, which is located In the middle of the forehead.

As the creative energies swirl around, enthusiasm rises, and the ideas enter the middle of the throat at the Fifth Chakra, the Throat Centre~Communication Centre. I call the Throat Chakra The Truth Chakra, which ignites and activates our voice so that we can now fully talk about our plans and visions, write them down, and share our words with trusted friends and colleagues who are our allies. These beloveds share our enthusiasm and encourage us through cheerleading and tracking our progress in our beloved projects. They ask us engaging questions and make suggestions or share their insights based on our shares and any concerns.

From the Fifth Chakra, Divine Inspiration moves into our Hearts—the Fourth Chakra. Here’s where the rubber meets the road, and a distinction is made and whether the quality of “heartfelt” inspiration is anchored. Ideas and Inspirations meant for us are infused with Heart Chakra energies of Love and Care. Often, this Centre is ignored, particularly when tribal programming gets in the way or is the prime motivator in any creative pursuit that is not directly inspired but projected as an unspoken expectation to comply with the Family of Origin rules and programs such as All Men in our family join the military and become warriors, or all women in our family become concert pianists. From these examples, if one is NOT inspired to follow through on programmed tribal expectations, these choices would render the devastating emotional pain of an unfulfilled life.

Ask yourself truthfully, “Am I following my Heart?”

By listening to your Heart’s Desire—if your Inspired idea is meant for you to materialise—you will KNOW it without a doubt. If it’s being projected onto you by family traditions not aligned with your Soul calling, that too will be clear. Any conflict will require some Shadow Work to regain clarity within yourself, particularly your emotions, thoughts, and actions (or nonactions) in alignment with your Soul—that Heart-Mind-Body-Soul Coordination I introduced in my very first article for Brainz Magazine titled: See Yourself As Divine, Uplevel Your Self-Talk, Create Your Best Life.

The inspirational idea from the Heart Chakra drops in at the Third Chakra-Power Centre, just below the sternum. It starts to magnetise all the helpers and assistance meant to bring your vision to fruition. At this stage, the Power Chakra, being so magnetic, draws in the pertinent next steps and information, connections, books, websites, community bridgers, experts, and advice—often without lifting a finger.

Upon exiting the Power Centre-Third Chakra, Divine Inspiration enters the Second Chakra—the Creative Centre, located just below the navel, which activates the superpower of magnetism to readily receive funding and monies and the actual content creation of the vision before its birthing into materialised physicality.

Your idea comes to fruition through the First Chakra—the Manifestation Chakra, located at the base of the spine. It is birthed into physical materialisation onto the planet and out into the world as a technological marvel, a painting, a published book, a musical composition, a home-based online business, a newborn baby, a custom-built home of your design, a healing practice modality, whatever you intended.


You have been duly initiated into the True Nature of Creativity process as it’s downloaded through the Seven Chakra System and imbued with each Chakra’s specific gifts! The download process through the Chakra System can be completed instantly or in a step-by-step process that can last days, months, years, or decades, depending on one’s focused attention and free access to the creative flow without any interference or getting sidetracked.

Many are weighed down and mired in unchallenged, unquestioned duties and obligations to their automated, habituated, uninspired daily lives. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients who’ve lamented how they’ve wasted so many years doing things that dulled their lives and arrived at an understanding of why it’s taken them so long to act on their creative inklings.

To quell such regrets, I offer that Divine Timing is always engaged, and if a creative idea is meant for you to birth—the timing will always be perfect for you to make it so. Be gentle with yourselves, my darlings.

The chakras and their gifts guide

Your Seventh Chakra, Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Centre)—governs Divine Inspiration—your brilliant ideas, fondest dreams, and desires from the Divine meant for YOU! Colour: Violet-Gold.

Your Six Chakra, Ajna Chakra (Third Eye/Visionary Centre)—governs Inspired Vision—where the realm of the infinite shows you your brilliant ideas and fondest dreams and desires in full, living colour, pictures and visions. Dwell in possibility! Colour: Indigo Blue, Sapphire Blue.

Your Fifth Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra (Throat/Communication Centre)—governs Inspired Communication—your voice. This placement is where you speak your Truth, share and walk your talk about your brilliant ideas and fondest dreams and desires to one and all. Colour: Turquoise, Sky Blue.

Your Fourth Chakra, Anahata Chakra (Heart Centre/The Gateway to Conscious Presence on the Earth)—governs your Inspired Passion—the driving force behind your brilliant ideas and heartfelt fondest dreams and desires. The Anahata Chakra is where True Power is nurtured…listen to your Heart. Colour: Green, Pink.

Your Third Chakra, Manipura Chakra (Power Centre)—governs Inspired Will to create. It also governs your attractor patterns and magnetises all the assistance and connections to you that are required to birth your brilliant ideas and fondest dreams and desires into actual reality. Colour: Sunny Yellow.

Your Second Chakra, Svadisthana Chakra (Creativity/Pleasure/Sex Centre)—governs Inspired Creativity in Action—the feel-good, inspired activities and magnetising the finances to birth your brilliant ideas and fondest dreams into physicality. Increase your capacity for pleasure. Colour: Orange.

Your First Chakra, Muladhara Chakra (Manifestation Centre)—governs Inspired Manifestation—the birthplace of your brilliant ideas and fondest dreams into pure physicality, whether you’re birthing a baby, a book, a CD of original music, a dream house of your dreams, an independent film, or your world service. Colour: Red.

Bonus guide: The musical notes and frequencies of each chakra

7th Chakra—AH (ahh), B, Sahasrara, Crown Chakra—Spiritual Centre

6th Chakra—AUM (ahh-ooo-mmm), A, Ajna, Third-Eye Chakra—Inspired Vision Centre

5th Chakra—HAM (harm), G, Vishuddha, Throat Chakra—Communication Centre

4th Chakra—YAM (yarm), F, Anahata, Heart Chakra—Heart Centre

3rd Chakra—RAM (rarm), E, Manipura, Power Chakra—Power Centre

2nd Chakra—VAM (varm, D, Svadisthana, Navel Chakra—Creative Centre

1st Chakra— LAM (larm), C, Muladhara, Base Chakra—Manifestation Centre

Let us affirm our creative nature.

  • I am Divine-In-The-Flesh, here to move Formless into Form.

  • I utilise the power of my connection to the Divine-God-Goddess-All-That-Is and receive Divine Inspiration, a calling and creation meant for me.

  • I know this to be True as my Heart Sings with delight.

  • I am my Ideal now.

  • I am populating my layer of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe with my Ideal intentions, which manifest easily.

  • I am the Master of my Reality.

  • And so, it is.

Okay, my darlings, that’s it for now. I trust you found this post uplifting and enlivening to allow your Divine Inspirations to be received, downloaded, and flourish!

Here’s to Love, Truth, and Beauty!

Marja (Mahrr-ya)

Check out my recent guest appearance Part 1 interview on the wonderful India-based podcast Lohitaksha’s Den—where I discuss Transurfing Reality Principles: LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 351

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!

Marja West Brainz Magazine

Marja West, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marja (pronounced Mahrrr-ya) West is an author, mentor of The Hermetic~Natural Law Principles, and a leading expert in Energy Mastery, Reality Creation, and Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator focusing on handholding survivors of Human Trafficking, Rape Camps, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Cult/Tribal, and NSP Abuse (Narcissistic-Sociopathic-Psychopathic), to evolve from Victim to Victorious. Well-known for her zero-filtered-laugh-out-loud humour and disarming, electrifying presentations, Marja is the author of the book F'd Wide Open: The Rude Awakening of the Heart-Based New Humanity. She is also a medical intuitive, martial artist, singer, multi-instrumentalist-musician, dancer, and plant lover.

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