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The Power Of Storytelling To Build Connection

Written by: Jane Turner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jane Turner

Storytelling is a remarkable force that transcends cultures and time itself. From ancient oral traditions around campfires to modern-day cinematic masterpieces, storytelling has been an intrinsic part of the human experience. The great thing about stories is that they have the unique ability to bridge gaps between individuals and entire communities, fostering empathy and enabling the sharing of collective experiences.

A book with red smoke heart shape

Because stories can convey complex ideas and difficult material in a relatable and accessible form, they enable us to explore the depths of human nature, and profound questions that life is apt to throw up from time to time. Whether in the pages of a book, the lines of a play, or the scenes of a film, storytelling can awaken our imagination and expand our horizons. In so doing it is a powerful vehicle for personal growth, promoting critical thinking and emotional intelligence.

In an ever-changing world. Storytelling provides a sense of continuity and grounding, reminding us of our roots and the journey that brought us to where we are.

That's why I love what I do for a living. I'm blessed to work with people who seek me out because they need a hand with writing, publishing, and (in many cases) building their business off the back of an authority producing book. It often turns out that the author got into business to help people avoid adversity of one kind or another that they had to overcome themselves.

Many of the people who come to me don't stop at just writing a book because they know the power of speaking from his stage and inspiring others by sharing their stories in that way. To that end, I use my contacts within the Women's Economic Forum to organize international speaking opportunities for my authors, as well as running my own events in Australia for my local clients.

A snapshot of the authors who will be speaking at the author Showcase event I'm running at the State Library of NSW will give you a sense of the raw humanity that these wonderful people are sharing.

Pjero Mardesic

Pjero’s book “Captured Emotions: Poems from an open heart” is a journey through the emotions of a man whose healing from his background of addictions has led to a set of poems that touch the reader's heart. The cover of “Captured Emotions” felt like the perfect image to go with this article.

Saulan Beverly Yin Lo

In her book “A Manifesto from a Broken Heart: Pathways to Living Authentically”, Saulan shares her experience of growing up as a Chinese person in Australia decades before multiculturalism was even a thing.

Kellie Nissen

Kellie shares her experience of breast cancer in her book What Cancer Said – And what I said back”.

Olivia Ong

Olivia shares her experience of losing the use of her legs in a car accident in her book, “The Heart-Centred Doctor: Lead Your Life with Self-Compassion and love”.

Tracey Walker

In her book “The Cards I Was Dealt: That Transformed My life”, Tracy shares her story of having to extricate herself and her three children out of an alcoholic abusive relationship, and then later losing the love of her life in a car accident.

Jo Worthy

Jo shares her story of overcoming feelings of worthlessness, abusive relationships and addiction problems in her book “Love Worthy: 21 Lessons in Creating a Deliciously Divine Life”.

Sharon L Bech

Sharon shares her journey of overcoming the trauma of being separated from her family and spending years in foster homes and institutions from a very young age in her book “Colourful Life”.

Charlotte Hillenbrand

In her book “Growing forward: Navigating Change with Ease”, Charlotte shares her story of rebuilding her life after a chronic infection in her right eye meant that she could never go back to her vocation as a pilot.

Trish Rock

In her book "The Peace Process: Tools to Align and Prosper", Trish talks about struggling in a place of lack for years before channelling her proprietary Peace Process that she shares with her readers to enable them move into a place of abundance like she did.

Kez Wickham St George

Kez is a consummate storyteller who has written numerous books including the “Scribe” trilogy. She shares her author journey including the fact that the third book in the trilogy was made into a movie with audiences all over the world.

In essence, storytelling is an integral part of what makes us human. As we continue to tell and listen to stories, we harness the immense power they hold to connect us with one another and understand ourselves through touching us at a deep level.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!

Jane Turner Brainz Magazine

Jane Turner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jane Turner is an Author Coach, a Publisher, and the author of four books including the best-selling "Mindset for Authors: How to Overcome Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Self-doubt". She not only helps aspiring authors to get their books written and published, but she also shows them how to build their profile and/or their business off the back of their book.

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