Written by: Susan Marrs, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I never understood the true difference between Twin Flames and Soul Mates until I met my Twin Flame. There has been so much talk about ascension and spiritual growth my attention was always focused on, “what was really important”. I thought, who has time to worry about that fictional sappy stuff?

Come to find out, it was the most important part of my spiritual growth and ascension process. Spiritual growth can look different to everyone, we are all unique in our journey. It can be extremely overwhelming learning the mystery of life and how it relates to one’s existence, feeling like you are being fed through a water hose as the information unfolds. The journey can be quite lonely as you go deep inside yourself, working through the dark night of the soul, to heal your inner child and expose your shadow self to the light.
The benefits of doing this are beyond our comprehension until we see for ourselves the fruits of our labor. When things really start to “happen”, there is a strange combination of exhilarating emotions mixed with wonder, connectedness, and synchronization. Focused practice and discipline are guaranteed to bring love, success, and abundance in our lives like never before, it’s the promise given by God in the universe that we live in. As we awaken and become more self-aware, we start to feel a deep sense of everything around us.
The most common signs that you’re on the path to awakening:
You become more aware of the needs of others
You become more empathic
Your intuition is increased, feeling actions are being divinely guided
You start receiving messages from ascended masters, spirit guides, and angels
One of the aspects of life we focus most on is, “LOVE”, and for good reason. We are all divine beings, designed by God. And God is nothing but pure love. Contrary to the religious doctrine which teaches us to fear God and his punishments after judgment has created confusion and has separated us from the truth. This part of religious text is simply not true and slowly coming into fruition as we awaken to our true selves and our purpose in humanity’s current evolution.
In our awakening, we start to feel this love as our hearts open. When the floodgates open the feelings of love can be so overwhelming you can feel as if you are about to explode. The energy is something “otherworldly”, giving you feelings of chills, tingling, heat, tears, and immense gratitude for everything in your life and beyond.
This kind of feeling comes from within once we shed light on the darkness that external life has poured on us. This is due to the knowledge that God lives deep within us and is not a presence outside of us watching our every move. We are trained from birth to look to external experiences and material objects to create feelings of joy, love, and happiness. When the writing is clearly on the wall that this illusion has us on a never-ending hamster wheel of lack, fear, negative emotions, and emptiness. This is not who we are and will never come close to the power that we have always had within.
The meaning of, “Soul Mate”
Coming from my own perspective, the meaning of, “Soul Mate” was that one person that was designed to complete you. Two hearts that beat as one, so to speak. But in reality, we can have many soul mates in our lives. They can be friends, lovers, colleagues. You may feel a connection with them like you’ve known them forever, you feel at ease and comfortable like kindred spirits. Soul mates are designed to assist and challenge us during our awakening journey so we can become better versions of ourselves.
As mysterious as this sounds, the soul mate’s purpose could be preparation for our twin flame to enter our lives. The soul mate’s job of opening us up to ourselves and the challenges of that growth and exploration can bring the expectation of wanting a deeper experience with another. But that’s just it, “another”. I have found myself feeling after an experience with a soul mate,” That was great, now what”?
What is a twin flame?
Let’s bring in the twin flames and how life-changing and powerful this becomes. We only have one twin flame, and not everyone is fortunate to have one. Twin flames are not separate souls, they are one soul as a whole. They are twins, matching frequencies that can bring joy and unity in every way. The song that is played between them resonates at a level that has never been felt before and is impossible for others to understand.
Twin flame resonance embraces the heart, mind, body, and spirit, running soul-deep on a level that touches weirdness, darkness, magic, and all. They act as a mirror to one another, challenging perceptions, stretching, and expanding, rocking our foundations to the core so that we can open our hearts more to love and accelerate spiritual growth.
Purpose and power of twin flames
It is like creating a passionate love affair with ourselves, that penetrates every facet of our being, and acts as a catalyst for self-acceptance, worthiness, value, and love. When twin flames come together the power is undeniable and was known to be feared by the Gods in Greek mythology, due to their ability to usher in new ways of thinking, living, and loving.
With our current shifts in consciousness, more twins are finding themselves than at any other time. Each twin union is rewriting thousands of years of programming, throwing out old rules, and stale consciousness that has kept humanity in a slave mentality since the beginning of time. The depth of twin soul love can awaken new possibilities that have the ability to alter and dramatically shift our future. This bond of love has the power to change the world.
In my own spiritual walk, meeting my twin flame has accelerated my growth and split my heart open to endless possibilities. The depth of change is a profound sense of power and the feeling of finally being, “home”. This wholeness brings in new life and creativity that is designed to focus on healing humanity and the planet, it’s the twin flames’ mission in their soul agreement for incarnation.
We are here to assist in humanity’s evolution in this incredible time of ascension to a new consciousness through the power and beauty of LOVE.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Susan Marrs, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Susan Marrs is a Spiritual Life Coach, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner, Health Coach & Functional Nutrition Counselor, guiding people to balance mind, body, and spirit, with nutrition and a positive mindset. A natural-born healer herself and having the experience of her struggles with illness and disease, she learned how powerful we all are as self-healers. She is on a mission to help others awaken to the truth of who they are and raise the consciousness of the endless possibilities of success, perfect health, and love, that are available to us.
She is the owner of Indigo Ray Wellness, an online business providing coaching and counselling services developed to meet people where they are in their journey to finding true self wholeness, inner joy, peace, and harmony. Her holistic approach combining modalities supports and strengthens her client's personal strengths, behavioral goals, and view of themselves, solidifying healthy behaviors.