Written by: Michael Doyle, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

When dealing with our energy, thoughts, beliefs, language, and habits it is a game changer when we learn to “shift,” our focus. Shifting can help us go from a negative pattern to a positive pattern. Intellectually we know being on the positive side of the scale is beneficial for us in life. We are all programmed with habits, beliefs and paradigms that sometimes can keep us feeling stuck. When we are stuck in negative patterns; we create more of what we don’t want. I believe either consciously or un-consciously we are the co-creators of our own experience.

In your Divine hour, turn your pain to power.
Acceptance creates peace
We all find ourselves at certain stages in life facing adversity, challenges, or perceived obstacles. We often try to extract a linear progression or reason behind our pain or current situation. We are full of ‘should of’, ‘would of’ and ‘could of’, while replaying all the things we’d do differently; or we blame others, holding on to anger and resentment. In both cases we are out of alignment. When our happiness is dependant on something or someone outside of ourselves, we are giving away our power.
Where we are currently, is a direct product of every thought we have, every action we take and every belief we have programmed along the way. This may be a hard pill to swallow; the goods news is everything happens for a reason. You see, when we fully accept where we are and take responsibility; it creates a positive shift, and we take back our power by aligning to our true self. Acceptance creates peace.
Pain to power
Time and time again I see so many people turn their pain into their power. To get to a place of acceptance there is a key element of forgiveness required; forgiveness to our-selves and/or toward others. Many people believe that by forgiving someone, they are saying its okay. However, what they are really doing is removing the negative energy of anger from their mind, body, and soul. Only then can you place your energy, awareness and focus on the ‘now’ while moving forward with more clarity and intention. In your divine hour, you can choose to turn your pain into power.
Our thoughts are powerful and over time help us create our reality. No one has, nor ever will create something positive using a negative mindset. Successful people learn over time to spend only 5% of their time on the problem, while focusing the other 95% on creating solutions. Where are you focusing your thoughts most of the time? (More on the power of our thoughts in another Article called “Change Your Thoughts.”)
Nate Green said, “Habits make us, and habits break us.” Constructive habits support us while de-constructive habits do the opposite. It took a while, but I replaced drinking with better fitness and nutrition habits. We all have the power to replace negative habits with positive ones. I believe success is achieved by completing effective daily habits consistently overtime.
The language we use on a regular basis is so important; it took me awhile to fully grasp this concept. As an example, saying I want to get out of debt you may think this is a positive statement however, your focus is still on debt therefore you attract more of it. Instead, say… I will continue to increase my income; the focus is now on creating more income which will of course remove the debt overtime. They call it “spelling” for a reason, and we can choose to be intentional with our words.
We all have beliefs that we programed deep into our sub-conscious mind from the time we were born until about the age of seven. By the time we are between 25-30 we usually have what has been termed, “the domesticated mind.”, because most paradigms are loaded by this stage in our human experience. We can all be wired for an amazing life; many of us will have to repattern the neuropathways to create that better life. Bob Proctor says, “you will never exceed your self-image.” Do you believe in your ability to do the things you want to do?
Our Energy plays a major role in how we show up each day. Are we clear and excited? Are we feeling full of energy? Are we maybe feeling tired and very low energy? Obviously, we all experience both sides of this spectrum, but we do have control over where our energy levels are going to be on most days.
Cultivating the ability to shift your focus can completely spark your trajectory in a more positive direction. We all will experience ups and downs but no storm last forever. What ever we focus on expands. Learning to maintain an attitude of gratitude will support your ability to adjust your lens of perception when needed.

Michael Doyle, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Michael is a peak performance and leadership expert, a best-selling author, a gifted speaker, an intuitive coach, and a professional musician. He has an innate ability to unlock the potential in others. His process is powerful, having transformed his own life from being exhausted, overweight and stuck, to where he is now thriving. Taking a common-sense approach, he effectively motivates, influences, and guides companies and their teams to work in a “collective flow.”