Written by: Veronica Sanchez De Darivas, Executive Contributor
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Silence, derived from the Latin word "Silentium, silens, silere," refers to the absence of noise or sound. As someone who works with the power of words, I find silence to be a word with a high vibration, one that holds beauty.

Personally, I am drawn to silence and appreciate its calming effect. I can spend hours without any external noise, immersing myself in my thoughts and feelings while reading or performing tasks. Some may consider this boring, but I have found that it fuels my creativity, allowing ideas to flow freely. This practice has been with me since childhood, and as I grew older, I discovered the true power of silence.
In our noisy world, filled with traffic sounds and constant phone notifications, it is becoming increasingly challenging to find moments of tranquility. However, research has shown that intentionally seeking out and embracing periods of silence can have numerous benefits for our overall wellbeing. The scientific exploration of silence reveals that it influences our brain waves, leading to improved memory, concentration, and stress reduction. Silence enables us to reflect on our emotions, find solutions to problems, and gain insight into our inner questions. Moreover, when we allow ourselves these quiet moments, our thoughts and self-talk become aligned with the desires of our hearts.
Here are five key benefits of incorporating silence into our lives
1. Reduced stress and anxiety
Studies have consistently demonstrated that exposure to noise increases stress levels and feelings of helplessness. Conversely, spending time in silence has been found to lower cortisol, the stress hormone, promoting relaxation and calmness.
2. Enhanced creativity
Have you ever noticed that your best ideas often come when you are alone, perhaps in the shower or on a solitary walk? This is because our brains need moments of quiet and rest to process information and generate new ideas. Research has shown that breaks from noise and stimulation can significantly improve creativity and problem-solving abilities.
3. Improved sleep quality
Noise pollution can disrupt our ability to achieve a restful sleep. Studies indicate that exposure to nighttime noise elevates cortisol levels, disrupts sleep cycles, and diminishes overall sleep quality. Quietness before sleeping is strongly adviced.
4. Increased self-awareness
In a world constantly bombarded by external opinions and expectations, silence provides an opportunity to tune out distractions and focus on our own thoughts and feelings. Engaging in moments of silence fosters self-awareness and a deeper understanding of our values and priorities.
5. Enhanced cognitive function
Noise has been found to negatively impact cognitive function, including concentration and memory. In contrast, taking breaks from noise and stimulation has been shown to improve focus and information retention.
By embracing silence, we can tap into these benefits and improve our overall well-being.
Silence is closely related to listening. When we speak of silence, we often consider the act of listening. Listening is a valuable skill, yet we are often so accustomed to noise that we struggle to truly listen to others. We constantly surround ourselves with background noise, such as the television, radio, or other devices. So, how can we cultivate the habit of silence? Let's explore some ways:
Incorporate silence into your daily routine: To tap into your creative potential, try integrating moments of silence throughout your day. Take a quiet walk or engage in reflective silence before starting a new project.
Create a peaceful sleep environment: To improve sleep quality, establish a tranquil atmosphere in your bedroom. Consider using earplugs or a white noise machine to block out external disturbances. Additionally, take time to unwind in silence before going to bed.
Embrace silence during work: Boost your cognitive function by incorporating periods of silence into your workday. Take short breaks to step away from your computer and clear your mind, or find a quiet space without distractions.
Dedicate time for self-reflection: Cultivate self-awareness by setting aside moments of silence each day. Engage in journaling, practice yoga, or simply sit in silence, reflecting on your thoughts and emotions.
Mindfulness meditation is an excellent practice for incorporating silence into your daily routine. Sit quietly, pay attention to your breath and thoughts without judgment. Even a few minutes of daily meditation can reduce stress and anxiety levels.
I would like to share my personal method of embracing silence. I encourage you to follow these steps
Stop whatever you are doing.
Reflect and ask yourself: Do I need a moment of silence? If the answer is yes, proceed to the next step.
Sit down and embrace complete silence. Note that I am not asking you to silence your mind; simply avoid talking or having distractions such as phones or devices nearby.
Engage in the following exercise, called Listening in Silence Exercise©:
Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. Pay attention to passing cars, people talking, children playing, birds chirping, trees rustling in the wind, and the wind itself. Immerse yourself in the sounds.
Now, shift your focus to your breathing. Breathe slowly, placing a hand on your heart center. Listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat, just listen.
Stay in silence while embracing the act of listening. Continue for as long as you desire, and open your eyes when you feel ready.
You can practice this exercise anywhere, at any time.
In summary, dedicating time to embrace silence can yield numerous benefits for our mental and emotional wellbeing. From reducing stress and anxiety to enhancing creativity and cognitive function, there are countless reasons to seek moments of peace and quiet in our daily lives.
Whether through meditation, journaling, or enjoying a quiet walk, there are myriad ways to incorporate silence into our routines and experience its transformative effects. Consider that practising silence is free, available to anyone and it only requires a small effort from us if any real effort at all.
So, why not give it a try? You may be surprised by the profound difference it can make to your life and the lives of those close to you.

Veronica Sanchez De Darivas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Veronica Sanchez De Darivas shares tools on how to manage stress, negative emotions and build resilience and on how to use high vibration words. Veronica is a Spanish grammar and literature teacher. During the last twelve years, she has dedicated herself to spirituality and is a Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method of Internal Activation of the Pineal Gland, a method created in South America 33 years ago by the spiritual leader Fresia Castro. Veronica is the first instructor in the world teaching this life changing method in English. Veronica is a Spiritual Life Coach and a HeartMath Certified Coach as well. Veronica is also an author. She has been writing for many years for online magazines and blogs in Spanish and English. Veronica is both a Chilean and an Australian citizen now living in the UK. Her mission is the expansion of consciousness.