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The Secret Of Overnight Success – Behind The Scenes

Written by: Krisztina Konya, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It is interesting to see how people perceive overnight success – all they see is that suddenly that man or woman is well-known, triumphant, with a giant smile on their face, shining, happy and – what usually fascinates people – extremely wealthy. But the hard work put in over many years that cannot see. And that’s what matters most – the journey matters, not the destination, the person you become along the way to your overnight success.

Shot of a young businesswoman using a digital tablet and laptop during a late night in a modern office.
I stay early, and I stay late, day after day, year after year; it took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success.” – says Lionel Messi.

Overnight success means a very long night that might take years. And if you are willing to do your work, you also can be an overnight success. Everyone can do it. There’s no limitation to what we can achieve in this lifetime. The ultimate purpose is to do what you love and be happy.

Very often, when I ask people what success means to them, they can hardly define it. If you don’t know where you are going, it is unlikely to get there. Many people cannot describe what success means to them and how to pursue it.

One of the most common obstacles to becoming happy and prosperous is the unconscious wish for overnight success – they want to be there where successful people are in a split second. But if you cannot define what success means to you, what is your vision for yourself – it is unlikely for you to become an overnight success. I realized that dreaming about overnight success makes people impatient – rushing through processes and experiences in the desire to get there as fast as possible, irritated, and anxious when the success doesn’t come in the timeframe they desire and not in the shape and form they wanted it.

I have learned that shortcuts to overnight success are not working, and “having it all” is a myth. Think about it – based on the laws of the Universe – it is improbable to have it all at once. There will always be something you lack; what you desire to have; there will always be something wrong in good and something good in bad. That is a law. Everything has two sides: light and dark, happiness and sorrow, laughter and crying, wealth and poverty, peace and war. So “having it all” is a myth.

In life, you make thousands of choices, hundreds of them daily, on autopilot. When you choose one option – ideally the best for you – it means that you are saying no to many others. I learned that to be successful; you must develop a loving and respectful attitude toward yourself first, others, and in life.

And here are a few tips for you on how you can become an “overnight success”:

Embrace the reality of your situation and where you are now regarding your “overnight success.”

And what I mean by this is to turn inwards and evaluate all areas of your life. Where are you right now? Where would you like to be? What can you do today to get closer to your “overnight” success? Do you have all the necessary skills? Do you have the necessary courage? Resources? People around you? Evaluate all these things and be honest with yourself. The only limitation in reaching your dreams and goals are the ones you set up for yourself in your mind. Believe that you can do it; believe that you are worthy. We were all born to be free, wealthy, and happy. And this is a choice. So, what do you choose for yourself?

Love and respect yourself

Working with people for a while now, and especially working on myself for more than ten years (the secret of my overnight success), I realized that we don’t love and respect ourselves enough. We all have conditions by society, education, culture, family, and friends, and we live our lives with the understanding that loving ourselves means being selfish. And this is so wrong! We are all Love and Light; we are Human and Divine simultaneously. Loving ourselves is the basis of everything. How you love and respect yourself is how you teach others to love and respect you. If you don’t have faith if you don’t believe that you are worthy and that you can make it, how do you expect others to believe in you? Learn to trust the most important person in your life: yourself. Learn to listen to your intuition; it never fails you. Loving yourself means loving the human being you are and loving the Divine within you. You are worthy and destined for greatness. Believe that and start manifesting in your reality. Love yourself unconditionally and unapologetically. Be happy and be happy now. Happiness is our ultimate purpose in this lifetime. Don’t lose yourself in the illusion of “purpose” and “success”. When you know who you are and decide to be happy in every moment of your life, you will vibrate on a higher frequency, and your wish for overnight success will become a reality.

Learn the value of failure

The third thing I learned over the years is that people fear failure. But “fear” and “failure” doesn’t exist. We create these in our minds when we scare ourselves with stories like “I can’t make it”, “I am not good enough”, and many other similar stories. Don’t get trapped in past experiences that don’t turn out how you wanted them. Remember that every “failure” is a lesson. Ask yourself whenever you feel like you didn’t succeed or didn’t get the results you wanted: what is Universe trying to teach me? Am I receptive to these lessons, or will they keep repeating themselves until you understand their real meaning?

Redefine fear by thinking about this: what is fear exactly? Why am I afraid? What’s the worst if I try and fail? Stop scaring yourself with learned stories that are stuck in your mind.

And finally, I will leave you with Austin Kleon’s words:

Dig into almost every overnight success story, and you’ll find about a decade’s worth of hard work and perseverance.”

Never give up on yourself. Instead, be your own most frenetic cheerleader. Be consistent and have faith in the divine timing. Let go of the need to control every outcome and enjoy life. That is why you are here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Krisztina Konya, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Krisztina is deeply a passionate person, who believes that we are all destined for greatness. The first step in achieving success is to unleash the power of self-love and to know ourselves well. From here we can build up successful businesses from the heart and live a happy and joyful life. Krisztina is success & authentic leadership coach, company owner and author. She has a solid academic background with a Degree in Business Management, and she is a Spiritual Life coach. Her mission is to encourage women to find their path towards empowerment, to hold the space for them to achieve this by giving them some of the most valuable and practical tools.

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