Written by: Dr Mercy Maclean, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In a world where cries for help regarding the mental health of men are often hidden behind silence, Dr Mercy Maclean stands as a beacon of understanding and change, with over two decades of experience delving into the human psyche. She has illuminated the darkest corners of mental health stigma, particularly among men. Her work is an inspiring blend of scholarly insight and heartfelt narratives, paving a path towards enlightenment and empathy. Nevertheless, despite all this, society continues to disregard the burden countless men carry. Dr Mercy Maclean courageously unravels the complex embroidery of shame, fear, and isolation that entangles men's mental health. She challenges us to confront our biases, urging a collective shift towards understanding and acceptance.

The time for change is now. Will you join me?
Why, you may ask, is this time for change so crucial, and why now? The answer is simple yet profound. In a society that prides itself on progress and enlightenment, we can no longer afford to neglect the mental well-being of half our population. The cost—measured not in currency but in lives diminished and potential unfulfilled—is far too great. Together, we will chart a bold course towards a future where seeking help for men is seen as an act of courage and strength, not as a sign of weakness.
Breaking the invisible burden of mental health among men
Breaking the invisible burden is for men to seek help for their mental health, which serves as a representation of both a mirror and a window. The mirror reflects the realities of mental health stigma among men, challenging us to confront our biases and assumptions. As a window, it offers us a glimpse into what could be — a world where men are free to express their vulnerability without fear of judgment and where mental health is treated with the same seriousness and empathy as physical health. So, let us rise to the challenge and join hands with Dr Mercy Maclean to break the invisible burden of mental health stigma among men to build a brighter, more compassionate society for all men. The journey ahead is not without challenges, but the collective power of our shared vision illuminates the path.

Dr Mercy Maclean, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dr Mercy Maclean is a Practitioner Chartered Health Psychologist registered with The Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC), an Associate Fellow of The British Psychological Society (AFBPsS), and a full member of the Division of Health Psychology at The British Psychological Society (BPS). She specialises in behaviour change interventions and mental wellbeing approaches to reduce health inequalities among healthcare professionals and health service users. Her personal investment in mental wellbeing approaches is deeply rooted in her family history. She understands the impact of mental illness and the importance of compassion, empathy, and understanding for those who are struggling.
Dr Mercy Maclean is the author of the highly anticipated book – “Destigmatisation of Mental Health to Combat Public and Self-Stigma”.