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The Ripple Effect Of Teaching Positive Mental Skills To Teens And Athletes

Written by: Nadia Chapman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When I started my career as a Health & Life Coach, I didn’t realize that at some point, my work was going to shift and evolve into various types of coaching and mentoring. I’ve been a Figure Skating Coach for over 25 years now and also the mother of an accomplished 14-year-old skater. So, it became natural for me to start integrating Life Coaching skills during my private lessons and group classes…I couldn’t help it! The response was amazing! Slowly, my students were getting coached on their mindset, goal setting, and were gaining transformational insights on their purpose as well as their blockages on and off the ice. The need for mental toughness, and positive mindset is so important, especially for the younger generation! This was a big eye opener that younger people could really use someone to motivate them, inspire them, and help them believe in themselves!

The Pursuit Of Happiness

Every human on earth has the desire to succeed. That inner flame might need to be revived at times, but simply put, everyone wants purpose, realization and growth. Whether someone trains in a sport to have fun, or wants to become an accomplished athlete, everyone is eager to learn, push their limits, and wants to find pleasure. Once you awaken that inner champion in someone, it’s like a rebirth, a light bulb moment of having a new opportunity to push yourself a little further. I see this with Life Coaching clients of all ages who are finally able to change their lives after getting stuck for so long, and also with young people with my Mindset Coaching. What we need is a vision, a motivating factor, the belief we can do it, a plan to avoid upcoming obstacles, a little accountability, and we can get where we want to be. If there is one generation who could use a little help and support, it’s our teenagers!

The Rink, The Field, The Gym…The School Of Life

My own figure skating coach always said to me that the rink was like the “school of life”. She was right! I always say that the life lessons I learned growing up as a figure skater shaped the woman I am today! We learn so much from our successes of course, but also from our disappointments, failures, and struggles. Part of the reason I became a Life Coach is that I’ve been coached since an early age, and understand first-hand the importance of growing up with a positive mentor. Growing up, my coach was an amazing role model, and taught me more than jumps and spins. I wish every teen could have a positive influence growing up, and be able to be guided to become the very best version of themselves.

It is primordial to give these tools to young people! Some coaches and parents fall short of teaching the younger generation about mindfulness, the power of the mind, visualization and ways to relax. Imagine what a difference it would make in this world, if we could equip teenagers in school with ways to calm their nerves, get out of fight or flight mode, and learn about self-control! Watch Jennifer Grace’s Ted Talk called “Why Mindfulness Should Be As Important As Math In School.” It could truly change lives!

The Work

When you learn how to control your negative self-talk, and ways to reframe your thoughts at a young age, it has a ripple effect on every area of your life. Confidence, resilience, and commitment are skills some adults are still learning to improve, so guiding young people to develop those qualities will help them navigate so many other things coming in their future. My own experience as a Figure Skating Coach made it easy for me to get in touch with teens and young adults in need of going over their fears, and limitations. Now, some of my work extends to other types of athletes, but most importantly other youths in need of solutions. We live in a world where many teens feel isolated. Covid didn’t help, but with most of the interactions being done virtually, and via social media it’s no wonder people lack connecting to someone and feeling heard. Coaching for teens should be easy, and easily accessible. With the correct guidance, and accountability more people can obtain tools to start believing in their own potential, and feel more positive and motivated with their goals in life. So far, everyone I worked with had “Aha’s” that will stick with them forever. Coaching is transformational, especially when you are young and have so much going on internally.


It’s all about mindset! A positive attitude, and outlook on things can take anyone to the next level! A long as you keep the same belief system, and limiting thoughts, you won’t get to where you want to be. When you have a strong mindset, you realize that nothing is impossible in life. The word itself says “I’m possible!” It’s time to empower everyone to step into their best self, and create their best life!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info! Read more from Nadia!


Nadia Chapman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magainze Nadia Chapman is a leader in transformational coaching. She is a certified health and life coach, Law of attraction and success coach and NLP practitioner. She loves to bring her wisdom, contagious optimism, and life experience to her many projects and with her clients. Nadia is also a professional figure skating coach and lives on an organic farm, she understands first hand that a healthy body and mind is the foundation to a happy life. She is the host of "The Nadia Chapman Show", a podcast designed to inspire and motivate people with life-changing hacks on habit change, positive mindset and wellness. Nadia was born in Montreal, Canada, lived in France for many years before settling in Southern California with her family.

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