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The Psychology of Tarot: How Symbolism Drives Personal Development

On the one hand, a lot of tarot fans use the deck as a tool for divination, i.e., to see what the future has in store. On the other hand, many readers are more passionate about the symbolism of every other card that, in turn, is deeply linked to psychological principles. The latter is known to help boost personal growth. As you’re engaging with tarot imagery, you have an opportunity to uncover hidden thoughts, gain more clarity in personal issues, and foster self-awareness. That’s what we’re going to focus on below!

What’s the Role of Symbolism in Tarot?

Symbolism is the core of the traditional tarot reading séance. In online sessions, accurate tarot readers interpret these symbols to provide deeper insights. Not only does it serve as a visual language that activates the power of your subconscious mind, but it also excites and deepens your reading. If you take a look at each card, you’ll see that it is filled with universal emotions, themes, and life experiences. With the help of colors, archetypes, and motifs, you can uncover those connections between your conscious thoughts and what is hidden under the surface. As you engage in the process of interpretation, you get direct access to all the deepest insights and see how they can hone your personal development. For instance, if you pull The Fool, consider it the sign for new beginnings, trusting your current journey, or engaging in spontaneity. You see the young man at the edge of the cliff with a cute dog serving as a guide. As for The High Priestess, it talks about hidden knowledge and intuition, usually depicted with the moon and the veil, both suggesting some sort of inner wisdom and mystery. Finally, Death is not about the end of life. Instead, you should consider it a transformation that is represented by the rising sun, which in turn, signifies chances and renewals. As you explore all of these visual cues, you have an opportunity to dig deeper aspects of your life and apply the lessons that tarot cards symbolize.

Top 14 Ways Cards’ Symbolism Drives Personal Development

If you’re not really interested in peeping into the future and use tarot cards as an opportunity to understand yourself better and become the best version of yourself, we offer you the top best ways that tarot symbolism helps boost personal development.

  • Enhancing self-reflection. With a tarot deck in your hands, deep introspection is guaranteed! The imagery on the cards is like a road map for exploring your inner worlds that you never thought existed. You learn to recognize emotions and patterns in different aspects of life.

  • Taking intuition to the next level. Since the nature of tarot cards is 100% symbolic, it’s no wonder that the deck stimulates the subconscious mind, improving your intuition. If you perform reading sessions on a regular basis, you learn to trust your instincts and make decisions in a more confident manner.

  • Fostering the sense of presence and mindfulness. The simple process when you shuffle the cards, draw them one by one, and interpret what you see encourages mindfulness. When you’re totally focused on a single card, you get connected with the present moment with a strong contemplation at the very heart of it.

  • You feel more clarity when it’s time to make decisions. Whatever situation you’re stuck with, using tarot symbolism helps you get different perspectives on this or that problem. Thus, you feel it is easier to analyze potential choices when it’s time to make the final decision. When you’re engaged in the process of imagery exploration, you have a unique opportunity to break through mental fog and find the right path that leads to new insights in your challenges.

  • Bring what your subconscious mind has to hide. As you know by now, the deck consists of symbols and archetypes that serve as a gateway to all the wonders that your subconscious has to hide. This, in turn, helps you reveal all the hidden desires, fears, and motivations. When you understand yourself better, you have more inner power to work through the most challenging personal issues.

  • You bring positive changes into your life. Using tarot cards, you can detect what areas of your life require transformation. When you see all these issues in front of you in the form of tarot cards, you can be more clear about making positive life changes.

  • Polishing up your emotional intelligence is easier than ever before. When you interact with the symbolism of tarot imagery, you might not even notice how you boost your emotional awareness and empathy. When you make sure to identify all the emotions hidden in the cards, you learn to recognize them in your everyday life and process your unique feelings more effectively.

  • You benefit from symbolic guidance on your personal journey. The latter must be quite a tough business, we agree with that. However, the good news is that with tarot cards, you get trusted guidance that resonates with your personal journey. Do you see the recurring motifs? Excellent! Those are meaningful signs for growth and decision-making!

  • Combatting stress and anxiety gets easier. The very ritual of shuffling and pulling cards can have a pretty calming effect on the reader. This, in turn, helps people deal with their worries, process them, and find reassurance when the world is crashing down around you. Plus, you feel comfort and stability due to the well-structured format of tarot séances.

  • Your creativity juices flow non-stop. When in need of creative inspiration, it’s tarot cards that can do the job. Artists, writers, song authors and performers, as well as thinkers, can use imagery of tarot and archetypes in order to come up with new unique ideas and help themselves when facing creative blocks.

  • You accept your (human) nature. Taking into account the fact that cards embrace both light and shadow that are integral parts of human nature, they help you see your inner self better. If you make sure to recognize the symbolism of both challenging and pleasant experiences, you learn to accept yourself as you are fully.

  • Making goal setting less challenging. Using cards, you can get a better idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Thus, setting realistic and meaningful goals gets less time-consuming and puzzling. Both motivation and direction for achieving your goals come from a single deck.

  • Improving relationships with people around. When performing a reading ritual, you get a better understanding of how you interact with others, see more clearly the dynamics of all of your relationships, and learn to communicate better with empathy as an essential element of the process.

  • Spiritual growth gets deeper. As a time-tested spiritual guide, tarot cards have symbolism that helps you connect to your higher self. As a result, you find it easier to resolve those great mysteries of life.

Final Words

As you can see, the tarot symbolism is more than just fortune telling but an effective instrument to discover yourself and grow in all existing senses. All this enables you to build a deeper connection with yourself and eventually gain clarity in life’s challenges.

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