Written by Marina Gross, Health Coach
Marina Gross is a Holistic Health Coach and mental health advocate, who specializes in stress management and holistic well-being.

Every day our mind circles around worries and fears about anything and everything: our current job, meal planning, feeling not good enough, things we should be doing, the future, the past, the opinions of others… And by no means is this list of our everyday worries exhausted yet. However, have you ever noticed that when we find ourselves in a situation that affects our health and well-being – perhaps feeling unwell, sick, or long-term ill – the only worry left in our mind is: how can I be healthy and well again?

True wealth beyond success
In the grand theater of life, where pursuits of wealth, success, and happiness often take center stage, there is a fundamental truth that is often overlooked: our health is our most valuable asset, our truest wealth.
However, health is not a particular destination to be arrived at in the future, or a goal to be achieved and then put away. And while in our everyday life, we oftentimes talk about our health and well- being in regards to losing weight, feeling less stressed, or adopting healthier eating habits, health actually goes deeper than that. If we take a look in the dictionary, the word "health" comes from an old English word "hale", which means wholeness, being whole, being sound and well. And according to the World Health Organisation, health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease”.
In fact, health is what allows us to live our lives to the fullest and do everything that we aspire to. It is by feeling nourished and well in our body and mind that we can feel joyful, abundant, and fulfilled in life. It is our mental and physical energy that allows us to move freely, to enjoy life’s big and small moments with people we love and care about, and be part of a supportive and loving community of family and friends. It is through tending to our well-being that we ultimately unlock the richness and fullness of life.
And it does not take long to imagine what our life would look like if our health was suffering. Struggling physically, we are stripped of energy, vitality, and basic abilities to do our work, take care of ourselves, create life-lasting memories with our loved ones, and do things that make us happy. Similarly, while battling hidden mental challenges we can feel caged in anxiety, worries, stress, and overwhelm, feeling restricted in our freedom and ability to enjoy our everyday life.
Yet, in our relentless pursuit of external success, we often neglect this undeniable wealth. We sacrifice sleep for work, trade nutritious meals for fast food convenience, and compromise our mental well-being for the sake of productivity. We fail to realize that by neglecting our health, we are undermining the very foundation upon which our lives are built.
The harmony of body and mind
Health is a holistic state of well-being that encompasses both our physical and mental dimensions. Just as a symphony requires harmony among its instruments, so too does our well-being require balance between mind and body. It is this synergy that allows us to thrive, to navigate life's ebbs and flows with grace and resilience.
Our mental health shapes our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors, while our physical health determines our strength, vitality, and endurance. Together, interconnected, and intertwined, they form the cornerstone of our well-being, influencing every aspect of our lives. When our minds bear the heavy weight of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm, our bodies mirror it. Likewise, when our bodies are fatigued or unwell, our mental resilience falters. The interconnectedness of mind and body is undeniable, each influencing the other in a delicate dance of homeostasis, a state of mental and physical balance.
To truly be able to live our lives to the fullest, we have to prioritize cultivating balance by adopting a holistic approach to well-being, taking care of our mind and body in equal parts. This entails not only caring for our physical health through nourishing food, regular exercise, and intentional rest, but also caring for our mental well-being through mindfulness and self-love. One cannot exist without the other, and it is only by caring for both aspects of our well-being that we can build the foundation for a healthy and nourished life.
A shift in perspective
In a culture that often glorifies speed, performance, and productivity, self-care is sometimes misunderstood as self-indulgence or laziness. But nothing could be further from the truth. Self-care is an act of profound self-respect, a recognition of our inherent worth, and messages of self-love. It is through nurturing ourselves and our health that we replenish our reserves, fortify our resilience, and cultivate the capacity to show up fully in our lives, for ourselves and the people around us.
Our health is the currency that allows us to savor every moment, to experience life in its full spectrum of colors. Yet, amidst the busyness and fast pace of daily life, how often do we pause to reflect on the profound significance of our health?
It is time to shift our perspective and recognize that investing in our health is the wisest investment we can ever make. It is not an expense or chore on the to-do list, but an invaluable asset that pays dividends in the form of vitality, happiness, and fulfillment. By prioritizing our health, we not only enhance our quality of life, but also empower ourselves to pursue our goals and dreams with vigor and passion.
The bottom line
In essence, our health is our ultimate wealth. It is the wealth that sustains us, unlocks the fullness of life, and enriches every moment of our existence. It is the canvas upon which the colors and texture of our lives are painted with each and every act of prioritizing our well-being. Without our health, all other forms of wealth lose their luster, for true prosperity is not measured in material possessions but in the richness of our experiences.
As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, let us never forget that our health is our most precious asset and our truest wealth. Let us cultivate it with care, nurture it with intention, and
honor it with gratitude, as the gift of life itself, for it is the wellspring from which all else flows. Because in the end, it is not the quantity of years that matters, but the quality of life lived in fullness and vitality.
For more inspiration, please follow Inspired Change Co on Instagram, explore the growing collection of articles on Inspired Change Co website and subscribe to The Little Right Actions Podcast, to help you proactively take good care of your health, or sign up for the monthly newsletter with holistic advice on all things mental health and well-being delivered straight to your inbox.
Marina Gross, Health Coach
Marina Gross is a Holistic Health Coach and mental health advocate, who specializes in stress management and holistic well-being. In a world, where mental health is continuously declining and many experience stress, anxiety and burnout, it is Marina's passion and mission to make mindful health accessible and attainable for all. She is the founder of Inspired Change Co, the online holistic wellness and health coaching platform, and her work is purposed to inspire, educate and empower readers and clients to make their health a daily priority and cultivate a nourishing life that feels good inside and out.