Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview
Olga Kiendler (OK), previously a senior manager in the corporate world and today an Executive and Leadership Coach and Rapid Transformational Therapist, defines the current state in the leadership and management arena as "The Big Awakening." Executives have recognized their need for Personal Transformation to keep pace with the changes in their organizations, businesses, and society at large. A Personal Transformation is no longer an option; it is a must to succeed in the rapidly changing economic and societal landscape.
In this interview, Olga demystifies Personal Transformation and its impact on decision-making processes. She reveals why she came up with her Stevie Award-nominated Program "OK Transformation," a time-saving "One-Stop-Shop" for busy professionals looking for quick fixes. The program delivers personalized frameworks and tools for optimal decision-making processes in professional and private life.

You work with executives and business owners who wish to fast-track personal and professional growth and optimize their decision-making processes. What is so unique about your “OK Transformation” program?
I am sure that we can all look back on a decision or action we took we knew was either wrong or sub-optimal either for ourselves or others. We knew it then, and we know it now. Although we may convince ourselves that we would not do the same thing again, often we do.
Just thinking for a while about it, we can almost certainly say this of other people we know – they will always return to type. But can we change our type? Can we become more effective leaders and decision-makers? Is it possible to transform and take a different approach and be OK with that emotionally and rationally without investing much effort in it?
Can someone speak up and call something out when they typically do not, or vice versa? Can someone tell people 'no' despite typically needing to be liked? Can someone look at a situation and not always start calculating what is in it for them when typically they cannot help it (think of particular investment decisions)? Can you trust a specific type of people after a disappointment? Can a wrong move get you emotionally stuck when you are used to flying high?
OK Transformation accelerates the process to uncover why people behave and feel in a sub-optimal way versus how they need to act given their responsibilities and roles in private and professional lives. We discover the root causes of the sub-optimal processes and change them rapidly to bring them to desired, productive levels.
Can you let us know what Personal Transformation for executives and business owners means and the most common topics you work on?
Most leaders have understood that Personal Transformation goes hand in hand with organizational change and business growth. Research shows that it is the Personal Transformation that managers have lately recognized as instrumental to their and their organization’s success.
Personal Transformation is individual and relates to personal attributes of emotional and rational nature that need to align with the needs of the business, the structure, relationships, and the company culture. Curiosity and a growth mindset are at the core. Also, professional and private life are inseparably connected through our emotional and behavioral patterns. Both domains need to be included in the transformation.
Some of the most common and critical topics we work around are the following: detachment from high Ego-driven decision making, elaboration of the states of mind related to risk-awareness (the need for an increased risk exposure vs. risk mitigation), recognition-based behavior, the impact of self-image on others, emotional Self-Regulation, Trust-factors, Rapid Recovery from set-backs, Aggression and Anger, Board Level Constellations and Dynamics and their impact on organizational behavior, Control factors, Success factors, Fear, Anxiety, Curiosity, and many more.
Your programs deliver rapid results - a maximum of 5 sessions per topic are sufficient to achieve the desired Transformation. How do you achieve such rapid results?
"OK Transformation" understands that there are many traditional frameworks and processes, typically from business academia, that people can adopt to be influential leaders and decision-makers. Despite adopting such practices at the core, the person may still not feel comfortable doing things differently, so outcomes may be achieved but are not sustainable in the way they are accomplished. The barriers that prevent a natural adoption of doing things differently run too deep, and traditional methods, frameworks, and processes act as a crutch for the leader. They do not truly unlock leadership capabilities that barriers prevent.
These deep-seated barriers to effective leadership may not even be known to a person or even why they came about in the first place. An atypical approach that allows the natural human mechanisms to work to help address issues needs to be taken to uncover these barriers. These mechanisms are not always focused on or even developed and are under-utilized for the development and high impact they can bring about.
"OK Transformation" uses best-in-class techniques that allow these mechanisms, some sub-conscious in nature, to be focused upon and uncover (particularly emotional) barriers and the source of behaviors that could negatively impact leadership and decision-making.
It allows executives to reduce the time taken to discover factors that are holding them back or contributing to less than desirable behavior for the roles they are undertaking.
What used to work once doesn't apply any longer. Traditional Leadership skills based on frameworks and taught by academia are insufficient to meet the current needs in organizations, businesses, and people's lives. We can no longer only "Do." We have to "Be."
Can you tell us more about your work and how you ended up where you are today?
Having held senior corporate roles and having ventured through an entrepreneurial journey more than once, I understand that experience, technical knowledge, and a profound understanding of business academia are not enough to succeed. The secret ingredient is the adequate emotional and mental state aligned with the situation we are dealing with, coupled with the ability to switch these states as needed to make optimal decisions. Leadership is more than hitting the desired number at the bottom line. It takes years of experience to reach this level of self-awareness. It is time-consuming and costly. “OK Transformation” fast-tracks this process.
After your years in the industry, what is the most significant experience you have gained?
Seeing my clients unlock the power within them to make an impact in their private and professional lives. I see them transforming daily and living their purpose, leading their lives, jobs, and businesses. That is my "Why."
So, what's the next big goal or project for Olga, and how can someone get in contact with you?
Machine-powered Transformation for executives - Alteration of different mood states will be possible with a click within minutes.
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