Written by Joann Malanga, Soul Integration Coach, Alchemist, Energy Healing
Staying empowered on the path of spirituality and doing the inner work to live a better life where you are thriving! I will hold energy for you so that you dissolve the root of suffering and pain of where it all started. We will bring the trauma and stories to life and revive the wisdom. There has never been a better time to do this inner work!

Beliefs around our worthiness shape every aspect of our lives, from the relationships we build to the goals we pursue and the happiness we allow ourselves to feel. Working on these core beliefs/programming can create powerful transformations, opening us up to greater joy, love, and abundance.

Here’s how to begin transforming limiting beliefs about worthiness, with practical tools, affirmations, and practices to help you step into your true power. Give it a try and tell your ego to step to the side for now.
1. Understanding worthiness beliefs and their impact
Our beliefs about worthiness are usually formed in early life and often shaped by experiences, relationships, or societal expectations. If we’ve been conditioned to feel “not enough” in any way, that belief can quietly influence our choices and outcomes, leading us to undervalue ourselves, stay in situations that don’t serve us, or shrink away from our true potential. Many end up in relationships that are not the right fit, end up in misalignment with careers, etc. I could go on and on.
When we work through worthiness beliefs, we’re essentially rewriting our inner dialogue and claiming the truth that we are inherently valuable and deserving. As we work through the programming and conditioning, we often also have emotions and resistance that come up. The important thing to remember is to have grace with yourself. This work invites new opportunities and relationships that mirror our newfound sense of self-worth. A feeling of empowerment and also manifesting the life that truly makes you happy.
2. Start with self-awareness: A worthiness exercise
Transforming beliefs begins with awareness. Try this exercise to bring limiting beliefs to the surface:
Set aside a quiet moment with a journal. Write down, “If I fully believed I was worthy, I would” and let yourself fill in the blanks. Don’t overthink it; let the words flow.
Reflect on any recurring patterns where you felt less than worthy. Perhaps you shy away from praise, avoid taking risks, or stay in relationships that don’t honor you.
Acknowledge the beliefs you uncover. Write each belief down, such as “I am not enough” or "Who am I to do this?", "It is never going to be my turn" and “I don’t deserve love” without judgment.
Awareness is the first step in changing these thought patterns.
This exercise can reveal hidden beliefs that keep you stuck in cycles of self-doubt or unworthiness. From here, you can consciously choose to release them.
3. Shift to empowering beliefs with affirmations
Affirmations are a powerful way to reprogram our minds and replace limiting beliefs with affirming ones.
Here are some worthiness-centered affirmations to integrate into your day:
I am deserving of love, respect, and happiness.
I am worthy of all good things. Good things find me.
I know what I want is right around the corner.
It's my turn.
Everything is always working out for me, everything.
I have value. Every human holds value. I was made from love. I am love.
I love and accept myself exactly as I am.
I am enough just as I am.
Speak these affirmations aloud, write them down, or keep them somewhere visible as a reminder.
With repetition and intention, these statements can rewire old patterns, allowing you to embody a deeper sense of worthiness.
4. Science of mind prayer for worthiness
In Science of Mind, prayers are created as affirmative statements to connect with your higher consciousness and affirm your truth.
Try this prayer to shift your worthiness mindset:
“I recognize that I am an expression of Divine Love. I am whole, complete, and worthy of all that is good. I release any belief that I am less than perfect. I release any patterns in me that have gone against my values, my self-worth, and me being enough.
I step into my power, knowing that I am worthy of love, joy, and abundance. I not only step into my power, but the divine gives life to my power. My power is special and unique. I give thanks for my worthiness and welcome all the blessings meant for me. I stand in the feeling of being worthy of every good thing that my life has to offer. I am enough and don't need to be anything else. And so it is.”
Repeat this prayer with conviction 3x, knowing that you are aligning with the truth of your worth. Say it every day. Post it. Over time, prayers like these help you release limiting beliefs and embrace your inner value. I also call it “Mind treatment” because the mind needs to be treated and rewired at times.
5. Cultivate self-love as a daily practice
Self-love is the foundation for worthiness. Here are some practices to nurture this essential part of your journey:
Practice mirror work. Look at yourself in the mirror each day and say, “I love you. You are worthy.” It may feel uncomfortable at first, but over time, you’ll feel a shift. Notice when you don't want to say it.
Honor your boundaries. Self-love means saying no to anything that doesn’t honor your worth. Set clear boundaries that reflect your values. This is up to and including when you are in harsh environments, people are disrespectful to you, projecting on you, dumping on you, etc. Be kind and compassionate to others and yourself.
Celebrate small wins. Each time you acknowledge your efforts, achievements, and growth, you reinforce your worthiness. Celebrate yourself daily, whether by writing down something you’re proud of or taking time for self-care. Don't wait for friends to celebrate you- you celebrate you!
6. The science behind changing belief systems
Our beliefs are like mental grooves, formed by years of repetition. We all need a rewire of our minds at one point or another. Especially when we start to become aware of how society around us programs what we think and how we think, science shows that we can “rewire” these grooves through neuroplasticity. When we intentionally choose new thoughts and behaviors such as through affirmations, self-love practices, Mind music frequencies, RTT Hypnotherapy, and conscious boundary-setting, we create new neural pathways in the brain. We start to really harness our power in a new way.
Over time, these pathways become stronger, making our new beliefs more natural and automatic.
In spiritual terms, this rewiring allows us to align with a higher vibration, where we attract relationships, opportunities, and experiences that reflect our worthiness. On both a mental and energetic level, shifting belief systems creates profound changes in how we experience life.
7. Embrace the journey to worthiness
Working through beliefs around worthiness is a journey, but one that leads to deeper peace, fulfillment, and self-love.
Every time you choose to affirm your value, take a stand for yourself, or release an old belief, you’re stepping closer to your true essence. Trust in your worth and the universe’s abundant support as you walk this path. Stay empowered, and yes, you are worthy!
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Read more from Joann Malanga
Joann Malanga, Soul Integration Coach, Alchemist, Energy Healing
Joann worked in the Healthcare Operations for 30 years, which pushed her into her own awakening 15 years ago. On her journey of self-discovery of dark and light, she found the only way out of the dark was through facing herself and the many lives she had within herself.
She is certainly a spiritual powerhouse with abilities beyond this world. She is an experienced healer with 30 years of practice in the field. Her intuitive abilities encompass clairvoyance, clairsentience, shamanic healing, and alchemy. Joann offers Soul Integration Coaching, specializing in shadow work integration and hands-on healing.
To assist in the process of ascension, Joann helps you utilize the power of self-awareness and incorporate angelic light. Her Soul purpose as a Soul Integration Coach and Healer is driven by the desire to support others on their spiritual journeys.
When you seek a healing session from her, expect to receive clarity, inner guidance and cut through any bullshit. She supports cutting cords, removing any implants, attachments, and trauma cording, or any programming that are ready to go. The cutting through dense energy is absolutely necessary and helps you uproot emotions that have been dormant and suppressed. She believes that every individual possesses their own wellspring of intuition, and her role is to empower you to access that innate wisdom and become your own medicine. As a servant in her soul style, she is dedicated to serving your highest good and working with all of your 12 bodies and allowing the Rays of light to come through a gentle cleansing of your 12 bodies and clearing karma.
Direct, sassy, and fun, she is committed to cutting through illusions and presenting you with the unfiltered truth. With her Coaching skills and leadership qualities, she will guide you and serve as a way-shower on your path – grit and grind girl who will also help you flow with the energy of the divine feminine healing and attract what your soul needs. Her personality embodies authenticity and humor, creating a nurturing and supportive environment for your spiritual growth.
What sets her apart are her unique insights and her deep ability to hold sacred space of integrating spirituality into our three-dimensional lives while lifting your consciousness. Joann is passionate about helping others weave their spiritual journeys into their everyday existence. With her keen self-awareness, strong intuition, and servant leadership skills, she is able to relate on profound levels with all people, at any age, and every religion and every ethnic background. Her ancient wisdom of healing can uproot many traumas that we suppress from childhood all too often causing physical /mental manifestation of pain. She shows you ways to unfold everyday life, as opposed to resisting it. She carries the energy to support you to move your consciousness to the next level as she has.
During her sessions, you can expect a professional and nurturing atmosphere. Her goal is to help you uncover your own truths, overcome obstacles, and embrace your highest potential. She will help you extract, and clear away energy in the way of living your highest potential, along with mother love guidance to light the way. Together, you will clear the old and will create a life filled with purpose, alignment, and joy.