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The Power Of Visualization – How To Harness Your Imagination To Manifest Your Dreams

Written by: Crystal Harrell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Dreaming big always requires you to believe big. Unfortunately, most people do not allow themselves to dream big because they will then have to come to terms with the fact that they may not have the belief to back it. It’s easy to dream but not always easy to believe. And maybe because we aren’t taught how to.

Eye glasses looking to city view, focused on glasses lens

A lot of us are killing our dreams with logic. Or with statements like “I don’t know anyone who…” or “No one in my family…” So what? What if you are the one that does it? Allow yourself to be the first person in your family to reach new heights.

You have the power to break generational patterns that are no longer serving you. You don’t know it because we often listen to the limiting beliefs of our parents or peers who have told us about what’s possible for us.

Only one person truly knows what you are capable of, and that’s you. There are even times when you receive a glimpse of your true self, and it is constantly being revealed to you. Always.

The confusion comes from our inability to be aware of the inner guidance that’s always showing us the way.

We just have to get quiet enough to hear it. In this blog post, we will explore a few steps to help you use the power of your imagination to unlock your greatest potential.

Science has revealed that the brain cannot tell the difference between events that are imagined and events that actually happened. Our physiology will begin to change based on the thoughts we hold in our minds. This is why there are several case studies published on things like the placebo effect. We can use this tool to help us achieve our goals. If you want to tap into your creative power, think about your desired reality in as much detail as possible. Here are a few steps to help you get started:

1. Define Your Dream Clearly

Begin by articulating your dream in specific and vivid detail. This clarity will make it easier to visualize and focus on your desired outcome. Write down your plan and include as many specifics as possible to make it feel real and attainable.

2. Create a Visualization Ritual

Set aside dedicated time each day for visualization practice. Find a quiet and comfortable space to relax and focus without distractions. Consistency is critical, so try to practice at the same time and place each day. You can take this a step further by creating a vision board to help you get a better idea of what it is you truly desire. Tools like Pinterest and Canva are great to help you get started, and Canva provides numerous vision board templates that you can check out here!

3. Engage All Your Senses

During your visualization sessions, involve all your senses to create a more immersive experience. Imagine not only what you see but also what you hear, feel, smell, and taste as you achieve your dream. This multisensory approach can make your visualization more powerful and convincing.

4. Embrace Positive Emotions

As you visualize your dream, allow yourself to experience the positive emotions associated with achieving it, such as joy, pride, or gratitude. These emotions can help solidify your commitment to your dream and make the visualization process more enjoyable and motivating.

5. Take Action and Maintain Belief

Visualization is most effective when combined with practical steps toward your dream. Use the motivation and inspiration your visualization sessions generate to take consistent action in the real world. Maintain a strong belief in your ability to achieve your dream, and trust that your visualization practice is helping to manifest your desired reality.

However, visualization is just one piece of the puzzle. The most crucial thing in this formula is consistent action toward the goal you hold in your mind.

So, dream big, and if you are already a big dreamer, go BIGGER! There is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have. Whether you believe that is purely your choice. Let the momentum of the dream in your heart push you to take action. Even when you are unsure which direction to go, you only need to see the step right in front of you. As the great poet and philosopher Rumi stated, “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” So go forth and create the life you know you are capable of living.

Follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Crystal Harrell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Crystal Harrell, MS, MPH is a Yale Ph.D. student, certified Academic Success Coach, motivational speaker, and bestselling author of Crystal Clear: A Journey of Self-Discovery (From Public Housing to Ivy League). As a high school senior, Crystal secured over $670,000 in scholarship awards, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Millennium Scholarship. She has dedicated her work to helping others achieve their academic goals. Through her books and education blog, Crystal’s story has impacted thousands of individuals worldwide and created a push for personal growth in academia. Crystal’s ultimate goal is to raise awareness of our human potential and show that it is possible to rise against all odds and live out your wildest dreams. Learn more about Crystal and her work at

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