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The Power of Words

Written by: Felicia Shanken, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Ever heard the phrase, “Be careful what you ask for?” Words have meaning when spoken out loud. How many of you have said things and noticed, maybe not immediately but at some point, did I create this? No? Only me? Okay, hold that thought!


I remember growing up and hearing, especially from adults, always be careful what you ask for or make sure that what you are asking for is what you want. I never really knew the significance of these phrases until later in life. I guess the universe knew I wasn’t ready for what was about to come. Who knew that a simple 5-letter word could be so assertive? Do you believe in creating what you want by speaking it into existence? I know you read this and hear this all the time from life coaches, bloggers, spiritual guidance counselors, mentors, and such phrases.

The truth is you bring into your life what you speak on, whether you write it down, say it out loud, or just a simple thought. Have you ever noticed when you constantly talk about good vibes, good energy, feeling good, surrounding yourself with good people, having a great life that is what you attract? The universe or spiritual guide is always listening.

When I first started practicing the art of listening to what I was saying, I remember how I was saying it and when I was saying it. When my energy is not at 100%, I don’t want to talk to anyone on any level. Why? Well, think about it. Once you put it out there, you can’t take it back, whether the words are good or bad. In the same way, you attract good things. You can also attract some stuff you don’t want.

I remember I was a part of this 5-day challenge conference which I enjoyed. At the end of the conference, they had a grand prize drawing for one lucky attendee, which required a one-year commitment. Of course, I immediately went into defensive mode, saying I don’t want to win, and I hope they don’t call me because my plate is full. As I am sitting there waiting for them to call the winner, the whole time, I am saying, "don’t call me, don’t call me," and yes, you guessed it, “Felicia Shanken, congratulations.”

My first words were a 4-letter word, not the one you are thinking of but the other one. I did what any grateful person would do. I thanked them and accepted my gift with a smile.

Remembering the concept of you create what you think about, I forgot that could go either way. Not only were my words powerful, but they even attracted what I didn’t want. In the long run, I will probably find out during the 1-year commitment it was exactly what my business and I needed. Remember, the Universe is always listening and watching. It knows exactly what we need and when we need it. I’ll keep you posted on the outcome.

As you can see, words have power. Referring to a quote from the Bible,

"In the beginning was the word..."

Whether you are spiritual, believe in a higher power or not, everything was created from the words of God.

Think about that for a moment. How powerful is that phrase? Just by speaking into existence, heaven, and earth as we know it was created by four letters – the "WORD."

When you are talking, planning, or thinking out loud next time, be mindful of the words you are putting into the universe. They do have meaning; they create and attract what and what you don’t want. Once they are put out there, they cannot be taken back.

When you are thinking and talking about your business, be kind to yourself. We all are humans. We are still learning and trying to get it right. Create the life you want personally and professionally. Make sure the "words" you are projecting are powerful, but most of all kind. Everyone is going through something, especially after last year. Leave a kind word or thought on your journey to those you encounter.

The universe is always watching and listening.

Have a great day on purpose, my friends!

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website!


Felicia Shanken, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Felicia Shanken is a Women Strategist and Builder. She is the Founder/CEO of the Philadelphia Women's Network Connection, LLC and PWNC Foundation 501(c)(3). PWNC is about helping local businesswomen build their business, connect with like-minded individuals and benefit from shared resources. The Foundation is committed to assisting women in growing a business as solo entrepreneurs transition from full-time or part-time to full-time entrepreneurship. Felicia has also been recognized and honored by "Fun Times Magazine" in their March/April 2020 edition for being "2020 Philadelphia Who's Who Black Women of Influence". Felicia had the opportunity in September 2019 to have her show on RVNTV, a digital television platform called "Power Up Your Passion," where she brings guests on to talk about their passion in life and how it lead to where they are now. Felicia was raised in Queens, New York. She moved to Philadelphia over 20 years ago, where she met her husband, Paul, a native Philadelphian. They live in the Fairmont area of Center City, Philadelphia.

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