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The Science Behind Energy Healing

Faye, an Integrative Wellness Practitioner at Faye Inspired Healing, empowers clients through energy healing, grief support, and transformational coaching, fostering balance, clarity, and renewal. She creates a sacred space for healing and growth and shares her healing energies as a radio host on News for the Soul Radio.

Executive Contributor Faye Lao

Energy healing has long been rooted in ancient traditions, but can science validate its transformative power? Faye Lao, an Integrative Wellness Practitioner, explores the intersection of energy healing, consciousness, and modern imaging technologies that reveal the biofield in real-time. From Kirlian photography to groundbreaking research in energy medicine, this article unveils how science is catching up with what healers have known for centuries – energy is the key to well-being. Discover how the fusion of spirituality and science is reshaping healthcare, offering new possibilities for healing, balance, and renewal.

Two abstract silhouettes back-to-back, glowing with bright colors and intertwined energy lines, set against a cosmic, starry background.

Can science validate ancient energy healing practices?

Energy healing encompasses various modalities that manipulate the energy fields of living beings, influencing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Energy practitioners restore balance and clear energy blockages by channeling Universal Life Force energy, freely available in the Universe. In spiritual-based practices, healers use focused intention and their connection with higher energies to serve as conduits for healing, integrating the science of consciousness and spirituality.

Energy healing – Seeing beyond the unseen

Energy healing includes diverse methods such as Reiki, Quantum Healing, Vibrational Medicine, Therapeutic Touch, and Shamanic Healing. For skeptics, these practices challenge the intellect to merge with intuition, opening the mind to unseen forces that guide energy flow and healing.

Ancient traditions like Ayurveda, meaning “The Science of Life,” and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) through Acupuncture have been used in India and throughout Asia for over 5,000 years to heal and restore balance. While widely accepted in Asia, only recently has modern imaging technology begun validating its role in healing.

Today, imaging technology enables researchers, doctors, and energy healers to observe, diagnose, and analyze energy flows within the energy field, also known as the biofield. Once considered mystical, universal healing energies within biofield imaging can now be viewed and measured in real-time, offering a vivid view of energy healing in action. Before exploring imaging technology, it is helpful to understand how consciousness influences healing.

Dr. David Hawkins – Map of states of consciousness

Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD, was a renowned psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, spiritual teacher, and author who developed the Map of Consciousness, a numeric scale measuring human consciousness through applied kinesiology. His research showed that higher states of consciousness like love, joy, and peace promote healing, while lower states like fear and shame contribute to stress and illness. Merging science, psychology, and spirituality, his work explored the power of elevated consciousness for healing and personal growth.

“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not.” Galileo Galilei

The hidden power of intention – miracle in a sonogram

Gregg Braden, bestselling author and researcher in science and spirituality, shared a compelling case from a Chinese hospital where staff used focused intention for healing. While viewing a sonogram of a woman’s tumor, they chanted words reinforcing the belief that she was already healed. The tumor visibly shrank and vanished within minutes. Braden highlighted this as evidence that human consciousness, belief, and focused intention may activate innate healing abilities.

Pioneers in photography – Seeing energy fields in living beings

Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, Soviet researchers, invented Kirlian photography in 1939, a technique that captures energy fields, or auras around living beings. Many energy healers perceive the aura through intuitive senses. Since the electromagnetic field surrounds all living beings, the aura was once unseen and met with skepticism. Kirlian photography offers a glimpse into this subtle, misunderstood energy and has become a precursor to modern biofield research.

One of its earliest life-affirming discoveries captured a leaf’s aura as a bright corona discharge. Even after the leaf was severed, its remaining stem still revealed the intact "phantom" aura on a follow-up photograph, proving that energy persists beyond its physical form. 

Dr. Harry Oldfield’s groundbreaking energy imaging research

Dr. Harry Oldfield, a British biologist, inventor, and healer, researched the physics of light to reveal an invisible energy universe. In the 1970s and 1980s he expanded Kirlian photography with computer software that captured the aura, chakras, and meridians. His work validated Eastern energy healing principles in Ayurveda and Acupuncture, bridging ancient healing wisdom with technology. Through his advanced imaging inventions, he elevated aura photography, offering an unprecedented view of the mind-body-energy connection.

Seeing mystical chakras and shifts in consciousness

Dr. Oldfield was one of the most influential contributors to energy field imaging, innovating Kirlian photography with inventions such as the Electro-Scanning Method (ESM), Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP), now called Biofield Imaging, and Electro-Crystal Therapy

His breakthroughs transformed how we perceive and analyze energies. ESM maps the biofield, including the chakra system, providing diagnostic insights. Biofield Imaging uses various types of digital light filtering to reveal energy imbalances through patterns, colors, and movement. Electro-Crystal Therapy integrates ESM and Biofield Imaging with natural crystals to restore biofield balance and effect healing. Evolving from PIP, modern biofield imaging now captures real-time energy shifts, showcasing the dynamic interplay of meditation, healing, and consciousness—once perceivable only to intuitive healers and psychics.

Colorful Kirlian photos: glowing handprint, a woman with a blue aura, and a leaf surrounded by blue light. Text: "Kirlian photography today in color."

Can you see and measure your mood? 

Measuring what is now measurable, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science, Biophysics, and Psychology at various universities in St. Petersburg, Russia, has advanced biofield research and imaging technology further since the 1990s, integrating science, spirituality, and technology. He elevated biofield research with his focus on quantifiable measurements of biofields, aiming for scientific validation in medical and wellness applications.

Dr. Korotkov’s Electrophonic Imaging (EPI), now called Bio-Well, enables real-time viewing of the biofield. It captures physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy from people, plants, liquids, and inanimate objects while analyzing imbalances with software. EPI, or Bio-Well, facilitates diagnosing the root causes of health issues to evaluate treatment options. This system has life-changing applications in medicine, psychology, biophysics, genetics, agriculture, and ecology.

Before and after diagrams show a human biofield in blue. "Before": jagged aura, misaligned chakras. "After": smooth aura, aligned chakras.

Life-enhancing applications for energy healing

Energy healing is no longer limited to spiritual or alternative wellness—it is stepping into a new era of integration within medical, psychological, and holistic care. Imagine hospitals using energy therapies to accelerate recovery, ease pain, and reduce stress. In mental health, energy techniques help release trauma and restore emotional balance. Athletes and professionals use energy healing to enhance focus, resilience, and team harmony through consciousness alignment training. As its applications expand, energy healing in partnership with reliable biofield imaging systems will prove to be a powerful force for well-being, offering hope, balance, and renewal to those open to its potential.

Healer performing energy work on a seated person. Red patches on the person reduce in the second image, shifting to blue/violet. Text below.

The future of energy healing

Energy imaging technology has advanced significantly since Kirlian photography, providing measurable validation of biofields and energy healing. Ongoing research continues to offer scientific data, helping skeptics recognize energy medicine as a legitimate healing framework. Artificial intelligence may further enhance diagnostics by analyzing biofield images alongside X-rays, MRIs, and sonograms, providing a more comprehensive view of energetic and physical imbalances for treatment. 

As scientific validation grows, mainstream healthcare is adopting a more holistic approach, recognizing patients as whole beings to address mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual balance. This evolution in wellness will transform individual lives and reshape how society embraces the interconnectedness of higher consciousness, health, healing intentions, and spirituality, unleashing the limitless potential of a healed humanity! 

Stay hopeful. Believe in the possibilities. And let it be so! This is my prayer for humanity. 

Let’s stay connected!

If this article resonates with you, I’d love to continue the conversation. Whether you have questions, seek guidance, or are ready to explore energy healing for yourself, I’m here to support your journey. Feel free to reach out, connect, or book a session—I look forward to inspiring and empowering you on your path to healing and transformation.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Faye Lao


Faye Lao, Energy Practitioner and Grief Educator

Faye, a lifelong student of spirituality and energy healing, found her calling in spiritual healing after overcoming profound personal losses and traumas. Guided by mystical experiences with master teachers through years of intuitive training, Faye now blends her intuitive healing and mediumship gifts to create healing havens in support of those in grief and pain. Through Faye Inspired Healing, she offers transformative coaching, grief healing, and energy healing to help clients find clarity, peace, renewal, and joy.

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