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The Secret To Transcend Chronic Stress

Written by: Melanie Ashley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Melanie Ashley

One way to transcend chronic stress is to transform the experiences which caused physical and mental distress to a place where we can embody the vibration of peace. This can be quite a difficult step as it might involve seeing our own truths and finding the lessons and gifts that have been hidden. Continuing with the 5-element theory (which helps us understand how the forces of nature live within us) we are working with the transformational energy of fire. To embrace the energy of fire within us means completing the work with practices of self nurturing, so we feel safe and secure and firmly rooted in our physical and emotional self. This grounding is like preparing the soil for a garden; it must be nurtured to create the best conditions for growth.

Bon fire at the top of the forest.

Embody your true power & innate gift

These initial steps are crucial. They keep us safe and secure by ensuring we are firmly rooted in our physical and emotional selves. This grounding is like preparing the soil for a garden; it must be nurtured to create the best conditions for growth. 


We have now arrived at a pivotal point Step 2 along our Pathway to Peacefulness which is called Embodied Integration. 


This involves increasing the internal pressure, to create the heat necessary to eliminate the bio-toxins including neuropeptides trapped in the body, plus dissolve psychological inertia to release energy so we feel light and ready to embrace personal power and reveal innate gifts. 


We create the energy to grow by igniting the element of fire.


Let us ignite the spark 


This means energising each of the 6 layers: Physically with the body, Positioning the mind using the right breathing techniques, attuning the appropriate sense to spark Passion, create the best Psychology to identify allies and enemies then create the right vibration with Pslam. Together a practice which is a fusion of many – can be created to re-ignite an inner spark of hope and adventure transcending chronic stress. 


We liken this to creating a new tapestry for a magical carpet and recognising the need to join the threads. The strength comes from creating congruency and harmony as each layer communicates well and seamlessly with each other. And in our metaphor the colour is added to each thread to show strength, signifying a unity that forms the core of our being*. 


This unity allows access to deeper levels of our innate wisdom to reveal our natural gift whilst also opening the door of possibility. And this door can be opened without fear, judgement, or preconceptions, as we step through with a curiosity of how we can connect the outer world with our inner world safely knowing our gift is protected. 


Without congruency and harmony, it is easier to revert into our comfort zone when the challenges become too intense. However, with the learnings acquired so far, ‘wise reasoning’ can be applied: revert to safety of the status quo or be a ‘maximiser’ to transcend symptoms of stress. ⁴ Neither is right or wrong. The difference is that the space is created to recognise, review, and decide. Remember, this is a journey of one. And experiment of life in which we can experience all aspects. 


Embrace a new type of heat 


The fire of transformation is physically created within the solar plexus. Many people experience this as a vibration that they have never felt before. It might be felt across the whole body or a localised part. In either case, this is stored energy being released (2/3). 


In yoga, this heat is called agni. And on a physical level relates to the strength of the digestive system. The digestive system relates to the efficiency of all the body’s systems. The heat detoxes the bio-chemicals including unnecessary neuropeptides by pushing them through the bodies lymphatic systems to be expelled through the urinary system. Sweating and certain breathing techniques also help with the elimination. 


It can also support a new awakening. This happens when the conditions are right. It is quite unusual to activate Agni purely by will. 


However, too much heat we get burnt. Not enough – the embers continue to smoulder; The right amount and we propel further. So, understanding your personal constitution and doing the groundwork is key to know how much pressure can be taken to generate the appropriate amount of heat.


Here, a guide is particularly useful. 

Clearing energy pathways 

The integrated single practice – which is a merger of many encourages more than focus of the mind. Conscious awareness of the breath illuminates how to create space in the body, stabilise emotions and notice how subtle impressions are constantly guiding us along the best path. However, chronic stress, physical & mental exhaustion creates blockages which might be preventing us from seeing and using our innate gifts. This is how our sensitivity, breath, body and focus can help build energy to clear internal blocks. We’ll discuss this in the next article ‘flying towards possibilities’.


Activating fire 


I. Cultivating the correct mindset by Positioning our state of mind.   

With increasingly stronger lungs and increased lung capacity we continue with breathing techniques which specifically activate heat within the system. We activate more of the Yang or Sun energy or the Masculine energy to breakdown unwanted emotional experiences and thoughts. 


II.   We continue to awaken Passion through the power of our senses.


By stimulating the sense of vision provides a direct connection to our perceptions. The world is full of visual stimulation so choosing one which brings calmness to the mind is important as the mind can metamorphosize to reflect whatever is the object of the mind. Choosing beautiful art or items from nature, for example, can act as metaphors for problem-solving, simply by projecting questions onto the object and noticing one's reaction and what is reflected back. It could be a symbolic reflection of a solution. There are many rituals that can develop this level of awareness. 


III. This then increases awareness of the subtle inner vibration.   

The building of Agni with heightened senses will increase the internal pressure within the body, mind and emotions. And it is this pressure which causes the energetic transformation from a solid state to fluid to vapor. For example, the feeling of being stuck and heavy to feeling light, clear and creative.   


We are effectively strengthening the nervous system – so the body can hold the increased flow of energy – as we invite the subtle vibration of the word with Psalm. This also continues to build the inner dialogue whilst the old ones – the old programming – breaks down. 

Naturally, working with an expert here is important as not all breathing techniques and movements are suitable for everyone. 


Embodied Integration signifies that the practices start to become part of you and part of your daily life. Living mindfully for a sense of inner health rather than the automatic responses to fear, protection, and self-preservation. 


We are also creating a new pattern or rhythm for the mind and body as positive energetic flow increases. 


As energy starts to flow, we can work on : 


IV. Balancing the body's systems with movements  

As well as our new breathing practice supporting our cardio-vascular system we are also developing our new core strength*. And this core strength is built on connecting physicality, passion through sense awareness, psalm through vibration of felt senses as we manage to maintain a calm positioning of mental state. 


Applied in yoga postures, we continually tone the vital organs, improves focus and concentration of the mind plus strengthens the Vegas nerve. 


V. Lastly, with a calm mind and increased focus, it is often easier to become curious about the Psychology of inner sensations and impressions.

This is key to the biofeedback between mind and body with the emotions acting as the messenger. Recognizing and learning to read such subtle signs helps recognize if the ‘felt senses‘ are a warning which could lead to stress related symptoms or the clearing of a path to reveal our gifts which can be used to guide us to a place of deep inner peace. 


Living with purpose and passion 


Embraced Integration is like extinguishing the effects of physical and mental fatigue to see the gifts of personal truth values and beliefs which may have been compromised. 


This clearing from managing agni can be the fuel to start the process of profound transformation which is often experienced as tremors with body. Life becomes more vibrant and meaningful when we live in accordance with our genuine interests. It is not just about achieving goals but fulfilling a deeper mission that gives life richness and depth.  


Our tapestry of life – introduced in the How to Recover from Physical & Mental Exhaustion ⁵ is now becoming more colourful and stronger as we add the colour. You may even be able to see a new pattern emerging with an excitement of what could be. 


Trust the process and let the process unfold – Naturally 


Let's continue our transformative journey. It's time to move on to the next step, Opening Channels. Here we'll explore the possibilities that await us. Join us as we step into a future filled with potential and promise. 


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Melanie Ashley Brainz Magazine

Melanie Ashley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Melanie helps overworked and exhausted professionals navigate through draining life changes. She helps them find mental clarity, physical strength and emotional balance by them to reconnect with their personal truths, purpose and motivations. Melanie does this by uncovering hidden gifts, building energetic practices and opening the realm of possibilities to create a unique practice for each person.



(1) Restore & Realign (Brainz article) 

(2) How to recover from Physical abnd Mental Exhaustion (Brainz article) 

(4)David Robinson – author of The Expectation Effect. How Your mindset can transform your life. 

(5) How to Recover from Physical & Mental Exhaustion (Brainz article) 

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