Nicky brings her drive and force to the fore in Functional wellness coach programmes. Specializing in recovery support for specific conditions of ME (CFS), Fibromyalgia & long COVID. Her supporting work covers bereaved clients trying to find freedom to move on.

Do you feel you're running on autopilot, performing the motions without any sense of direction? Or maybe you've wondered what it will take to reveal fulfilment in life? Let’s dive deep seeking that unique spark to transform everyday life into an exciting adventure. Having purpose can fuel your passion, creating your drive in life.

The power of purpose and feeling lost in life’s rather complicated maze, can really cause a few issues to our health. Our own internal navigation system will play havoc if we don't take note of what we choose to do in our lives. Mind and body work intrinsically every second in work, rest and play. Being on the wrong path can lead to stress building up in our systems. Any bad vibes we feel when we choose our purpose in life we tend to ignore.
Money and peer pressure from family or partners, their expectations and our own needs to succeed means we go galivanting down the wrong path. Not once do we ask is this the right avenue in life? Meaning we just disregard any symptoms that the body is uneasy and do not associate our doctor’s visits clocking up. Let’s find your way to health and happiness, get the map out and clearly see the road ahead.
The courage to change and gain your power of purpose
Sometimes we know no different, the college, university pathway is mapped out from before we're even born. There is sometimes an expectation that we follow the same career as our parents or other members of the family. A career in law or medical areas are high earners and to achieve this the pressure is on from day one.
One thing to research is possibly what your past ancestors went into. When a change is needed or the start of a career chosen, this is one interesting way to see what hidden talents we will have inherited. Some an artistic streak can be revealed in private hobbies but of course as a career this is quite hard to earn well in, unless extremely talented. But there are many ways art and design talents can open up choices.
You can always create your own life path
Your past relatives may have been bakers, teachers, carers. The fascinating part is sometimes we excel at things others find hard. To us we just do something with no thought. For others this is hard to understand or can only complete or perform with a lot of effort physical or mental. The mathematical mind is one that is very challenging for some people. Accountancy or science work with chemistry formulae would be exhausting to someone on a daily basis. Lower grades at school would avoid being able to go along that career option. When overzealous parents are involved, their children may pass the exams after a lot of painful studying. Then be thrown into the career with the stress continuing.
When our body goes rogue
Our body always keeps the score a fantastic book that really shows you how the many issues we deal with accumulate and the odd message will flag up to grab our attention. The wrong career is not quite the same as trauma, but surprisingly our jobs can create a lot of unease over time. Deadlines, working in groups, the hierarchy of a business, bullying, different personalities, long hours, night shifts the list goes on.
A person who is a night owl sleeping days a doddle. A night shift they would function well with. The perfect job in harmony with their biorhythms. An early bird would maybe prefer deliveries or trade as a milkman in the past suiting them perfectly. Work done and then the rest of the day to enjoy.
Our psychology of how our body functions is very important for the power of purpose in your career. A fair of skin redhead would not cope well as a Bondi beach lifeguard. As before if creative writing bored you rigid at school, then a career in admin and creation of text for sales or advertising would be torture. Finding what that real purpose of life is for you takes time.
The hunt for our hidden skills
What are your likes?
Your dislikes?
Past careers of family
What do you find easy to perform at school?
What challenges did you have with subjects at school?
Are you sporty or academic?
What hobbies do you love when time stops still?
Are you creative, studious, like control or free spirited?
Do you like people or prefer solitude and own company?
Seek out inspiration
What do you say you can't do?
Exploration of these questions
Whatever job you do or business you run you need inspiration and purpose. We all like to earn well but a lot of our life is spent working to achieve this. Meaning the need for passion or the big why is vital. We can often underestimate what we could do. Make up excuses or bring up old beliefs that destroy this road ahead. When we're not in the flow the job becomes tedious or a massive challenge. There comes a time when resisting this feeling or flow becomes harder and the body tries to grab our attention. Headaches, digestive problems, the body may physically not cope over time. If working in a hard active career. Pay attention are you doing the wrong purpose?
Some people supress their personality, conform to the job such as a barrister. A free spirit would find this akin to having an alter ego steady and serious at work with a great need to release this pressure when out of work. This could lead to addiction of a variety of things to let go or find relaxation. Our potential can be reduced when we work in positions that are limiting for us. We are itching to expand. Projects which you know you could run. Our aim to be the next Alan Sugar maybe, why not?
Grab the purpose, decide the way and the how
Listen to what your mind drifts to in your dreams. Holidays we crave, activities on speed dial. What books do you dive into for escape? The clues of your inspired purpose are everywhere in your life. Not at the career agency.
Keep a journal jot down any idea or dream or wish however absurd.
Ask friends, colleagues what do you think I would excel at?
Seek out inspiring people who work in the area you are drawn towards.
The more resistance and fear you have of the idea – the more an area you need to pursue.
We all like security and to change our path can create tremendous resistance. Procrastination and nerves can set in. The ideas and feelings bubbling up are squashed before they can evolve. Great opportunities may arise. We may even take some up, only to sabotage our success. Sit back and try to see why you are resisting? Is it what others will think of you? Did you fail in the past and discarded the idea? Other people can block you with their own fear or jealousy, so be aware of this tendency to drown those ideas and roadmaps to your power of purpose.
Experiment in exploring areas you may like to work in. Research and start to ask around expressing the ideas you have can help you sometimes. Making it known you wanting a change may allow you to meet the right person with the right contact.
If you noticing a reluctance to go to work or can’t wait to leave for home that’s the time to investigate and evaluate. Many people once they make the change feel a massive sense of freedom and calm. Wishing they had done it years ago. The first step to doing what you truly love or excel in without thinking is something worth exploring. You feel more energised, but clear headed. Things flow and opportunities arise naturally. Some of the major or minor niggly health issues evaporate. The body is in flow not fighting challenges.
Let me help you find out what rocks your boat. Explore the best path and the power of purpose in your life that you resonate with. A hobby or skill that remains hidden or placed in the wrong box. Find and explore that key. When on the correct journey you won't notice time. The day will fly. Work and career can be fun and as pleasing as a hobby. Find and follow the bespoke map for you. Reach out and contact me now.
Read more from Nicky Abell-Francis
Nicky Abell-Francis, Functional Wellness Coach & Bodyworker
Nicky brings her drive and force to the fore in Functional wellness coach programmes. Specializing in recovery support for specific conditions of ME (CFS), Fibromyalgia & long COVID. Her supporting work covers bereaved clients trying to find freedom to move on. Helping to ignite the spark to progress forward once again. Having lost her own husband suddenly, their daughter within months crashed into developing ME(CFS). Nicky went on to train with the Chrysalis Effect programme. Seeing how burnt out & highly stressed clients can tip into crash phase. Developing chronic fatigue and numerous widespread health problems. Over the past ten years Nicky set up her multi therapy clinic.